Well, here it is, the final installment of my reading list for this year. Hope you all had a very merry christmas, and I hope 2009 is an even better year for you than 2008 was :) Well, here it is. One silly bet later, we're at 163 books if I havn't miscounted...
A Seperate Reality (Castaneda; Carlos)Accelerando (Stross; Charles)
Airport (Hailey; Arthur)
Ankunft der dreibeinigen Monster (When the Tripods came) (Christopher; John)
Aufsteigerin; Die (The Buisness) (Iain Banks)
Aufstieg und Fall der großen Mächte (The Rise and Fall of the great Powers) (Paul Kennedy)
Auserwählte; Die (Whit) (Banks; Iain)
Amerikanische Polaroids (American Polaroids) (Coupland; Douglas)
Best of Rock & Metal (Rock Hard magazine)
Blood in, Blood out (Soulban; Lucien)
Box of Delights; The (John Masefield)
Buch Corum; Das (The Book of Corum) (Moorcock; Michael)
Bücher der Magie: Die Einladung & Bannkreise (The Books of Magic: The Invitation & Bindings) (Jablonski; Carla)
Butlers Jihad (Dune: The Butlerian Jihad) (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
C++ for Dummies (Davis; Stephen Randy)
Caravan of Shadows (Byers; Richard Lee)
Chromscherben (Stackpole; Michael & Nettelbeck; Joachim)
Coding for fun (Wolmeringer; Gottfried)
Computer Classics (Allner; Jörg & Kerstin)
Conan (Complete Conan of Cimmeria Vol. One) (Howard; Robert E.)
Consider Phlebas (Banks; Iain M.)
Crow; The (O'Barr; James)
Crow; The: Flesh and Blood (Vance; James & Malew; Alexander)
Cthulhu-Mythos 1917-1975 & 1975-2005 (Various Authors)
Cyberpunk Handbook - The Real Cyberpunk Fakebook (St. Jude; R.U. Sirius & Bart Nagel)
Daemon World (Counter Ben)
Dämonentor (Atrocity Arcives) (Stross; Charles)
Dark Imperium (Various Authors)
Darkest Heart (Collins; Nancy A.)
Deathwing (Various Authors)
Delta Green: The Rules of Engagement (Tynes; John)
Difference Engine; The (Gibson; William & Sterling; Bruce)
Dracula (Stoker; Bram)
Dreibeinige Monster auf Erdkurs (The White Mountains) (Christopher; John)
Duncton Wood (Horwood; William)
Dunkle Seite der Nacht; Die (Something from the Nightside) (Simon R. Green)
Dune: The Machine Crusade (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
Dune: The Battle of Corrin (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
Ebon Mask; The (Byers; Richard Lee)
Ehrengarde (Honour Guard) (Abnett; Dan)
Einsame Baum; Der (One Tree; The) (Donaldson; Stephen)
Eiserne Rat; Der (Iron Council) (Miéville; China)
Eiszeit 4000 (The Ice Schooner) (Moorcock; Michael)
Embracing the Moon (Galenorn; Yasmine)
Excession (Iain M. Banks)
Explodierende Sonnen - Geheimnisse der Supernova (The Exploding Suns - The Secrets of the Supernovas) (Asimov; Isaac)
Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbuy)
Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible; The (Sean Patrick Fannon)
First & Only (Abnett; Dan)
Fluch des Verächters; Der (Lord Foul's Bane) (Donaldson; Stephen)
Foucault's pendel (Eco; Umberto)
Frau des Zeitreisenden; Die (Time Traveler's Wife; The) (Niffenegger; Audrey)
50 Klassiker Comics (Knigge; Andreas C.)
Für jede Lösung ein Problem (Gier; Kerstin)
Gai-Jin (Clavell; James)
Geheimen Lehren des Abendlandes; Die (Szepes; Maria & Charon; W.)
