...although a friend was wondering over precisely that a couple of hours ago when next to nothing went right with her order at the restaurant we had dinner at.
By now, I'm inclined to believe that today is, in fact, the 13th, and all our calendars are simply showing it wrong
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Comments 3
I hope you can get it all sorted as painlessly as possible. ::hugs::
/o\ Bummer hon - it happens to us all sooner or later, and a right royal pain in the tush it is too. I hope you haven't lost too much - and hey! Excuse for a new shiny *g*
Obviously I'm too late, but never EVER save anything on your C: drive, it should only be used for the operating system and a handful of programs.
Always use different partitions for your data, or separate hard drives altogether. Not sure which email program you're using, but with Thunderbird you can store your emails on a different partition as well.
If something like this crash happens, it's a pain, but it should never lead to data loss - except when the whole hard drive burns down or so... :(
I hope you'll get everything back on track quickly...
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