Giving Up, Giving In Chapter Three

Jun 10, 2010 17:57

Title: Giving Up, Giving In
Author: alifeofourown  & havah24601  
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low), Jack Barakat/Gabe Saporta (All Time Low/Cobra Starship)
Rating: Mature
Summary: There was something wrong with Zack. It wasn't just the normal silence that Alex had grown so used to. No, this was worth. Something was wrong and Alex was determined to find out what, even if it ended up hurting him in the end.
Warnings: Angst, Rape, More Angst, Touring, Eventual Fluff
Dedication: For passiontothesky  for being so amazing and waiting patiently for something that was supposed to be posted in November but isn't being posted until now. Yes, this is secret November!fic. You may now proceed to glee. (:
Beta: lifeisafantasy2  
Disclaimer: I don't own All Time Low, but if you're looking for one of their hoodies, I do own a few of them. (:
Author Notes: So I'm doing this drabble thing called the 100 Drabbles of Summer, sponsored by charloft  and I haven't decided if I like it yet or not. Goal is to write one drabble for every pairing I've ever shipped or read or liked, so there'll be a few All Time Low ones. Keep an eye out for them!

Alex got into his car and immediately drove over to Jack's. "Jaaack," he whined as he entered the house.

Jack looked up from where he had been scribbling half-assed shit onto a piece of paper. "Whaatttttt?" he whined back.

"Crash and burn!" He did a hand motion of crashing and burning, his left hand taking a nose dive into the palm of his right. "Worst ever."

"Date didn't go well?" he asked with a frown.

"Not a date." Alex groaned, falling onto the sofa. "Shoot me now."

"If I had a gun, I would," Jack commented blandly as he went back to writing.

"Seriously, though...he was like...super quiet and super shy and at least the first couple of weeks he was excited. Did you think he was being weird at practice?"

Jack shrugged. "A little," he said as he closed his notebook and looked at Alex.

"You don't think Rian said anything to him while he was driving him home, do you? Like what he said to Caleb when Caleb was interested in me?"

"I'd hope not," Jack said as he sighed. "Rian's obsessive, yeah, but I really don't think he'd try to sabotage another potential relationship for you. I think he's matured a little bit since then."

"Yeah, probably." He shrugged. "Maybe something’s off at his home?"

"Maybe," Jack agreed. "I don't know Lex."

"And you're annoyed with me, aren't you?"

"Not really," he said as he smiled. "I'm too happy to be annoyed."

"Congrats on the job, man." Alex sighed. "Want to get some booze and celebrate?"

"How about some free coffee instead?" Jack said as he grinned. "It's too early in the day for booze."

"Can you get coffee yet?" Alex asked. "I mean you're still in the training phase, right?"

"Of course," Jack said as he nodded. "I can't make it, but I can order it with the shiny gift card that my manager gave me." He grinned as he pulled the card out of his pocket.

"Ohhh! How shiny?" Alex asked.

"A hundred dollars shiny?" Jack said as he chuckled, showing Alex the card.

"That is very, very shiny!" Alex smiled. "Let's go."

"Yes, let’s." Jack agreed as he shoved his notebook aside and got up off the couch.

"By the way, what were you writing?" he asked.

"Nothing much. Just some random crap."

"Random crap like something I could sing later?" he asked.

"Just quite possibly," Jack said as he shrugged.

"Oh goody!" He smiled.

"You worry me sometimes Alex," Jack said as he chuckled. "Stop getting excited over what's in my notebook."

"I looove new songs!" Alex grinned.

"Well keep your love to yourself or else you're not getting free coffee."

"Oh fine." Alex rolled his eyes. "So, do all new employees get shiny, shiny gift cards on day one?"

Jack shrugged. "How the hell do I know?"

"Just wondering." Alex shrugged.

"I don't think they do," Jack commented as he shrugged.

"What did you do?" Alex asked immediately.

"What makes you think I did anything?" Jack asked, his voice coy.

"Because you clearly want me to think that..."

"Well to answer your question," Jack said as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I didn't do anything...that I don't usually do."

"So you went down on him in the toilets?" Alex asked.

"Not exactly," Jack said as he shrugged.

"Fucked him in the supply room?"

"Something like that," Jack said as he grinned.

"Way to go." He smiled.

"Hey," Jack said as he shrugged. "He wanted it, and he was fucking hot."

"Did you get the job before or after..." Alex asked.

"Before," Jack said as he nodded. "I earned it."

"Slut." Alex smiled, hitting him on the arm.

"So true," Jack said as he grinned. "But then again, you already knew that."

"True." Alex nodded. "So wait, will the hottie manager still be here?"

"Maybe," Jack said as he bit his lip. "I mean, I hope so..."

"Bow chika wow, wow!" Alex laughed.

