Fic: Strapless (RPF, Rachel Maddow/Ana Marie Cox, R)

Jan 31, 2009 18:43

Title: Strapless
Fandom: RPF
Pairing: Rachel Maddow/Ana Marie Cox
Rating: R
Word Count: 149
Summary: For oxoniensis's Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins) (prompts: skin, wild) and originally posted here. For the record? I have NO idea where this came from. I'm blaming the BFF for this. :P This is my first RPF, which has been the cause of no little angst and agita (LOL). Wholly unbetaed; feedback craved more than chocolate!

Disclaimer: All copyrighted material referred to are the properties of their respective owners. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual. In other words: I mean no harm, please don't sue.

You invite her on the show again and again because the giggling and banter are almost as good as sex. But one night she shows up in-person in this impossibly fitted red strapless dress, and suddenly it's just not enough.

When the show's wrapped, you can't get back to the green room fast enough. She's alone, drinking a glass of wine, and you take her hand and pull her up with you. You're silent down the hallway until the dressing room door closes and you can push her back into it, kissing her fiercely.

From there, it's a series of flashes:
Her hand raking through your hair as you sink into the crook of her neck.
The zipper dragging slowly downward until the dress pools at her feet.
The curve of her pale hips against stark black panties.
The softness of her skin, urging you deeper, swallowing you whole.

fandom, fic: rpf, writing, pornalicious

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