BtVS: "A Night to Remember" (1/?)

May 09, 2009 22:18

Title: A Night to Remember
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Xander, Faith, Kennedy, Dawn, and loads of OC's, including Madelyn and Fr. Marcus
Pairings: Madelyn/Xander, Faith/Kennedy, Dawn/Giles, and a lot of teenage boys (and a few girls) lusting after teenaged girls
Summary: Buffy's daughter goes to the prom. Plot happens. So does porn. (Not in this section, though.)

A Night to Remember

If there's anywhere Xander never thought he'd be, it's on a plane, next to a vampire who's either 15 or 800 depending on how you count, headed towards a Hellmouth. Not even just a Hellmouth, but a high school on top of a Hellmouth--shades of Sunnydale all over again.

The fact that he's traveling to this school in order to attend his wife's high school prom makes it, if anything, even stranger. First because the fact he has a wife and is married is something which sends his mind reeling. The memories of his marriage and honeymoon are vivid in his mind (even without a Dark God possessing him and using him and his wife as vessels to take over the world he suspects that still would be the case) and the gold wedding band on his finger gives physical testimony, but still. Him, Xander. Married.

Next, his wife hasn't graduated high school yet. This isn't too bad; he's only 24, if you don't count the years when he was dead (and why would you?), and she was 18 when they married. And Dawn and Giles can't complain too much because the difference between their ages so dwarfs that between him and Madelyn as to make it look small in comparison, even if they had waited until Dawn was 29. (Dawn and Giles married. What happened to the world while he was dead? Did it go crazy?)

But Giles had known Dawn when she was, what? Eleven? Twelve? Xander's glad Madelyn wasn't born yet when he died; it'd be strange to have memories of her as a baby and then to share her bed. He tries not to think of the torch he carried for her mother for so long. The fact that he's slept with Dawn doesn't even enter into it in the same way; there are few people in Maddy's circle outside her fellow students at St. Clare's who haven't slept with her aunt. Dawn's list of conquests rivals the Tradëscan Codex in bulk.

But really, none of that matters. "In a hurry" doesn't begin to describe the way they were married, but he can't deny that the bond between them is real--and it wasn't even the mystical soulbond thing (courtesy of the Dark God), either. It's a little strange to think that this girl he hadn't really known anything about before he said "I do" is now his partner for life, but for once the idea of "forever" doesn't so much as scare him as awake in him a strong sense of determination. They'll make it work.

It had been hard for him to part with her after the honeymoon, but she had to finish her education at St. Clare's and Dawn had impressed on him the need for someone with his experience with the African field offices, which were in dire need of competent management. That didn't exactly sound like a description of him, and he had told Dawn as much, that he found it hard to believe that he could have been so irreplaceable, but he did find them a surprising mess when he finally gave in and took a two-month tour of the continent. Now he's going to Maddy's prom, and it's only another month's wait before she'll graduate and join him, to attend the University of South Africa in the fall. Dawn had pulled the necessary strings to get her admitted despite having missed the application deadline; when Maddy had sent out her college applications getting married to a man who had died before she was born had not exactly been on her radar.

Hey love, Maddy's telepathic voice intrudes on his thoughts.

Hey, he thinks back. Something wrong?

I'm fine, Maddy answers. We're waiting for you here at the airport. Alan's driving me crazy, though, afraid you're not going to get here on time. He wants me to promise that if you don't get here soon, I'll teleport you the rest of the way, or at least Persephone.

Alan is the reason that Persephone's accompanying Xander on the flight to Cleveland. While Alan claims to have a girlfriend in Texas, supposedly she isn't able to make it to the St. Clare's prom, and so he had asked various friends to help set him up with a date, ending in him taking Madelyn's vampiric half-sister.

Xander and Persephone had met up in Germany, but their flight from there had been delayed and they had hit some turbulence over the Atlantic. We should be there in three hours, he thinks, glancing at the interactive map. The prom's not until tomorrow, right?

Madelyn's answer's the telepathic equivalent of a shrug. He's afraid that she won't get enough sleep to look her best.

Xander glances over at his vampiric sister-in-law, who is asleep in the seat next to him, the hood of her sweatshirt pulled over her head. Don't worry, he tells Madelyn. Apparently her superpowers include the preternatural ability to sleep on planes.

Ooh, I want that one, Madelyn whines playfully. Do you think she'll trade?

Maybe if you ask nicely, Xander answers. There were few people on the planet interested in power who wouldn't trade their powers, whatever they be, for Madelyn's set.

Continued here.

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night to remember, buffy, fanfic, watcher!verse

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