lorelaisquared's SS auction win, sorry for the uber-lateness hon, hope you like this :D
This is from a passage of her story,
What's to Come is Still Unsure, a TenII/Rose babyfic, part of a larger arc of her upcoming 'Shakespeare-verse'.
A/N: The scene is Rose stumbling on the Doctor telling stories of Galifrey to their little baby in the nursery. At first I only drew the Doctor + baby + Rose part, but then the composition looked quite empty, plus I wanted to convey the nostalgic, dreamy feel of the Doctor's bedtime story, which simply wasn't coming out. So I played around with several layouts and finally came up with this one, with the Galifrey backdrop surrounding the picture, which sort of fits best, at least according to me.
Done in pencil+watercolor, minor photoshop editing for brightness/contrast and stuff :D
Original unedited + my personal favorite coloring
My pdf maker was not cooperating yesterday, so I give you a jpeg format of a 'mock book' with it ;)
(Tbh, at first I was just going to have one page with a quote, but then I spent half an hour not deciding what quote to put, and where. So of course I put the whole passage XD )
Finally, because I'm extremely indecisive (maybe I should get a picture beta or something XD), this is a zip file with various coloring schemes, from without background, sepia, faded, vivid, and everything in between, just in case anyone's curious :)