The Triumphant Return of the 50 Books Challenge!

Jan 21, 2020 02:16

Okay, so remember when I used to review books? I got sidetracked the last year I did it, and never finished, and I never picked it back up again.


My leisure time is different now. A good portion of the reading I currently do isn't for a book I can review on this platform. I don't know for sure if I'll make it to fifty, or have time to document all of them. But it's a goal and I'm going to try.

I made a new Blogspot blog just for this project, since let's be honest, this is pretty quiet these days.

Why am I doing this? Because I absolutely loved doing it, I miss doing it, and it's a great way to talk about books I've read.

So welcome to the new Fifty Books Challenge!

I'm holding my old rules: I don't count books I've read before, and I don't count books I don't finish. I can't promise any kind of regularity, but I can promise that I'll do my best to stick with it.


a is for book, book-it '20!

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