"Shut up," Jack said as he shoved him lightly

"Fine." He shrugged. "Just so long as I get my drink and a gander at the hottie."

Jack rolled his eyes before he pulled the gift card back out of his pocket and held the door open for Alex. "After you, asshole."

"Kay!" Alex bounced inside the coffee shop, looking around. There was a tall, South American man behind the counter. "Ohhh." Alex looked at Jack, tilting his head to the side.

Jack nodded quietly as he looked at the man in front of them.

"Nice," Alex whispered before going up to the counter. "I would like...the gayest thing you've got, please?"

"Really Alex?" Jack asked as he sighed from behind him.

"Yes." Alex nodded. "Gay coffee is bomb."

"It's just because you're so fucking gay that it's not even funny." Jack rolled his eyes.

"You're not much better," Alex shot back.

"True," Jack said as he bit his lip.

"Hey Jack." Gabe smiled at his new employee. "Back so soon?"

"Yeah," Jack mumbled. "Jerk friend of mine wanted coffee and I felt like being nice."

"Kindness is a good quality...most of the time." He shrugged. "You getting anything?"

Jack shook his head. "I'm good," he said as he smiled a bit. "Coffee'd out a bit."

"Oh, you have no idea." He shook his head. "Here, gay coffee for your bouncy friend." He handed over the cup.

"Oh yay!" Alex smirked.

Jack laughed a bit as he handed the card to Gabe, not sure why he was feeling really awkward right now. "Yeah..." he said as he nodded.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" Gabe asked, handing the card back to Jack.

Jack nodded. "Of course."

"Bye bye." Gabe smiled as they headed out.

"See you," Jack replied as he followed Alex out of the building.

"Ohhh!" Alex smiled. "Sexy!"

Jack shook his head. "I'm really resisting the urge to trip you right now."

"Wait." Alex frowned. "You're acting off."

"And you're very obvious with your remarks," Jack commented as he stuffed his hands into his jean pockets again.

"Tell me what's bugging you, Barakitten."

"Your face, Gayskarth," Jack replied as he shrugged.

"Tell me!!" Alex whined.

"I just did," Jack said as he shook his head a bit.

"Yeah, but you were lying so it doesn't count, wanker."

"You've been hanging 'round Oli too much," Jack said as he laughed. "You're starting to sound like him."

"I used to have an accent of my own, you know."

"Yeah, I know. That's not the point though."

"It is for me!"

"You're a dick," Jack said as he chuckled.

"And you're acting funny."

"No I'm not," Jack said as he shook his head.

"Yes you are!" He frowned. "TALK TO ME!"

"We've been talking..." Jack pointed out as he shrugged.

"I've been talking, you've been avoiding."

"Alex, there's nothing to avoid!" Jack said as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"If laid back Jack is getting frustrated, he's hiding something!"

"Laid back Jack is getting frustrated because Alex won't leave him alone."

"Because Alex knows something’s up!"

"What could possibly be up aside from my dick?" Jack asked as he looked at him.

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking."

"Well there is nothing," Jack moaned.

"Why can't you just tell me the truth? I told you about how I fucked up with Zack!"

"Because there's nothing to tell you Alex! How many times do I have to say it?"

"Ok, fine!" Alex sighed. "Geez..."

"Thank you," Jack said as he sighed. "Like, when I tell you there's nothing wrong, I mean it, Lex."

"Okay, fine." Alex sighed. He had a feeling that Jack was lying, but he wasn't going to push it.

Jack breathed out a small sigh of relief and ruffled Alex's hair.

"Stop," Alex stuck his tongue out. "You yelled at me. I don't like being yelled at."

"I'm sorry," Jack said as he bit his lip.

"It's okay." He shrugged. "It's not like the moms ever yell at me, so someone has to.'

"That makes little to no sense," Jack said as he laughed a bit.

"It's me," Alex stated. "Is it ever going to make sense?"

"Now that made sense," Jack said as he laughed.

"DAMN IT!" He laughed. "This is good gay coffee."

"I know," Jack said as he nodded.

"Sexy manager knows what he's doing."

"Of course he does," Jack said as he grinned a bit. "He's very good with making things happen."

"Clearly." He stuck his tongue out again. "So Zack wouldn't go to a movie with me...will you?"

"You know I will," Jack said as he nodded.

"Can we make out? I'm lonely."

Jack chuckled a bit as he slung an arm over Alex's shoulders. "Course man. I'm always up for some spit swapping."

"Awesome." Alex smiled. "Let's go!"

"Let's," Jack agreed as he smiled. They climbed into the car, heading for the movies. 

band: cobra starship, rating: mature, pairing: jack/alex, story: giving up giving in, pairing: jack/gabe, genre: angst, band: all time low

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