Title: For A Limited Time Only
Fandom: SPN
Author: Alizarin
Pairing: Girl!Dean/Girl!/Sam, Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Written for:
femmenerd’s b-day. A cause for celebration and crackfic. Not necessarily in that order.
Warnings: Wincest, genderfuck, femslash and slash. What? It’s for
Summary: “Just go ahead and call me Samantha,” Sam said grimly.
For A Limited Time Only )
Comments 31
I'm so glad YOU are around, lady, you make my heart sing.
I'm a TERRIBLE birthday-present-giver, though! You know that. But this year, I WILL finish the Rodney/Jack fic for YOUR birthday. I WILL. *vows*
I love Supernatural Firefly fans :)
*claps hands madly*
Oh! This was fucking hilarious, my dear. And I would start quoting but I am so, so sleepy. I have to say that I have NEVER before encountered a femslash scene that turns into a boyslash scene right in the middle of the action, for extra special crackaliciousness. \o/
Oh Sam and Dean, silly boys, you want to talk about your feelings ALL THE TIME. You don't have to be girls for an excuse. *pets them*
In conclusion, THANK YOU THANK YOU, zomg.
Going to sleep now, hopefully to have sweet, crack-inspired dreams. :)
I hope you had a cracktastic day and that you are happy to be as young as you are (as opposed to me, who FELL DOWN in the street the other day due to clumsy old-age. AIEEE)
Happy birthday, my dear. You are special.
Ah, I'm all genderfucked out...
You and me both, baby. I've read more genderfuck in the last few months than I ever hope to again. It's gotten so popular in both SPN and SGA and therefore, I was pretty easy for me to get in the spirit of it for femmenerd.
I kind of love how they change back in the middle of sex... I have to say that was incredibly fun to do.
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