[JJ activates without notifying Tony. It is a text to her and not him, after all. Her first private text! How interesting.]
Offering my assistance has been no trouble at all, ma'am. It is not a matter of deserving or not. However, could you please define your interpretation of "friends" so I may respond to your question properly. [She has the dictionary definition and Tony's definition, but the former can only go so far while the latter does not go nearly far enough.]
My apologies. Perhaps putting it this way: if two people who are talented in engineering exist in the same space, they both retain their talent, do they not? Thus they both qualify as engineers. The same goes for your expertise.
[JJ activates without notifying Tony. It is a text to her and not him, after all. Her first private text! How interesting.]
Offering my assistance has been no trouble at all, ma'am. It is not a matter of deserving or not. However, could you please define your interpretation of "friends" so I may respond to your question properly. [She has the dictionary definition and Tony's definition, but the former can only go so far while the latter does not go nearly far enough.]
[Another text quickly follows.]
Actually, I prefer my old nickname, if that's okay. 'Techy'. It makes me feel functional, even if it's improper now.
[Read: She ran through five very bad counterarguments and her complex won't give up.]
I've already said everything I can say to you, now. You're free to dismiss yourself, if you don't wish to continue texting.
[She genuinely does feel better but how do you express/nurture positive emotion]
I am available for conversation at any time, Miss Techy. My responses will stop when you deem the conversation fulfilled.
[It was a great talk. She'll just...enjoy these warm fuzzies for however long they last.]
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