Slut! an Alex Tour Chapter Three

Sep 22, 2009 00:46

                “So . . . um . . . before you guys start yelling, I’m sorry?” Alex really hoped he looked as sincere as he felt, but the way Zack was looking at him right now told him that ‘I’m sorry,’ was too little too late.

“I have no idea where the fuck your ass was for the signing and I really don’t care but just- what the hell Alex?”

Alex expected to get chewed out for missing the signing but he really doesn’t remember Zack being this mad with him- ever, but now- now Zack was furious. His face was flushed red and he was sending Alex a glare meant to kill.

“You’re lucky Jack covered your ass,” Zack continued his rant, “You should’ve seen those fans. They were so disappointed.”

Alex looked at Jack who only shrugged. “I just told them that you weren’t feeling too well after the set.”

Alex gave him a small smile, grateful, “Thanks.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Jack deadpanned. Alex frowned; Jack could usually forgive him pretty quickly. So maybe, yeah, this might just qualify as fucking up on Alex’s part.

“Guys, I mean it, I’m so sorry. I just lost track of time. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”

“It’s not us you need to make it up to; it’s the fans,” Rian said, “What were you doing that made you completely miss a signing anyway. Were you actually sick?”

Alex swore he heard Jack scoff, but he ignored it, “I . . .um,” He didn’t really know why he was about to lie, but he figured he’d be in less trouble if he gave a sort of valid reason for missing the signing. “I was tired, decided to take a short nap on the bus, but my phone must’ve been on silent because my alarm didn’t go off. Stupid, yeah I know.”

Jack stared at him for a moment and Alex bit his lip, looking away. Jack’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say anything. Zack was still glaring at him, but it seemed less hostile now.

“Whatever. Just, don’t do it again,” he was silent for a moment before continuing. “Or we might have to kick you out of the band and let Jack sing. We all know how much of a disaster that would be.” Zack smiled and shoved Jack, who mock glared at him.

“I am an amazing singer, thank you. I just have to hold back so I won’t outshine Alex.” Jack gave Alex a small smile, and just like that, Alex knew things were okay, for now anyway.


Jack and Alex were on their way to the main stage to catch The All-American Rejects’ set. They were walking in relative silence, but Alex could see Jack glancing at him every so often. It was kind of starting to get on his nerves.

“So,” Jack started, breaking the silence, “Where were you really?”

Alex squinted up at Jack, vaguely aware that he’d spoken, “What?”

Jack elbowed him and gave him a lopsided grin, “Did you really think I would believe that whole ‘sleeping through the alarm’ bullshit? It was so obvious you were lying.”

Alex snorted, “And here I was thinking I was such a pro liar,” he laughed, albeit nervously.

“You obviously convinced Rian and Zack but they’re gullible as hell and dude, you’re shit at lying to me. You always do that- that thing,” Jack said, apparently expecting Alex to know what he was talking about.

Alex only raised a brow, “What thing?”

Jack made a general hand motion at his face, “You know that lip thing. You always bite your lip when you lie to me. It’s a dead give away.”

Alex opened his mouth but closed it again, not sure what to say. He hoped that maybe if he ignored Jack’s question, Jack would let it go. No such luck.

“Well?” Jack asked as he reached out and gripped Alex’s shoulder, making him stop in his tracks.

Alex blew out a puff of air, ruffling his bangs and sighed again before speaking, “Okay. So you know Pat Brown?”

Jack nodded.

Alex sucked in a breath, “Yeah . . . I was with him.”

Jack’s eyes widened and Alex was glad that he didn’t have to explain any further than that.  Jack knew him well enough to get what he meant by the vague statement.

Alex didn’t like the way that Jack seemed to be avoiding his eyes. He really didn’t know what to think about that at all.

Jack sucked in his breath and looked at him, anger evident on his face with underlying disappointment. Disappointment? That was new.

“I don’t even-,” Jack paused, at a loss for words apparently, which was a shocking occurrence in itself, “Did you really- I mean- you seriously missed a signing for a fuck? You always do shit like this Alex and we told you before. We told you not to-,”

“I’m not!” Alex said, cutting him, off suddenly feeling angry, “I’m not fucking anything up okay? This was just one stupid mistake and I said I was sorry! I’m not the only person capable of messing things up here; so I would appreciate it if you guys would stop putting all of this shit on me.” Alex’s hands were in fists at his sides and he was looking at Jack with eyes narrowed.

Jack stared back at Alex, just as defiant before sighing and running a hand through his hair, “Whatever, just- whatever, okay? Let’s just forget about this.”

