Fanfic: Cologne's an Aphrodisiac

Mar 27, 2010 17:53

Title : Cologne's an Aphrodisiac
Author : all4cyanide
Genre : Kinks/Smut
Pairing : Sakumiya
Rating : NC-17
Disclaimer : Didn't you know? Johnny left Sho and Nino to me in his will. Now he just has to die...
Summary: Ninomiya Kazunari has a shameful secret involving Sakurai Sho that he hopes never will be revealed, but eventually it comes out and with very naughty consequences.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fic was entered into the shoneenclub March contest and won 3rd place. I really love it. I thank everyone who voted for me. I was shocked I got anything since I never write fics. I have a sneaking suspicion the fact that Nino tops Sho in this fic is a reason why it placed at all. XDD

Cologne’s an Aphrodisiac

People liked to say Nino was a man of many secrets and was deep in character. His fans constantly ooh-ed and ahh-ed at the meaningful answers and insights he gave about life in magazine and television interviews. Nino himself scoffed at all the hollow praise he received regarding his thoughtful and unique outlook on life. He wasn’t deep and he wasn’t insightful, in fact, he was really quite shallow and almost 100% selfish. He did, however, harbor quite a few secrets. Many involved Aiba’s toilet antics and the weird places in which Jun shaves on his body, but several involved one man in particular, Sakurai Sho.

No, Nino did not have any dirt on Sho. As a matter of fact, Sho was quite clean and rarely did anything embarrassing or downright shameful that anyone didn’t already know about. In Nino’s eyes, Sho was the embodiment of perfection and hell if Nino would ever admit that to any living thing, person, plant, or animal. Nino kept his admiration for his band mate hidden behind his smirk and biting sarcasm. He’d never tell anyone that he loved the smell of Sho’s cologne, adeptly named Lucky You, so much that he secretly sprayed a towel with the scent and slept with it under his pillow. Nino would also never say that he kept track of Sho’s underpants because he was worried that Sho may be sleeping with somebody else. Ohmiya SK didn’t exist because Nino liked to feel up Ohno, but because if he stayed close to Ohno, it would prevent their leader from getting close to Sho.

But Nino’s deepest secret was also his most shameful, one he would never tell a living soul. He didn’t tune into News Zero every Monday night because he wanted to support his best friend and coworker. The sight of Sho, in a suit, reading the news in that intelligent way he’s had of speaking since they met was the most erotic thing Nino had ever seen. It aroused him more than any dirty magazine or porno could ever do and he whacked off ritually to it every Monday night. Yes. Nino’s obsession was the deepest in his life, more than video games and magic combined. He was addicted to Sakurai Sho.

Therefore, you could imagine his elation when Sho invited him to watch a recording of News Zero one Monday night. The special report that evening was supposed to be something pertaining to the video game industry and Sho had figured Nino would be interested in seeing it live. So there Nino sat, in Sho’s standby chair, as he watched the older man discuss recent announcements made by Nintendo about an upcoming game system.

Ordinarily, this would be news that Nino would otherwise be engrossed in had it not been for the raging boner he currently had in his jeans. Nino figured it was a combination of the lingering scent of Sho’s cologne, the video game talk, and the fact that said video game talk was currently coming out of the mouth of the sexiest newscaster alive.

Nino knew he had to do something and fast or he’d have some serious explaining to do about the current state of his pants. He rushed from the studio during a commercial break to Sho’s dressing room. There he tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths, but that only served to make him hornier. The smell of Lucky You permeated the room.

“Damn it all, Sho-chan! Do you bathe everything in that shit?” Nino growled to himself.

Maybe to relieve himself of all thoughts about Sho, it wasn’t the brightest of ideas to seek refuge in the man’s dressing room.

Just as Nino was about to shove his hands down his pants to alleviate the tension, Sho entered the dressing room. Nino immediately sat down on the couch and crossed his legs. “Great show, Sho-kun!” Nino praised, straining to sound as normal as possible.

Sho, not noticing his friend’s strange behavior, just grinned and sat down in his makeup chair, staring at himself in the mirror. “Thanks! I stumbled on my words a bit at the end there though,” he pouted. Nino wanted to nibble at that pout.

“Oh really? I didn’t notice.” Even though Nino wasn’t there to see it.

Sho simply nodded and a silence fell between them as Sho sat back in his chair. After a few moments, that felt like an eternity to Nino as his erection continued to rage on, Sho muttered, “I’m tired.”

His eyes met Nino’s in the mirror and a sudden smile came across Sho’s lips. “Hey, Nino. Can you help me undo this tie? The stylist tied it too tight.”

Nino’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. Did he know? How? No way! This was Sho, the most oblivious guy on the Earth.

