an entry with actual not-porn-battle-related content! ...oh, wait, it's a meme.

Jan 25, 2009 16:35

Because finstergrrrl tagged me forever ago on Facebook and I never got around to doing it...also, I'm not actually tagging 16 people. That's a LOT of people. Finally, I will try to mix it up so it's not all "oh, I'm OCD about how I brush my teeth!" and "oh, I love the smell of smoke!".

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

1. One of my favorite memories is of my dad bringing home the Sunday NY Times and crumb buns every week. I'd wake up ridiculously late from having been up ridiculously early the day before, I'd pad my way downstairs, where the paper would already be mostly separated out into sections, and I'd grab my favorites (Arts & Leisure, Styles, the Magazine, etc). I'd settle in at the table, which was already cleaned off, and I'd spread out for about a half hour, savoring my crumb bun and catching up on what was new in the world.

2. I love to write, but I hate writing fiction. I'm SO paranoid about characterization -- either butchering characters that already exist (with fanfic) or building characters that someone might actually be interested in (with original) -- that more often than not I can't bring myself to actually write. And when I *do* manage to write, it takes me a while to actually psych myself to be able to share it with people, because I'm afraid of what they'll think.

3. That said, as much as I write a whole bunch of things a whole bunch of the time, and as much as I share pretty much everything I write and every thought that I have, I don't have any faith in my ability or marketability as a writer. So even though I'd like to maybe think about someday publishing, I don't understand why anyone actually ever reads what I write, so it will most likely never happen.

4. I don't think of myself as terribly funny. I mean, I know I say a lot of accidentally amusing things, but when it comes to actually trying to be funny, I always pretty much fail.

5. When I go into a coffee shop, I almost never actually know what I want to drink. Nine times out of ten, I end up getting the first thing that comes to mind just because I can't decide on anything else. But I rarely actually *want* it.

6. My (not-)local(-enough) Starbucks has twice offered to hire me. I'm pretty sure it's because I'm easygoing, understanding of their limitations, and know where everything is and what the best way to ask for things is. If they offer again, I've seriously considered accepting.

7. When I smoke, at least a tiny part of me will forever be doing it just because it was what the cool kids did in middle school. I mean, obviously I have other reasons for it now, not the least of which is because I enjoy it. But there's a small part of me that will never get past having the coolest kid in school offer me cigarettes regularly.

8. I've never actually been on a date. I've been to the movies twice with someone I was in a relationship with, but you know, we were already in love and relationshippy and what have you, so I don't think it really counts. I'm not lonely, and I don't really miss the relationships I have been in (though I do miss the people I was involved with, because they were good people and I miss talking to them), and as much as I'd love to have kids, I don't seem to have the huge drive to find a nice girl and settle down that most of the people around me seem to. In fact, I kind of dread the day I decide that I AM lonely enough to want to start dating, because the whole idea of dating just seems so awkward and undesirable.

9. My childhood (well, from age 10 until my dad sold the house) bedroom was pink. Deliberately. As in, I asked for it. Yes, folks, at age 10, I was a pretty girly girl. (I had a "mall party" -- seriously, whatever the fuck that even is -- and everything.) The girliness lasted for only about a year after we moved in, but I never so much as asked for the room to be repainted.

10. I am many different kinds of geek. I'm a movie geek, a tv geek, a politics geek, a technology geek, an Apple geek, a music geek, a word geek....the list could actually go on for a while. Unfortunately, since my brain's capacity is finite and my memory is terrible, what that means is that I know a lot of random trivia about a lot of things, but have huge basic foundational gaps in my knowledge. So lately, I find myself more often than not pretending to know references that people make to things that I "should" know, because it's easier than having the conversation of, "But you're a movie/tv/music geek!" "I know, I just haven't seen/heard it." (Of course, I still make references on at least a daily basis that no one gets, so I feel totally vindicated by my obscure trivia knowledge. :D)

11. I shamelessly wear tank tops throughout the winter and jeans throughout the summer. My "fashion sense", such as it is, has no sense of season or weather. When I was in middle and high school, I would wear layer upon layer year-round and not even notice the weather. But my hands are always cold, and always sweaty.

12. My initial goal in trying to get a degree in performing arts administration was to change industries, not to change jobs. It wasn't until maybe two days ago that I realized that, if I get into the school, and if I get the degree, I don't have to keep doing what I do now, but instead, I could do almost anything. This realization came in the middle of a crisis of faith, about whether or not I even really WANTED to study performing arts administration after all, and was this really the right thing for me to go to graduate school for, when there are so many other things I'm interested in? The answer came in the form of the National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA popped into my head, and I said to myself, "Wait a second, they're a performing arts organization, sort of, but they're also a governmental entity." It's kinda sad, I know, but it honestly wasn't until that moment that I realized that this degree could open a ton of doors -- and not just on the same hallway, but into new hallways, too.

13. I do not tend to ship slash ships, except when either the character(s) involved is queer, or if the show's really, *really* slashy (e.g. Heroes, Aaron Sorkin's shows). Most of my OTPs are very, very straight. I think it's because I don't really look for subtext in things, it has to kind of be there intentionally, if that makes sense? I kind of just take things at face value. (On a related note, I'm not a huge fan of poetry.)

14. I love fandom, but I always feel more than a little disengaged. Most of the fandoms I peer into seem to have this core group of awesome people who are all friends and know each other and whatnot, and it's all just really intimidating, so I tend to stay very, VERY far to the outskirts. But I'm totally jealous of, and enamored with, people who are really really engaged in fandom.

15. I really, sincerely wish I could have a do-over for college. I don't regret my college experience, per say, but I definitely acknowledge that I took the freedom and lack of oversight and ran with it in the completely wrong direction. I wish that I had actually taken advantage of the opportunities I was given, and the people who surrounded me, and the courses offered, and everything else. (And no, I don't just say that because I'll be paying for my schooling until I'm 50.) And a not-small part of me wishes that I could afford to go to graduate school full-time, because I feel like at this point in my life, I'm actually mature and responsible enough to take advantage of the experience the right way, instead of being all childish and stupid like I was during my undergrad.

16. I cannot for the life of me understand people who see family as just "the people I'm related to by blood". To me, family is the people I care about. Of course, many of those are people I'm related to by blood, but most of them aren't. Many of them are the people I was lucky enough to inherit (from my mother, of all people), and many of them are my friends. But to limit the idea of people to those people who happen to be related to you chemically and biologically just seems crazy to me.

And this took me WAY too long to do, so um, I'm done now! Tagging whoever wants to do it, though I'd definitely like to hear from those of you I know IRL because I always love learning random things about my friends. :)


random, meme

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