Alex glared at him for a moment, wanting to say something more, but was really sick of fighting with him. Instead, he just turned on his heel and started to walk off, but he was stopped by fingers curling tightly around his wrist. Alex stared at the long fingers before glancing up at Jack, giving him a skeptical look.

“Hey, let’s not be mad about this. Okay? We’re at Warped. We love it here and we shouldn’t let some stupid argument ruin this.” Jack was giving him a tiny smile and Alex rolled his eyes but smiled back anyway.


It was just after the All-American Rejects’ set. Jack and Alex had finally made their way to the main stage about halfway into the show, and Alex would be lying if he said he wasn’t turned on throughout the entire performance because hell, Tyson Ritter was ridiculously hot. Alex was pretty sure Tyson thought the same thing about him, because he and Jack were chilling in the AAR tent, but Tyson’s eyes hadn’t left him once.

And maybe that made Alex shiver, just a little.

Alex watched as Tyson nodded his head in a way that obviously stated, ‘meet me outside,’ while a smirk was clearly evident on his face. Alex knew he really shouldn’t have followed when Tyson stood, giving his band mates some lame excuse before leaving the tent, but Alex was never really one for morals.

He stood, stretching his arms over his head and Jack paused in the middle of some insane story he’d been in the middle of telling that had required him to flail his arms wildly.

Jack gave him a look, “Where are you going?”

Alex brushed his bangs out of his eyes and shrugged, “Just gonna roam around for a bit. I’ll be back. Don’t worry.”

Jack’s eyes shifted to the spot Tyson had sat previously and then moved back up to look at Alex. “Alex . . .” he said. His tone was warning.

“Dude, don’t worry. I said I’ll be back. Don’t be such a PMSing bitch. You’ve been so moody today,” Alex brushed him off and called out a “later” to everyone else in the tent before exiting into the hot summer heat.

He spotted Tyson, arms crossed, his smirk still in place.

“I was beginning to think you were slow,” Tyson started, “And that I would just have to fuck you in front of everyone for you to get the picture.”

Alex suppressed a grin, trying to keep his expression coy, “Who said anything about you fucking me?”

Tyson laughed, and it sounded slightly mocking, “Well you sure as hell aren’t fucking me, pretty boy.”

“You call me pretty boy again and no one is fucking anyone,” Alex said, looking at Tyson, completely serious about what he said. He wasn’t pretty, dammit. He was just a really, really handsome individual.

Tyson laughed again before walking off. Alex stood confused for a minute until Tyson looked back, and Alex realized he was expected to follow. Seriously, would it be that difficult for Tyson to just tell him what he wanted? He wasn’t a mind reader.

Alex wasn’t sure where Tyson was leading him and he really didn’t care as long as they got where they were going soon. Alex was a little bit eager.

When they’d gotten to the place that Tyson had decided was their destination, Alex made a face of disgust.

“The bathroom? Seriously? Gross,” he said, eyeing the facility warily.

Tyson chuckled, “Too dirty for you princess?”

Alex glared and walked into the restroom ahead of him pointedly, “Shut the fuck up.”

They were lucky no one was in there at the moment, because it would have been a little awkward to sign autographs or take pictures in the bathroom. Alex absolutely hated when that happened.

Tyson pulled Alex roughly into a stall, closing and locking it behind him before slamming him up against the door.

Air rushed out of Alex at the force. He was about to complain, but slim hips were being pressed firmly against his own and chapped lips were moving against his neck. Yeah, Alex really didn’t see a problem with anything anymore.

He wrapped his arms around Tyson’s neck, pulling at his hair as Tyson bit and sucked at that spot just below his ear. Alex gasped and jerked his hips, earning him a low growl from Tyson and shit, that sound went straight to his cock. Tyson placed a final kiss at his collarbone before moving his hands to the hem of Alex’s shirt. Alex quickly raised his arms, allowing Tyson to bring the shirt up and over his head. Alex watched through hooded eyes as Tyson looked him over.

“Jesus,” Tyson breathed, “You’re so . . .”

Alex rolled his eyes before tugging at the bassist’s shirt, “Yeah, I’m sure I’ve heard it all before, but this,” He tugged on the shirt again for emphasis, “really needs to go.”

Tyson smirked before removing the frustrating article of clothing and dropping it on the ground to join Alex’s. The singer made a noise of appreciation before placing a hand on Tyson’s neck and pulling him down into a rough kiss. Alex moaned against his lips, and he tried to press himself as close as possible, hips moving against Tyson’s. He could feel the other man’s cock against his own very prominent erection and suddenly there was too much fabric between them and Alex wanted to get these stupid jeans off, now. He made a whining sound that he would never, ever admit to making and pulled reluctantly away from Tyson only to begin fumbling with the other man’s jeans. Alex groaned in frustration when he couldn’t seem to undo the button inside of the pants. Why the hell do people need buttons on the inside of their pants?

