Elements {A Belle Series Ficlet}

Jul 17, 2012 23:32

This is not the oneshot I'm working on.  This is a ficlet I hoped would break the block on the oneshot I'm trying to write.  It really hasn't.  It's also a test of sorts to see how easy or difficult to post and make the title graphics on the Mac.  It seems almost the same.  Though I did lose the form for posting on doctor_donna .  Pretty sure that's a really minute issue.  =P Annoying thing about a Mac?  No notepad.  *sigh*  Anyhow.

I'm not entirely happy with this, but it's something, and I don't think it sucks.  I'm hoping you'll feel the same.  I really hope that I can get working on the oneshot again.

As always, I don't own Ten, Donna, or Doctor Who.  The BBC does. Please read and enjoy...

Donna sat in the doorway of the TARDIS, watching the skies over the cliff and ocean.  The Doctor had moved the timeship from behind the tree roots and closer to the cliff, just after Belle woke up, thinking he would carry her to the cliff edge so she could hear and smell the ocean below.  But she was still rather ill from the freyDicanthis bite, as well as tiring easily.   He resigned himself to the fact that Belle wouldn’t be going outside anytime soon.

Donna had taken advantage of the new location to sit quietly in the doorway of the TARDIS, just inside enough not to be buffeted by the cold November winds, and outside enough to see the turbulent ocean below.  Often in the few days since Belle had awakened, Donna could be found sitting there looking out.  Sometimes Wilf or Sylvia would sit with her, sometimes the Doctor would sit with her, holding her to himself, pressing light kisses to her lips when he felt it was necessary.  She returned the affection, giving kisses to him as often as he kissed her.  None were more than light pecks.  Chaste but filled with love.

Sometimes she sat alone, letting her mind churn through the events of the past few days.  She liked sitting with the Doctor the best, as he didn’t try to get her to talk like her mum and Gramps did when she didn’t feel like talking.  The affection he was so willing to shower her with was nice as well, and she liked having him next to her and slightly behind so she could lean on him.

Now she was sitting by herself, leaning on the doorway, stretching her legs out to the side.  The rain that had been falling steadily over the day and a half since the storm had let up and the ocean had calmed, the waves rolling in and out almost peacefully.  The skies were still gray, as was the ocean.  This was not to last however, as dark clouds built and billowed in the distance.  Getting up, she went to the jump seat, and grabbed the blanket laying there, wrapping it around herself before going back to the door and stepping out of the TARDIS and to the cliff edge.  The wind began to pick up, the waves turned choppier and with more white caps.  Tightening the blanket around her, she turned her face to the wind closing her eyes.

The Doctor had been looking for Donna for a few minutes, he hadn’t seen her in the TARDIS doorway, though the doors were opened.  Thinking she went to the kitchen to make herself a mug of tea, he went there only to see she wasn’t there.  Wilf and Sylvia hadn’t seen her either.  He went back to the console room, this time going to the door, and seeing her wrapped in a blanket, standing on the cliff edge.  He slipped up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck lightly.  “Room for one more in that blanket, love?” he asked quietly.

She responded by opening one blanket covered arm, holding out the edge of the blanket.  He took it, stayed behind her, and wrapped the blanket around them both.  He sensed she didn’t want to talk, but just wanted to watch the sky and ocean.  So that is what they did.  They allowed the incoming storm to be the soundtrack to their thoughts, thunder, lightening, rain, wind, and waves the perfects elements to do such.

ficlet, tenth doctor, doctor who, donna noble, pg-13

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