Jesus Christ!!! Literally..

Oct 19, 2004 01:09

I go away for a long a weekend and this is what happens...

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Comments 24

danbi October 19 2004, 03:01:37 UTC
Jesus is a whiny little bitch.

I think he's gay to boot. Might have a thing for you as well.

Watch your ass.


etherealshores October 20 2004, 05:11:32 UTC
I'm seconding the gay idea.

I'd kinda like to get drunk with Gabriel tho.It'd be an experience and a half.


danbi October 20 2004, 09:08:37 UTC
I'm gonna third the gay idea. Even though I came up with it in the first place. I'm allowed to do that - I'm on God's friend list after all.

Gabriel's a lush. You'd do much better with Peter; he really digs the sexual innuendo. Though it might only be half an experience...or three-quarters.

How does one half half an experience, anyhow? I suppose I shall never know.

How sad.

Ah well - it's back to eating monkeys for me!


all_knowing October 20 2004, 20:22:50 UTC
Seeing as though we are discussing my son here, I shall simply pretend I did not hear that comment.


jadedwallflower October 19 2004, 05:42:41 UTC
too bad jesus wasn't reincarnated so the jews could string his ass up again.

what a pansy.


chuffing October 19 2004, 19:55:48 UTC
So, you know you were raised Catholic when you realise this is a scam, but you still feel terribly guilty that all your friends are being rude to 'God'. :(

May I ask why you chose to friend a bunch of smut writers? Do You like slash? Just curious.

I must be off now. I'm slated for tea with the devil. Have a nice evening. :D


danbi October 20 2004, 09:10:49 UTC
It's in God's listed journal interests - he likes slash and smut. He also likes fucking people over. And watching Will and Grace. And let's not forget the chocolate brownies!

I bet they don't teach you that in Sunday school.


chuffing October 20 2004, 19:16:30 UTC
Do you know who this is, or are you just generally annoyed by God impersonators? That's like an Elvis impersonator to me. Just not the same thing. :P


danbi October 20 2004, 20:41:06 UTC
I'm not annoyed. Did I seem annoyed? I was being serious - if you look in his listed interests, you can see what he likes and does not like.

And of course I know who it is - he linked to it on his own LJ.

I think I'll just stop commenting as I seem to be offending people.


the_pantheon October 20 2004, 15:21:17 UTC
I think not.


all_knowing October 20 2004, 20:21:48 UTC


tipgardner October 20 2004, 21:36:56 UTC
So, uh, I think Jesus was wrong and all to do that to you, but he is your only begotten Son. Maybe you should give him a break and call. Even if just to tell him that he's gonna die on a cross on a dusty hill somewhere or whatever.


eliminate October 20 2004, 22:10:09 UTC
Yes, but that would ruin the surprise.


tipgardner October 20 2004, 23:49:59 UTC
I certainly wouldn't want the Almighty to lose the fun of a surprise! But I did say, "even if." I would not presume to say that IS what our Holy Father should say to His only begotton Son, should he elect to call the wayward lush.


eliminate October 21 2004, 02:07:20 UTC
Ahh, I see.

I sure hope I didn't offend you with my comment. :\


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