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Comments 14

queer_theory September 14 2009, 11:25:26 UTC
WORDS, you glorious thing!

I love what you've said about both glamor and the moon here.

I also love that raspberry swirl is supposed to be this reference to oral sex, but what Tori's saying with this song is in love with her women friends (and specifically Beenie), but doesn't want to do them:

I'm in love with my women friends, but I just don't eat pussy. But I'm in love with them. If I had a different sensibility, then you know I think I could, you know, really fulfill someone down there, where a lot of men in their lives don't. And eating pussy is a metaphor, too - it's about crawling in there, being with their juices, really being with them.


alivemagdolene September 14 2009, 11:39:11 UTC
Tori and her way with words!

I'm in love with my women friends, but I just don't eat pussy.

So does she have sex with them in other ways, like frottage, fingering, strap-ons.... ? ;^) I've noticed the video has a lot of Tori dancing close with women (especially the blond bobbed chick), something I never noticed before in the many times I've watched this video. Hmmmm.


• Queer
• Virgin
• Feminist
• Oral sex (I'm aware that this is actually two words, but it's more of a term)
• Monosexism

I blame our many meta discussions and frank talk about girly parts and relationships.


myownghost September 14 2009, 13:38:32 UTC
when was that video made, do you know? it reminds me very strongly of NIN songs and of trent's many gorgeous and/or scabrous videos. that's no big surprise, probably, though i don't know enough about tori to say whether she influenced him or he influenced her or both at once.

at blip.fm, i've been playing the video of "Perfect Drug" a lot lately.

i'm also a moon child, btw, have always been by instinct.


alivemagdolene September 15 2009, 04:18:19 UTC
That vid came out around the same time as the album, I'm guessing, which would be 1998. I do know Tori and Trent are friends and have influenced each other-- they had a docu that mentioned it once on MTV years back and when down song by song, lyric by lyric, liner notes and album cover by-- you get the idea. She has similiar "collaborations" with Neil Gaiman, the godfather of her daughter. ^_^

Moon sisters, then! ^_^

Would you like words? :^D


myownghost September 15 2009, 11:09:46 UTC
oh! it didn't occur to me to ask, because my posts here at the ghost tend to go almost completely unread. hmmm. sure, why not!? hit me. :)


alivemagdolene September 16 2009, 02:17:09 UTC
I'm all for upping posts' readership!

• classic
• The Beatles
• Laurel
• Maryland (I'm aware that's kind of cheating ^_~)
• John Oliver!


meaculpa_g September 14 2009, 13:40:01 UTC
All gender is a form of drag.

I'm combining comparison/contrast with a chapter on gender in my Comp classes, and I think I'm going to have to hurriedly form an assignment around this concept. Thank you for jump-starting my brain this morning!


alivemagdolene September 15 2009, 04:19:58 UTC
Bah, it's what I do. ;^)

If you haven't already, Forever Barbie is a brilliant read that introduced me to the idea of gender drag (I was only fourteen, but it still explores it fairly deftly, including feminism and gender drag).


chardonnay September 14 2009, 18:42:11 UTC
Words, you glorious thing!

I get giddy inside whenever I see your username, because miss Mary Magdalene was my Confirmation saint (as I've told you many many times) and I just love her so much. :D


alivemagdolene September 15 2009, 04:21:53 UTC

• Catholicism
• Youth
• Empathy
• Friendship
• Curls

Stream of consciousness, there!


rehime September 14 2009, 19:11:31 UTC
Ah, so that's how the moniker came about! Like you said, your LJ name is so worthy to spray on the side of a building. And I have in no way given it a bit of serious thought.

The application of your art into everything you've done is pretty inspiring -- and I get what you mean about how calling yourself an "artist" has its less than favorable connotations. It sounds like it isn't genuine, but being an artist comes from simply putting passion into what you do, bringing that little touch only you can make. It's being special in a way not everyone appreciates, but something that comes naturally to you and should, in a more accepting world, make you happy.

Words, you glorious thing!


alivemagdolene September 15 2009, 04:24:15 UTC

And thank you for understanding my art pretension. ^^ ♥

• Anime
• California
• Stephen Colbert
• Patience
• Dwarf bunny!


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