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Comments 7

amyheartssiroc April 13 2007, 00:12:04 UTC
At first I thought you were referring to Cally on Blakes 7, and I got confused.


alixtii April 13 2007, 00:17:21 UTC
Henry Jenkins talks about that Cally in Textual Poachers sometimes, and got me very much confused, because the new BSG obviously wasn't out in 1991 when the book was written. (And yet I sort of assume that in a book about fanfiction I should recognize all of the references, which was a silly assumption on my part.)

Is B7's Cally awesome? (Okay, my love for Cally pretty much is shallow, as she is a cute brunette who had her hair in a ponytail during the pilot. But I've enjoyed her character since then.)


amyheartssiroc April 13 2007, 01:01:12 UTC
She's not nearly as awesome as Avon, but pretty cool.

And I keep meaning to read Textual Poachers and not getting around to it. =(


booster17 April 13 2007, 01:29:06 UTC
Must admit to not being that fond of Cally myself.


alixtii April 13 2007, 01:55:59 UTC
May I ask why not? I mean personal tastes can't be helped, but I don't understand the trend. She's so cute!

Don't worry about harshing my squee, and I'll respect your opinion so long as I'm allowed mock-indignation.


booster17 April 14 2007, 02:01:23 UTC
She seems to be all one-note to me. She wants the chief, she got the chief and now she does nothing else but mope around, even after marrying the chief. Plus, she got away with killing Boomer, and that's never really been dealt with.

To me, she seems to be taking up character space on a show that desperately needs more room.


alixtii April 14 2007, 12:14:51 UTC
Hmm. I know from her Wikipedia article that she gets the Chief, but I'm practically through season 1 and I haven't gotten the sense that she wants him yet. And if a character gets through one season with me loving them, I'm likely to view their future actions relatively sympathetically.


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