Best Part of Believe is the Lie Three

Dec 14, 2009 18:48

Title: Best Part of Believe is the Lie
Author: alifeofourown
Pairings: Kyle/Caleb (Forever the Sickest Kids), Alex/Jack (All Time Low), Gabe/William (Cobra Starship/The Academy Is...), possible other
Rating: Teen
Summary: Kyle was never going to get better and he knew that. That's why he did this. That's why he had to lie.
Warnings: Postcards, Confusion, Gabilliam love
Disclaimer: If you found this thanks to Googling yourself or someone Googling you for you, turn the fuck back around. Thanks. :D
Beta: havah24601
Dedication: Any Kyleb, Jalex or Gabilliam lovers who dare to read my insanity.
Author Note: It's a Monday! Tomorrow I'm spending my entire day Christmas shopping for the three (or more) people in my life who mean the absolute most to me. For those who I'm not allowed to ship presents to, fics are delivered. Anyone want a Xmas Fic? Poke me in a comment or ask for one in a message! I'll write you a Christmas fic!
Title credit to Fall Out Boy, cut credit to DHT

The phone call that Alex had just finished had probably been one of the few most difficult ones that he’d ever had to make. Listening to a confused and upset Gabe on the other end of the line asking over and over why his William didn’t want to see him for the first time in over two years practically broke the man’s heart. The older man clearly loved his fiancé, so it upset Alex to have to tell said man that his fiancé didn’t want to see him, and that kind of led things into a mess of thoughts for Alex, and they somehow ended up on Kyle.

The blond was probably in his room making yet another postcard to send to Caleb, his beautiful Caleb, the one that he didn’t know wasn’t writing to him for reasons that Alex wasn’t going to dare tell Kyle. That was Jonathan’s problem since it had been his idea to keep it from Kyle in the first place. Then again, didn’t that make Alex just as bad because he went along with what Jonathan had started? The secretary didn’t want to think about it and he let out a sigh, dropping his shoulders as he let the thoughts overwhelm him.

“Oh no,” a voice said from behind him. “Looks like someone used their brain too much again.” Alex let out a weak chuckle as he turned around to see Jack standing behind him. “You’ve been thinking,” Jack said as he smiled, moving so that he was behind Alex once more. “Stop and let me help.” Alex sighed as he leaned into the touch that Jack gave him, enjoying the fact that his boyfriend was now taking time from his job to massage his shoulders.

“Thanks,” Alex said as he smiled slightly, feeling relieved from the stress of the complicated thoughts that were forming a knot in his stomach, one that Alex typically knew as guilt but wasn’t ready to classify it as such. Jack smiled down at Alex, continuing to work out the knots in his boyfriend’s shoulders. “What are you doing over here anyway? Don’t you have a job or something that you’re supposed to be doing, a Kyle to be bugged by or a William to take care of?”

Jack laughed as he kissed Alex’s cheek, not once stopping his gentle touches of comfort to Alex’s shoulders. “I probably should be doing that, but right now I’m on this really lovely thing called a break. You know, it’s where they give you some time off between your job periods.” Alex cracked a smile at that one as he listened to the grin in Jack’s voice. “Besides, William doesn’t like me when he’s in one of his moods. You know that.”

“Yeah,” Alex said as he sighed quietly, leaning back against his chair and moving so that Jack had no choice but to stop massaging his shoulders. “I’m just wondering what set him off in such a violent mood. I mean, yeah, he’s been mad before, but I’ve never seen him tear a letter to shreds without even daring to open it and read what it said.” Jack let out a small huff of air as he collapsed into the chair next to Alex, the one that belonged to the other secretary, Travis, when he was actually around. “It worries me to see him like that Jack, because he’s up for review to see if he can get out of here, and I don’t want him to lose the chance to get out of here because of this temper tantrum outburst that happened today.”

“I bet that with some nice persuading, I can convince Rian to keep William’s outburst hush hush, and there’s this lovely secretary that I think I can bribe with kisses and promises of popcorn, bed snuggles and cheesy romance movies if he’ll keep from marking it on William’s record.” Alex laughed quietly before he leaned forward and grabbed Jack by the collar of his scrubs, pulling him forward so that he could kiss him, but Jack stopped him before he could manage to complete his mission. “Nope,” he said with a laugh as he pushed Alex away. “No PDA on the job. We promised, remember?”