Nino sighed, trying to appear casual, and made his way over to Sho, who had turned in his chair, his insanely tempting neck stuck out waiting for him. Nino’s hands shook slightly as he reached out and grasped the knot of Sho’s tie.

He slowly undid the bond, being careful not to look into Sho’s eyes before he really lost control. He got the tie halfway undone when Sho’s hand closed over his. “Ninomiya-kun?”

Nino’s eyes darted up to meet Sho’s. “Why are you trembling? Are you feeling okay?”

He pulled Nino forward to meet their foreheads together. “You feel a bit warm,” he murmured quietly.

Nino’s heart skipped a beat and his body went cold. Suddenly, Nino felt fury burbling up within him. He hated this. He hated how weak he was when it came to Sho and how easily he could lose himself when he was with him. He disliked the intense wanting he felt that would never be fulfilled and it killed him that these feelings could never be reciprocated. Nino realized he wanted Sho’s entire being and that there was no way he would ever get it. What he hated most was that he didn’t even have the nerve to reveal what he felt for Sho, much less to ask him how he felt about him.

Nino began to pull away from Sho, disgusted with himself, when the older man tugged Nino into his lap and embraced him tightly.

“You want me, don’t you?” Sho inquired into the smaller man’s ear and Nino froze as he felt Sho’s tongue lightly lap at his earlobe. “Or is it the news’ reports that do this to you?” Sho asked as he palmed Nino’s already rock hard erection.

Nino lost it at the feel of Sho’s long slender fingers over his crotch. With a low growl, Nino captured the other man’s lips with his own in a rough kiss, meant to punish more than give pleasure. His tongue shoved its way into Sho’s mouth and a small whimper sounded from Sho at the invasion. Their tongues entangled and teeth scraped teeth in their hurry to get bodies as close to each other as possible. Nino’s hands found Sho’s tie once more and tugged it off roughly, bringing more pressure between their lips at the pull.

At some point, Sho had made quick work of getting Nino’s belt undone and had wiggled those fingers into his pants. The long digits gently stroked over his member as if he were caressing the keys of a piano. The image of Sho’s days of playing the piano entered into Nino’s mind as the heat between their bodies grew. Nino had always been watching Sho and committed each and every sighting to his memory. Everything he did was beautiful and Nino wanted to see more.

Nino broke their kiss suddenly and stood up. “Sho-chan, take off your pants,” Nino demanded.

Sho stared at him dumbly for a moment before standing and hurriedly shoving his pants down to his ankles. Nino pressed the taller man back into the chair and knelt down, taking him fully into his mouth. Sho’s hips bucked at the suddenness, but Nino held him down with his arms. Sho grew harder with every suck, lick, and squeeze; his hands buried in Nino’s hair, pulling roughly at the strands with every swipe of Nino’s tongue over the head of his dick. The slighter man only sucked harder at every pull of his hair causing Sho to let go and grip the arms of the makeup chair. Nino glanced up at Sho’s face while he suckled at the tip of his cock and what he saw nearly took his breath away.

Sho’s mouth was open, small pants of air coming out, his eyes screwed shut in pleasure. His hair was growing damp from sweat and a few strands of hair stuck to the side of the man’s well chiseled face. Nino couldn’t take it anymore and released Sho’s member from his mouth with one last long lick up the length of it. Nino leaned over the man and gently cupped his face in his small hands, kissing his lips softly. “Sho,” he stated simply and their eyes met, passion and hunger swimming in each.

Grabbing his pants, Sho slipped back into them quickly, not bothering to button them up. He took Nino’s hand and led them him out of the room, into the empty hallways of the usually bustling TV station.

How long were we at it? Nino wondered to himself, hands on his pants to keep them from falling.

Sho, seeming to have read his thoughts, explained, “After the show ends, most people rush home because it’s so late at night. The entire floor is pretty much deserted.”

He stopped and kissed Nino deeply, heaving his tongue into his mouth. Sho’s fingers brushed over Nino’s straining erection and groaned loudly. “Come on,” Sho murmured quietly against Nino’s lips.

Opening the door behind him, Sho led Nino into the News Zero newsroom. Leaving Nino for a moment, Sho went to a board in the corner and turned on a switch which caused the large screen next to the news desk to flicker on with the default green bubbles dancing across the display.

Sho planted himself beside the podium next to the large monitor and fixed him with a serious stare. “This is what you like, right, Nino?” The younger man could only nod as his mind flashed back through the many Monday nights he spent fantasizing about Sho in the exact same position and doing all sorts of unimaginable things to him.

Nino strode over to the newscaster, grabbed the older man by the arm and shoved him hard against the screen, coarsely joining their lips together. Without losing lip contact, Nino shoved the older man’s pants down to his ankles which Sho quickly stepped out of and kicked away the once neatly pressed obstruction. Nino inserts two fingers past Sho’s swollen lips who sucks on them hard, knowing what they are to be used for.