“Having trouble?” Tyson asked, a smirk evident in his voice.

Alex frowned, still working on that stupid button, “Shut up.”

The taller man just grinned before prying Alex’s fumbling fingers from his jeans.

“Hey,” Tyson said, voice unusually soft, “Just let me do this. You can stand there and look pretty.”

Alex’s frown turned into a scowl, “I am not-.”

He was abruptly cut off by a pair of lips once again on his own. It was nothing more than a simple press of lips before Tyson pulled away.

“I get it. You’re not pretty. Shut the hell up about it already.”

Alex opened his mouth, prepared to say something else but then there were lips on his chest and fingers working on his jeans and all he could think was, yes. Tyson hooked his fingers into the top of Alex’s underwear and jeans, never once breaking contact with Alex’s chest, lips grazing over the skin, every so often stopping to bite at a pink nipple and smile as Alex gripped at his hair and let out a breathy moan.

“Oh god . . . please,” Alex whimpered and gasped as he felt a hand wrap around his throbbing erection.

“Please what?” Tyson teased, pressing his thumb against the head of Alex’s cock.

“Fuck,” Alex groaned and his head jerked back, banging against the bathroom door. It hurt but he could ignore the pain, “Stop being a dick and just fucking fuck me already damnit.”

Tyson laughed again, and honestly, Alex didn’t see what the hell was so funny. He was incredibly hard and Tyson was still wearing his pants. Why the hell was Tyson still wearing his pants?

The taller man removed his hand from Alex’s cock and Alex whined a bit at the loss of warmth. Breathing heavily, Alex watched from under his lashes as Tyson undid that stupid button with ease and slid his pants down his legs. He wasn’t wearing underwear and Alex let out a moan as the other man’s cock came into view. Fuck, he wanted Tyson in him so badly.

Tyson raised a finger to Alex’s mouth and cocked a brow. Alex gave him a sly grin and slowly sucked the digit into his mouth, feeling accomplished as Tyson watched Alex’s mouth slide over his finger, seemingly entranced. Alex moved on to a second finger, sucking that one in just as slowly, tongue swirling around the digit and he took pleasure in the expression on Tyson’s face. His cheeks were flushed, lips were parted, and his breath was coming out in pants.

The bassist removed his fingers from Alex’s warm mouth, brushing the tips across his kiss-swollen lips.

Tyson situated a knee between Alex’s legs, pushing them apart and Alex wrapped his legs around Tyson’s waist, bracing his hands on either side of himself even though Tyson could manage his weight.

“Fuck . . . oh fuck,” Alex whispered as he felt a single finger probe his entrance and slide inside of him. His arms were shaking and he was pushing himself down on Tyson’s finger. He just needed . . .

“More. . .” he breathed and Tyson complied, sliding a second digit into him, scissoring inside as Alex tried to fuck himself on the taller vocalist’s fingers.

“You’re so fucking hot,” Tyson whispered into Alex’s ear, biting softly on the lobe as he added a third finger into the tight entrance. Alex gasped, which soon turned into a strangled moan as Tyson’s fingers found that spot and . . . oh god. Alex had to bite on his lip to try and muffle his moans in case anyone came in.

“Fuck me already . . . please.” Alex squeezed his eyes shut. His hands scrabbled on the walls trying to find any kind of hindrance as Tyson continued to repeatedly hit his spot. The brunette bit down on his lip even harder, surely drawing blood, “Dammit Tyson, come on.”

“You are such a bossy son of a bitch, you know that?”

Tyson removed his fingers and Alex groaned at the loss.

“Hey . . . wait just .  . . ,” Tyson unhooked Alex’s legs from around his waist and the shorter vocalist resisted a whine. He watched curiously with lustful eyes as Tyson rummaged around in his pants pockets and pulled out a condom and lube. Alex looked on, slightly amused.

“Wow, expecting to get some much?”

Tyson shrugged, the usual smirk in place, “You never know when you’ll need it. Obviously,” he said, giving Alex’s body a once over.

Alex grinned and took the packets out of Tyson’s hands, quickly tearing open the condom and slipping it, slowly, onto the other man’s cock. He heard Tyson suck in a breath and Alex tried to suppress a smirk. He opened the lube packet into his hand and started to spread it onto Tyson’s heated erection.

“Shit,” the older man groaned, as Alex teased the head, “Shit, Alex. Stop.”

Alex took his hand away, confused until he was pushed back against the door, the lock digging into his lower back but he didn’t really care. Tyson’s lips were pressed to his in a bruising kiss and Alex wrapped his legs around Tyson’s waist once again, arms locked around the older man’s neck as they kissed, tongues fighting for dominance. Alex moaned against Tyson’s mouth as he felt the tip of the man’s erection at his entrance.

