Felicia Day and I Talk Feminism

Nov 11, 2009 21:41

The other day I made a comment on Twitter (after much counting of characters to make everything fit):Bit disturbed by implications of man needing to sweep in & make things better, but guess @ feliciaday's awesome makes up for it. #theguild
And just today she blogged:An interesting comment was made on Twitter, about everything being made “ok” because ( Read more... )

felicia day, textual analysis, feminism

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Comments 2

drifterskip November 12 2009, 07:20:28 UTC
I was all prepped to get intellectual and join in on the discussion but it's late and my brain is fried but I must say... your post reminded me that I have a few episodes of The Guild to catch up on. How could I forget? So. Anyhow. Though not your intent, thanks for jogging my memory.


peasant_ November 12 2009, 07:54:16 UTC
I agree that pluralism is the only possible way forward. I know someone who devoutly believes that every piece should be inclusive and fair to everyone. Sadly, with each attempt she makes to produce even a single piece of work that fulfils that criteria she demonstrates how impossible that would be to do even once. Every piece is going to give some people a longer straw and some a short straw, all that is needed is to ensure different types of folk get the long straw in turn. That isn't actually all that hard and we are almost there I would say.


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