TSCC ficlet: Breathing Problems [Derek/Cameron]

Jul 21, 2009 13:15

Title: Breathing Problems
Character/Pairing: Derek/Cameron, John
Word Count: 950
Rating: PG-13, R?
Warning/Spoilers: through 'Samson & Delilah'
Summary: She isn’t supposed to be here. Set around the time of 'Automatic for the People'
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: For twistdmentality's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIT! John/Cameron is my usual ship, but damn are ( Read more... )

fanfic, cameron, derek, tscc

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Comments 16

nanewt011 July 21 2009, 22:29:06 UTC
Oooh, this is GOOD! I like your Cameron, so distant! One of my favorite scenes of season 2 is in Automatic For The People when Derek is bringing guns into the church and the look he gives Cameron as he walks by her, VERY sexay!


alissabobissa July 21 2009, 23:09:16 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked this. And that scene in the church is one of my favorites! :)


twistdmentality July 21 2009, 23:13:02 UTC

There was angsty Derek, dirty nights, mind games, and J/C undertones. AND PANCAKES. PANCAKES MAKE IT BETTER. This was so worth the wait. And, yays, an excuse to use this icon.


alissabobissa July 21 2009, 23:19:46 UTC

I'm so glad you're pleased. J/C undertones happen without plan; they are just always there. AND PANCAKES! I like to think that Derek is sick of them at this point but they give him comfort in their consistancy. :D



twistdmentality July 22 2009, 02:37:46 UTC
I suddenly have the urge to upload more D/C icons. And I blame YOU. Happily though.

I adore this something stupid. This part: A moment later he feels her breath on his shoulder and her breasts moving against him in a rise and fall. “Don’t,” he whispers and she is motionless once more. is fucking fantastic. And the glorious end.

I need more birthdays if this is what I get.


alissabobissa July 22 2009, 03:01:27 UTC
I need to upload one frakking Derek icon. I have none! I can only blame myself.

I'm seriously beyond happy you even liked this a little. So YAY! And thank you for stroking my ego. :)

More birthdays for you!


lint138 July 22 2009, 01:10:17 UTC
Good GODS woman, why didn't you do this more when the show actually aired???

Loved this: “Your pancakes are losing heat at an infinitely increasing rate.”

And this: A moment later he feels her breath on his shoulder and her breasts moving against him in a rise and fall. “Don’t,” he whispers and she is motionless once more.

Brilliantly done. I am envious of the angst, and Cameron knowing he won't ever tell John. Gah, good good stuff. You are awesomesause, and I shan't let anyone speak otherwise.


alissabobissa July 22 2009, 01:29:12 UTC
*grins* You know I only watched the show while it was on for the last 10 or so episodes. :)

Thank you for super nice feedback. I can always count on you to boost my ego. And don't envy the angst or I'll have to envy your Sammy angst.


valhallalilly July 22 2009, 02:21:33 UTC
Ahhh how much I love this fic and this line will haunt me! way to go :)
"....she is warm where he thinks she should be cold, soft where he imagines she is hard, and woman where she ought to be machine."


alissabobissa July 22 2009, 02:55:21 UTC
Thanks so much! Glad you liked. :)


zargman July 22 2009, 08:17:01 UTC
You know, I absolutely adore and envy your ability to keep it short and kinda isolated! It seems that anything I try to write (especially true about my B5 stuff) is turning out to be a "long story"... There are asways an emerging multiple plot lines, and the "bigger picture" above it all... I just can't concentrate in one particular moment and make it a beautiful little something, as you do...

Great job! :)


alissabobissa July 23 2009, 01:19:58 UTC
Short and isolated seems like the only thing I have the patience for lately. And I sort of look at these little ficlets much like poetry in that you can just explore a single topic and do so in an interesting way. God, that sounded pretentious! But mulitchapter or longer fics seem too daunting right now, so I admire anyone willing to take them on, like you. :)

Thank you so much for your lovely comments!


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