Geheimnis der dreibeinigen Monster; Das (The City of Gold and Lead) (Christopher; John)
Gelächter dunkler Götter; Das (Ignorant Armies) (Various Authors)
Ghostmaker (Abnett; Dan)
Glasbücher der Traumfresser; die (Glass Books of the Dream Eaters) (Dahlquist; Gordon)
Glashaus (Glashouse) (Stross; Charles)
Glasperlenspiel; Das (Hesse; Hermann)
Handbuch Amerikanische Gebete; Ein (A handbook of american prayer) (Shepard; Lucius)
Harlequin (Watson; Ian)
Haus Atreides; Das (Dune: House Atreides) (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
Haus Corrino; Das (Dune: House Corrino) (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
Haus Harkonnen; Das (Dune: House Harkonnen) (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
Herr der Nacht (Night's Master) (Lee; Tanith)
Herr des Wüstenplaneten; Der (Dune Messiah) (Herbert; Frank)
Herren von Quarmall; Die (Lean times in Lankhmar) (Leiber; Fritz)
Hörnerschall (The Sound of his horn) (Sarban)
Homini Lupus (Noeth; Martina)
Hotel new Hampshire (John Irving)
H.P. LOvecrafts Kosmisches Grauen (Various Authors)
Hüter der Pforten (Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos) (VA)
Hunger like Fire; A (Stolze; Greg)
Hyperion-Gesänge; Die (Hyperion / The Fall of Hyperion) (Simmons; Dan)
Illium (Simmons; Dan)
Imperium (Huf; Hans-Christian)
Imperium II (Huf; Hans-Christian)
Inquisitor (Watson; Ian)
Internet for Dummies (Levine; John R., Levine Younge; Margaret, Baroudi; Carl)
Isaac Asimov über Science Fiction (Asimov on Science Fiction)(Isaac Asimov)
Jhereg (Steven Brust)
Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (Clarke; Susanna)
Kaiserslautern - Von den Anfängen bis zur reichsgründung (Friedels; Heinz)
Kinder des Wüstenplaneten; Die (Children of Dune) (Herbert; Frank)
Kopflos (Kerner; Charlotte)
Legenden vom Ende der Zeit (Legends from the End of Time) (Moorcock; Michael)
Letzte Tag der Schöpfung; Der (Jeschke; Wolfgang)
Letzte Walstatt; Die (The Power that Preserves) (Donaldson; Stephen)
Linke Hand der Dunkelheit; Die (Left hand of darkness; The) (LeGuin; Ursula K.)
Mann in einer fremden Welt; Ein (Stranger in a Strange Land) (Heinlein; Robert A.)
Midnight Blue: The Sonja Blue Collection (Collins; Nancy A.)
Mikrosklaven (Microserfs) (Douglas Coupland)
Miss Brunners letztes Programm (The final programme) (Michael Moorcock)
Mister B. Gone (Barker; Clive)
MonstroCity (Thomas; Jeffrey)
Nathaniel (Michael Siefener)
Necropolis (Abnett; Dan)
Neuromancer (William Gibson)
Nimmermehr (Marzi; Christoph)
Paul of Dune (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
Pawns of Chaos (Craig; Brian)
Perdido Street Station (Miéville; China)
Player of Games (Banks; Iain M.)
Plot against America; the (Philip Roth)
Podcasting for Dummies (Morris; Tee & Terra; Evo)
Pompeii (Robert Harris)
Practical Psychic Self-Defence (Bruce; Robert)
Price of the Stars; The: Mageworlds 1 (Doyle; Debra & MacDonald; James D.)
Punktown (Thomas; Jeffrey)
Quicksilver (Stephenson; Neal)
Ravnica - Stadt der Gilden (Ravnica - City of Guilds) (Herndon; Cory J.)
Republic (Plato)
Ring der Kraft; Der (White Gold Wielder) (Donaldson; Stephen)
Road to Dune; the (Herbert; Frank, Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
Roter Drache, Grünes Tal (Hetmann; Frederik)
Ruf des Reihers; Der (Harsh cry of the Heron; The) (Lian Hearn)
Sandworms of Dune (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.)
Schrapnell (Shrapnel) (VA)
Science Fiction Jahr 1995; Das (Jeshke; Wolfgang)
Science Fiction Jahr 2000; Das (Jeshke; Wolfgang)
Science Fiction Jahr 2002; Das (Jeshke; Wolfgang)
Science Fiction Jahr 2005; Das (Jeschke; Wolfgang)
Shismatrix (Sterling; Bruce)
Siebte Kreis des Wissens; Der (Illearth War; The) (Donaldson; Stephen)
Singularität (Singularity Sky) (Stross; Charles)
Software training HTML (Werle; Rainer)
Spiel von Licht und Schatten; Ein (Agents of Light and Darkness) (Green; Simon R.)
Spook: Der Schüler des Geisterjägers (The Wardstone Chronicles - The Spook's Apprentice) (Delaney; Joseph)
Spuk in Hill House (The Haunting of Hill House) (Shirly Jackson)
Starship Troopers (Heinlein; Robert A.)
