Poor little girl! She's just gorgeous, and I'm crossing my fingers and toes she finds a place to relax and acclimate to people more before she finds a forever home!
There are a couple of dedicated animal rescuers on my FB friendslist, and the pictures of kittens just kill me. Three cats is all I can care for & I know this, but everytime someone drops a box of cats over Suzanne's or Jennifer's fence it's a struggle not to make a home for them here! I have managed to network a few into good homes, though, so there's that...
Hope someone was found. One of the best parts of my job this fall will be that I will be able to chip in on my beloved Anjellicle's vet bills more often. Unfortunately, with one exception, all of my friends are at capacity for pets (the exception, a newly-married couple, is planning to adopt a pair of cats in the fall and I have told them to visit y'all--ACR was also their "in lieu of favors" donation recipient from their wedding, possibly also because I yammer on and possibly because Ren and Trey are so cute), but I'll up the cross-posts to solicit donations at least. (This reminds me that my BFF and I need to get on our grown-up b'day gift exchange--I donate for her to a parrot group, she donates for me to ACR.) (I wish we could rescue them all ourselves, but just as I fund resistance rather than participating, I I fund rescue as best I can.) (Y'all are doing such great work.)
You are awesome! Thank you for all your support, it really means a lot.
I have Peaches, and at least she is safe. Turns out, she is a Maine Coon! A very friendly one. Her picture doesn't do her justice. I just hope my husband doesn't notice that there's one more cat in here. *shakes head*
I really really appreciate your enthusiasm, you have no idea. So many cats and kittens in this city suffer needlessly.
Comments 10
FB: Pets on Death Row or NYC Urgent Cats
Anjellicle Cats on FB, Twitter, anjelliclecats.com
*is desperate*
If you feel like sharing on Facebook or Twitter, we are in DIRE NEED of fosters and supporters. Every "like" counts at this point.
FB: Pets on Death Row or NYC Urgent Cats
My group: Anjellicle Cats on FB, Twitter, and www.anjelliclecats.com
I have Peaches, and at least she is safe. Turns out, she is a Maine Coon! A very friendly one. Her picture doesn't do her justice. I just hope my husband doesn't notice that there's one more cat in here. *shakes head*
I really really appreciate your enthusiasm, you have no idea. So many cats and kittens in this city suffer needlessly.
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