“You know, if that’s a rule, then how is it that Travis is allowed to practically fuck John in the hallways but I can’t kiss you once?”
Jack sighed as he took Alex’s hand. “Because John is a patient,” he said softly as he looked at Alex. “Which means he’s going to be in here for a long time, so Trav and John get to do that shit as long as they’re not caught by crazy Pete who’ll tell the supervisor.” He smiled. “But admit it, you enjoy making fun of him about his relationship with orgasmic Ohh.” Alex smiled, thinking back to all of the comments he had made to Travis about the noises that come out of that relationship, using a lot of dirty jokes about John O’Callighan’s last name

“That’s not the point though,” Alex said once he got his thoughts back on track. “They’re all like, practically fucking in the hall and you and I aren’t allowed to kiss each other.” Jack sighed, moving so that he was running his fingers along the back of Alex’s hand to comfort him. “Jack, I want to kiss you.”

“You will kiss me,” Jack responded with a small smile. “Once I get off the clock and you, my idiot boyfriend, make sure that you don’t end up volunteering for late shifts because Travis is out buying John chocolates or something like that.” Alex laughed as he pulled his hand from Jack’s grip, moving forward to hug him. Jack allowed the hug for a few seconds before he pulled back and ruffled Alex’s hair. “I mean it. Don’t you go covering for Travis again. I want to spend a nice night with you.”

“Fine,” Alex said as he smiled. “Even if Travis calls me and begs because he’s picking out an engagement ring or something like that, I will not give in because I want some time with my baby.”

Jack rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up off of the chair. “Just because I’m a few months younger than you does not give you the right to call me a baby.” Alex opened his mouth to protest but Jack cut him off. “Not even your baby. I am not a baby in any way, shape or form, so deal with it cutie.” He looked at the clock on Alex’s desk and sighed. “And now, my dear, my break is over so I have to go back and help make sure that crazy Pete didn’t attempt to eat the damn windowsill again.”

“Haha,” Alex said as he let out a short laugh. “Get out of here before I grab you and lock the both of us in a supply closet.” He winked at Jack, grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh, kinky bastard,” Jack said with a laugh as he ruffled Alex’s hair again, leaving before Alex could retaliate and go through with his threat to lock the two of them in a supply closet.

Alex turned around in his chair and his smile faded as he found himself face to face with Gabe. “You two looked like a cozy little couple,” Gabe commented as he gave Alex a half smile, clearly not attempting to keep up the brilliant grins that Alex knew him for. “I bet you guys are great together when you’re not on duty.”

“Why are you here?” Alex asked as he looked at the man, ignoring his comments about his relationship with Jack. “I called you. I told you that Bill didn’t want you to come in today…” Gabe let out a small sigh as he leaned against the counter, looking at Alex.

“I know you did,” he said as he fumbled with his hands, trying not to think about the fact that his fiancé didn’t want to see him. “You told me he doesn’t want to see me, you told me he didn’t want me to come in, but I’ve been coming into this place every single day since William was first admitted. I’m not changing that because he doesn’t want to see me.” He paused to run a hand through his hair, looking at Alex. “You see, I want to prove to William that I’m going to be here for him no matter what, so despite the fact if this is a test or not, I’m still here. You can tell him or you can ignore it, but either way, I showed up because I care about him and that’s not going to change.”

Alex smiled lightly once Gabe had finished his mini speech and he got up from his chair. “Come on,” he said softly. “Follow me.” He came out from behind the desk and led Gabe to William’s room, knocking lightly on the door before leaving Gabe there alone.

The door opened slowly and William’s eyes instantly widened as he saw Gabe. “I…I thought I told Alex that I didn’t want to see you today…”

“I came anyway,” Gabe said simply as he smiled at William. “I love you Bill, so I’ll come here every day for you, even if you don’t want to see me.”

William blinked slowly before he pulled Gabe into the room, shutting the door behind them. Alex smiled from where he had been watching the situation. At least someone was going to be happy today, so that was all that mattered to him as he returned to his desk, glad that he had one less thing to worry about.

rating: teen, band: fall out boy, pairing: john/travis, band: the maine, pairing: jack/alex, genre: angst, band: all time low, story: best part of believe is the lie, band: forever the sickest kids, band: we the kings, band: cobra starship, pairing: kyle/caleb, pairing: gabe/william, band: the academy is...

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