His lips caress Sho’s cheeks to his ear where he nips and licks before whispering, “This might sting a bit,” and turning Sho around to insert both spit slicked fingers into the newscaster’s entrance. Sho bit his lip hard and hissed through his teeth at the intrusion.

However, the pain did not last long; soon giving way to pleasure as Nino’s short digits pressed in and out of him, scissoring to widen the tight hole. His own hands became fists on the screen, for lack of anything to grab onto, in order to keep control.

“Ngh… Kazu… I can’t…” Sho gasped out between moans.

Nino removed his fingers and turned Sho back around. He puts the man’s hands on his shoulders. “Hold on tight, Sho-chan.” With that Nino, using the screen as leverage, picked Sho up under his knees. “Cross your ankles around my waist,” he ordered.


“Just do it. I can’t hold you forever.”

Sho does as he’s told and this action brings Sho’s rear into almost direct contact with Nino’s throbbing erection. One smirk at the older man’s surprise and Nino thrust quickly upward into Sho, the other man’s grip tightening roughly on Nino’s shoulder from the sudden pain. Nino could not pause for even a moment to allow Sho to adjust. It just felt too damn good to even consider not plowing into him immediately. Nino had waited so long for this moment and he would fulfill this fantasy.

Rolling his hips, Nino pressed forward into Sho, watching his face as he plunged into him, harder and harder each time. The screen creaked somewhat from the force of the thrusts and Sho’s back being shoved into it, but the pair could care less if the thing came tumbling down.

Once more, Nino found himself watching Sho’s features as he writhed in ecstasy in his arms. His eyes were shut again, the small, breathy moans escaping from his bruised lips, and his face now glistening with beads of sweat. As if sensing Nino’s gaze, Sho opened his eyes and gave Nino a small smile.

That smile was Nino’s undoing. He pounded into Sho swiftly, hitting the older man’s most sensitive spot, causing him to dig his nails painfully into Nino’s shoulders. A few more shallow thrusts against that spot had Sho coming in between the two of them with one final groan of satisfaction. At the feel of Sho tightening around his cock, Nino gave one final push and released himself, buried deep inside.

The two men collapsed to the floor as Nino had lost all strength in his arms, each catching his own breath.

After what felt like eternity, but was only probably a few minutes, Sho spoke. “You…” he panted. “How could you hold me up so long?”

Nino laughed tiredly as he struggled to sit himself up next to Sho against the screen. “My muscles aren’t made of air like yours.”

Sho made a move to smack him on the head, but the hand met his scalp more like a pat. “Idiot,” Sho chuckled, placing his arm around Nino’s shoulders and holding him against him.

Nino nearly settled himself into Sho’s embrace before remembering something. “Hey.”


“How’d you know about me, you know, watching you?” Nino paused. “Eh. That sounds wrong, but I don’t know how else to word it without it being embarrassing.”

Sho merely laughed. “You may hold many secrets concerning Aiba and Jun, Ninomiya Kazunari, but Ohno Satoshi is full of them about you.”

Nino’s cheeks turned red. “That moron… I’m never going drinking with him again,” he sulked.

“It’s not all Ohno. I’ve noticed you watching me sometimes too.”

Nino covered his face in shame. “I can really go and die now.”

“It’s only because I watch you too, Nino.”

His head shot up and met Sho’s eyes. “What?”

“I watch you. I like to watch you as you do magic and even while you play video games. I love the face you make when reading your scripts and when you laugh at Aiba’s stupidity.” Sho blushed. “Remember that cologne sample your sister gave you that one time, Lucky You? I bought it because I wanted your scent around me.” His face turned even redder. “Pathetic, huh?” He chastised himself in a small voice.

Nino, nearly bursting with joy at the vague memory, suddenly stood up and faced Sho while readjusting his pants. “It’s time to go!”

“Eh?” Sho replied, looking up at Nino confused.

“It’s past time for dinner and I’m hungry, so you’re coming to my house,” Nino stated matter of factly as he watched Sho stand and put his pants back on.

“Why your house? Can’t we go out?”

Nino smirked his usual smirk. “We could go out, but I figured you’d find it embarrassing to feed me in public.”

Sho looked scandalized as he followed the younger man out of the studio. “Feed you?! Why would I do that?”

“Because my arms have been rendered useless, jerk. I can’t even play games tonight.” With that Nino turned around and stuck his tongue out at Sho. “Oh and you’re buying me some beers too! I’m worn out.”

Sho could only smile at Nino’s back as he skipped along the hallway, humming the News Zero theme to himself. “Alright, alright.”


Comments are love.

ninomiya kazunari, fanfic: sakumiya, sakurai sho, sakumiya is my otp

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