5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you. It's not so much a specific moment, as much as me remembering that when I first met you, I was too shy to talk to you and had to wait a bit before I had enough confidence :P I also remember following you arond the playground if you were annoyed until you gave in and talked to me.
Comments 7
...I don't have to post it again, right? :P
It's not so much a specific moment, as much as me remembering that when I first met you, I was too shy to talk to you and had to wait a bit before I had enough confidence :P I also remember following you arond the playground if you were annoyed until you gave in and talked to me.
Awww, bless :D
3. Of course you would. And yes, you know me far too well... :p
6. Sexual devices? :o I thought it was deviances... :^O :P
7. Hehehe.
8. *is*
well, to a certain definition of 'good'...
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