Somehow, despite being pretty depressed over the last couple of weeks, I managed to fall into a doing-things frenzy this evening. Work! Emails! Scheduling things! Dealing with accumulated mail! Watering plants! Etc etc. (This does not match up with symptoms of bipolar, at least not to the point of needing treatment; I've never had a manic episode
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Comments 11
There are so many systems out there, from the very simple to the very elaborate, that I'm not sure how to pick one. But as far as I can tell, the most important thing is to have one, that works... well, maybe the second most important thing, after "get the heck out of bed in the morning", which I'm making some progress on :)
mostly, I find that if I am lying in bed, deciding whether to continue doing that or to get up and do things, although it always seems more pleasant to stay there, that never actually improves how I feel, while doing things often is at least distracting
not trying to diagnose you, but fyi bipolar type 2 is hypomania only, no actual mania
That makes a lot of sense for habits where it's not certain if they are the best way of implementing the goal. Thanks for the example :)
I've also heard "anticipate that you will fail in your new habit, preemptively forgive yourself for it, and pre-decide what you will do in case of failure" -- though this is more of a don't-beat-yourself-up and don't-fall-off-the-wagon measure.
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