I Almost Told You That I Loved You - Preciakat

Jan 14, 2015 16:14

Title: I Almost Told You That I Loved You

Author: all_time_billie

Rating: G

Pairing: Jack Barakat/Jaime Preciado

Summary: Jack has been used by so many people in his life that when he finally find someone who really loves him, he is scared.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the story.

Prompt: Love

Title Credit: Papa Roach - I Almost Told You That I Loved You

Author Notes: I'm back! So, I'm sorry if this seems rushed but, honestly, it's a lot better than what I had first written for this prompt. I swear, this one was hard, I spent weeks trying to find an idea that could fit the prompt, got one, wrote it, decided I didn't like it... Whatever, so I ended up writing another one and, finally, I'm done! I hope you like it, comments are always appreciated.

It was a few weeks into their relationship when Jaime told Jack that he loved him for the first time. He didn’t know what to expect from the younger boy because Jack was already hesitant to get in this relationship in the first place but he needed to say it and the moment seemed perfect. Jack was staring at him, looking almost scared.

“You don’t have to say it back if you don’t. I understand.” Jaime said hurriedly. “I just wanted to say it. I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry about it. I know you wouldn’t fuck me over but I’m still kind of scared…” Jack said.

“It’s alright. I understand.” The bassist said, reaching up to peck Jack’s lips softly.

After this time, Jaime would tell Jack that he loved him, never expecting the younger boy to say it back and Jack never did, still scared to get too attached to the bassist. He had been used and fucked over many times in his life so, even if he trusted Jaime, he was scared that it would happen again.
Everything seemed to go well but it took only a little over two weeks for Jack to almost say it back. He managed to catch himself before the words escaped him though but it was already too late. The feeling had settled inside him. He did love Jaime and it scared him. He tried to push the thought at the back of his mind and forget it for now to try not to ruin the moment and he finally forgot about it after a couple of minutes. Obviously, the thoughts would resurface soon but for now, they were gone and he was okay with this.

Only two days later, Jack was getting more and more worked up over his feelings. He loved Jaime, he knew he did but he didn’t want to admit it. It was kind of scary to him. Maybe that was all the older boy was waiting for. When Jaime got up, announcing that he was going to get a beer, Jack called after him, asking his for one too. Jaime came back a second after, two beers in hand, throwing one to the guitarist.

“Thanks. I lo-“ He said, stopping himself mid-word, eyes going wide when he realized that he had almost slipped up.

“What?” Jaime asked. He kind of thought that Jack had told him he loved him but maybe he was just dreaming.

“I said thanks.” Jack said, hopping that Jaime wouldn’t question it further.

Rian, who was sitting on the other couch with Mike sent him a look that said everything and Jack looked at him almost pleading him to keep his mouth shut.

“Oh alright.” Jaime said. He probably heard him wrong.

Jack sighed in relief. Rian would definitely want to talk to him later but for now, he was safe.

The next night, both boys were in their hotel room, Jack lying in the bed and Jaime in the bathroom. Jack couldn’t stop thinking about everything that was happening. Of course, he loved Jaime but it was such a scary feeling to him. Jaime came out of the bathroom, turning off the lights and walking to the bed, lying down next to Jack.

“Good night Jay. I love you.” The bassist said, kissing the taller boy’s cheek.

“Good night Jaime.” Jack said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. After about 10 minutes, when Jack was sure that Jaime was asleep, he opened his eyes, looking down at the older boy. “I love you too.” He whispered against Jaime’s hair, cuddling closer to him.

The next morning though, Jaime was looking at Jack the whole time from when they woke up until they went down to the lobby. His eyes seemed to be piercing holes in Jack’s back and, when they got to the lobby, waiting for their friends to come and join them, Jack had to ask him if something was wrong.

“No. Nothing at all.” Jaime replied to the question.

“Are you sure? You’ve been looking at me quite strangely since we woke up.” Jack said.

“Did you talk to me last night? I mean, after we went to bed.” The bassist asked.

“Uh, no.” Jack lied hesitantly. Should he tell him or not?

“Are you sure?” Jaime asked. “’Cause maybe I was dreaming but I thought I heard you tell me something.” He said, trying to act as if he didn’t what Jack had said.

Jack was struggling to find an answer when Alex arrived in the lobby.

“Hey guys!” The singer said excitedly, putting an end to the previous conversation.

Jack sighed in relief. The rest of the day for him was spent thinking about the whole situation. He did love Jaime and he was sick off being scared. He wanted to be able to tell Jaime how he really felt and wanted to be able to actually get invested in this relationship. He didn’t want to lose Jaime because of his insecurities.

After the show that night, he took a quick shower before walking to Pierce The Veil’s dressing room where Jaime was sitting, talking about something with Mike and Vic.

“Hey Jaime. Can I talk to you?” Jack said, standing in front of the smaller boy.

“Yeah, of course.” Jaime said, getting up to follow Jack.

Jack lead him out of the room, away from everyone. He was nervous and Jaime could sense it. Jack’s hand was slightly sweaty in his and he was too silent compared to his usual obnoxious self.

“What’s up Jack? Are you okay?” Jaime asked after a little while.

“Yeah, yeah. Y’know what we talked about this morning. Y’know last night. Well, I was lying. I did say something.” Jack said, looking at the ground.

“Really?” Jaime said. He had been thinking all day that maybe it was just a dream he had had last night.

“I’ve been thinking about it all day. Last night, I thought you were asleep but I said that I loved you. I’ve been doing this for a few days because I DO love you but I was scared of telling you. But I’m sick of being scared Jaime. I trust you and I know that you won’t hurt me.” Jack said. Jaime was smiling bigger than ever. “I love you Jaime.” He finally said.

“I love you too Jack.” The bassist said, smiling. He knew that it must have been hard for Jack to say it and he knew that he really loved him.

“I won’t be scared anymore. I trust you Jaime.” Jack added.

“Nice. Because I could never hurt you.”

pairing: jack barakat/jaime preciado, jack barakat, jaime preciado, one-shot

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