Supernova (Iron Sunrise) (Stross; Charles)
Taltos (Steven Brust)
Tarean - Sohn des Fluchbringers (Perplies; Bernd) (Twice!)
Technopol; Das (Technopoly) (Postman Neil)
Three shades of night (Various Authors
Untergang der dreibeinigen Monster; Der (The Pool of Fire) (Christopher; John)
Use of Weapons (Iain M. Banks)
Verwundete Land; Das (Wounded Land; The) (Donaldson; Stephen)
Virtuelles Licht (Virtual Light) (Gibson; William)
Wächter der Ewigkeit (Lukianenko; Sergej)
Wächter der Nacht (Lukianenko; Sergij)
Wächter des Tages (Lukianenko; Sergej)
Wächter des Zwielichts (Lukianenko; Sergej)
Walden & Civil Disobedience (Henry David Thoreau)
Wasp Factory; The (Banks; Iain)
Webdesign for Dummies (Lopuck; Lisa & Zenner; Roman)
Webseiten erstellen für Einsteiger (Miles; Daniel)
Welten und zeit genug (Worlds enough and Time) (Simmons; Dan)
Wicca (Wicca - A guide for the solitary practioner) (Cunningham; Scott)
Wicca-Praxis (Living Wicca - A further guide for the solitary practioner) (Cunningham; Scott)
Wicca for beginners (Sabin; Thea)
Windows Vista alles in einem Band für Dummies (Leonhard; Woody)
Windows Vista Dirty Tricks (Kuhn; Nico)
Winnie-the-Pooh (A. A. Milne)
Wir amüsieren uns zu Tode (Amusing us to death. Public discorse in the age of show buisness) (Postman; Neil)
Wüstenplanet, Der (Dune) (Herbert; Frank)
Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy (Kilian; Crawford)
Yendri (Steven Brust)
Ankunft der dreibeinigen Monster (When the Tripods came) (Christopher; John): Anyone remember the old Tripods TV-Series by the BBC? Read the books!
Crow; The (O'Barr; James) I really don't have to comment this, do I?
Crow; The: Flesh and Blood (Vance; James & Malew; Alexander): No comment
Delta Green: The Rules of Engagement (Tynes; John): It starts off as a crime story, turnes into something from the X-Files, and ends as a full-fledged Cthulhu Story. If you've read my review at www.blutschwerter.de you'll know the only problem is that it's too short.
Dreibeinige Monster auf Erdkurs (The White Mountains) (Christopher; John): The first Tripods Novel
Dunkle Seite der Nacht; Die (Something from the Nightside) (Simon R. Green): A brilliant little book set in a darker London that would give the World of Darkness a run for it's money. If only the german edition wasn't so damn expensive...
Für jede Lösung ein Problem (Gier; Kerstin): A sweet little romantic comedy. I loved it.
Geheimnis der dreibeinigen Monster; Das (The City of Gold and Lead) (Christopher; John): the second Tripods Novel
Gottkaiser des Wüstenplaneten; Der (God Emperor of Dune) (Herbert; Frank): The fourth original Dune novel, and my personal favorite
Haus Corrino; Das (Dune: House Corrino) (Herbert; Brian & Anderson; Kevin J.): Yeah, yeah, another Dune novel...
Herr des Wüstenplaneten; Der (Dune Messiah) (Herbert; Frank): The second of the original Dune novels
Hunger like Fire; A (Stolze; Greg): The first Vampire: the Requiem novel. Not quite as good as the other one, but better than Twilight...
Illium (Simmons; Dan): Shakespear's Tempest. Homer's Illias. Posthuman SF. One book.
Kinder des Wüstenplaneten; Die (Children of Dune) (Herbert; Frank): The third original Dune novel
Price of the Stars; The: Mageworlds 1 (Doyle; Debra & MacDonald; James D.): Ever read the third book of a trilogy and couldn't figure out what was going on? That's what this book was like for me.
Spiel von Licht und Schatten; Ein (Agents of Light and Darkness) (Green; Simon R.): See above
Untergang der dreibeinigen Monster; Der (The Pool of Fire) (Christopher; John): The third Tripods Novel
Welten und zeit genug (Worlds enough and Time) (Simmons; Dan): A collection of short stories featuring both a visit to the Hyperion-Universe and the origin of Illium
Wüstenplanet, Der (Dune) (Herbert; Frank): You mean I actually have to tell you about Dune? Seriously?