Harry Potter Fic Recs

Jun 29, 2013 04:29

I considered waiting for hprarefest to put up their reveals before posting this but since I'm going out of town for some time the day after tomorrow and then again almost right after coming back and the list is done anyway, I decided to just put it up. So! The typical HP recs list. As usual, there are 25 in all. Some fics feature popular parings some are my ( Read more... )

character: dudley dursley, character: rabastan lestrange, character: justin finch-fletchley, paring: pomona/alice, character: antonin dolohov, character: theodore nott, paring: antonin/lucius, character: fred weasley ii, character: gregory goyle, character: hugo weasley, paring: remus/sirius, paring: flitwick/griphook, character: marlene mckinnon, paring: arthur/fabian, character: remus lupin, character: eileen prince, fanfic, femslash, paring: yaxley/hermione, fandom: harry potter, character: dorcas meadowes, character: draco malfoy, character: yaxley, character: galatea merrythought, character: sirius black, paring: scorpius/hugo, paring: severus/yaxley, paring: dorcas/marlene, paring: severus/draco, gen, paring: voldemort/bellatrix, character: bellatrix lestrange, paring: antonin/bellatrix, character: filius flitwick, paring: draco/theodore, character: fabian prewett, character: arthur weasley, character: benjy fenwick, character: pomona sprout, paring: justin/pansy, paring: rodolphus/bellatrix, character: scorpius malfoy, paring: greg/dudley, character: lucius malfoy, character: ron weasley, character: pansy parkinson, paring: draco/pansy, slash, character: severus snape, character: alice longbottom, paring: remus/benjy, character: rodolphus lestrange, character: griphook, paring: galatea/griselda, character: hermione granger, het, character: griselda marchbanks, recs, paring: ron/draco, character: teddy lupin, character: andromeda tonks, character: voldemort

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Comments 5

selmak June 29 2013, 12:15:44 UTC
Thank you for the rec!!!


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alley_skywalker June 29 2013, 15:27:11 UTC
Ohh looks like we recced each other! (thanks!) My fic(s) that you recced is/are still anon too :)


tsukino_akume June 29 2013, 17:15:02 UTC
Thank you for so much for the recommendation! This post made my morning! ♥


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alley_skywalker July 2 2013, 21:24:28 UTC
I loved your fic! I have the misfortune of having one of the most rarepair rarepairs for an OTP in this fandom and to see someone write such a wonderful and long story of them was just amazing :D

I'm glad you found something for your liking!

And thanks for pointing out the username inconsistency *facepalm* It's fixed now, though.


deslea July 6 2013, 11:41:56 UTC
Thank you so much for the rec for Folie a Deux!


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