Alex tried to seat himself entirely on Tyson’s cock but the man’s hands were gripping hard enough to leave bruises on his hips, holding him in place.

“I swear if you do that, I will come right fucking now,” Tyson growled into Alex’s ear. The singer nodded his head, trying to resist moving. Tyson’s fingers dug into the other singer’s hips as he pushed passed the tight ring of muscle. Alex’s breath hitched and the older man paused for a moment before sliding in entirely.

Alex tensed a bit before letting out a choked moan, “Fuck,” he gasped, “Move.”

And Tyson picked up a slow rhythm, moving in and out, fingers still digging into Alex’s slim hips. They were both trying to muffle their moans, trying to swallow the sounds with rough kisses.

Then, Tyson began to speed up, pounding into him and hitting that spot, that made Alex go crazy. He threw his head back, letting out a loud moan, ignoring the pain of his head connecting with the bathroom door and not caring if someone were to hear. Alex’s hands scrabbled at Tyson’s shoulders, blunt nails digging in.

Tyson’s hand wrapped around Alex’s cock, smearing the pre-come on the head, while his other arm was securely wrapped around Alex’s waist, holding him in place.

“Oh . . . oh fuck . . .I’m gonna . . .” Alex let out a cry as he came, covering his and Tyson’s stomach. The older man followed soon after, stiffening and letting out a low groan as he came, and rode out his orgasm.

They stood there for a moment, breathing hard. Tyson was still holding Alex up in place and the younger man was resting his head against the door, eyes closed.

“Shit.” Alex whispered, finally unhooking his ankles from the small of Tyson’s back and settling his feet back on the ground.

Tyson ran a hand through his mussed hair and looked at Alex with a crooked grin, “Yeah, I’m pretty amazing right?”

Alex rolled his eyes and picked the other man’s shirt up off the ground only to throw it at him.

“Just get dressed. Jack probably expected me back long ago. I’ll follow you out in a minute.”

Tyson nodded and put on his pants, followed by his shoes which he didn’t remember removing. He skipped the shirt; there wasn’t really a need for one in this heat anyway. Alex moved out of his way as much as he could in the cramped area that he hadn’t paid much attention to before. Tyson gave the younger man’s ass a little slap, his smirk firmly in place.

“See you around Gaskarth.”

Alex shook his head in amusement before getting dressed, trying to straighten himself out as much as possible before he exited the bathroom, and seriously, it really was disgusting. Alex shoved his hands into his pockets, just walking around, stopping every so often to chat with a few fans when his phone vibrated in his back pocket. He opened it, seeing that he had three texts from Jack.

Hey. When you get back, meet us in our tent.

Dude! I just saw this chick with the hugest tits ever. I don’t even know how she held herself up.

Where r u? It’s been like, an hour.

Alex’s eyes widened. No way. He checked the time and surely enough, he was on his way to being M.I.A for about 2 hours now instead of 1. Where the hell had the time gone?


“Dude, where have you been?” Zack questioned as Alex entered their tent.

Alex just shrugged, not really thinking it necessary for them to know where he was every second of everyday, “I didn’t miss anything important this time right?”

Rian shook his head, “No, but for all we know you could’ve been mauled by some crazed fan. Remember that one chick? She was fucking weird.”

Alex grimaced a little, thinking back to a time when he swore he was about to be concert-raped, if that term even existed.

The singer jumped a little in surprise as someone draped themselves over his shoulders.

“Eww, Jack it’s too hot for this shit,” Alex said, trying to shake Jack off of him to no avail.

Jack only grinned and rested his head on Alex’s shoulder, “You smell gross Alex.”

The brunette rolled his eyes, “So do you. Now get off.”

Apparently ‘get off’ told Jack that he should wrap his arms tightly around Alex’s waist, “No really you smell horrible like. . . sweat . . . and sex . . . and what the fuck. Did you go out and get laid?” The silent again, was audible and Alex was thankful that Jack didn’t mention it.

Alex twisted out of Jack’s arms, “Yeah, so? You knew anyway.”

“But . . .,” Jack started, then he frowned and his eyes settled on Alex’s neck. Fuck, Tyson better not have left marks.

“Never mind,” Jack stated, “I’m just gonna go see what bands I can bother. I’ll see you guys in a bit.”

The rest of the guys shrugged and waved him off, not really caring about the conversation that just took place. Alex was a whore, nothing new.

The singer watched, confused as Jack walked off and all he could think was what the hell was that about?

genre: romance, pairing: multiple, author: lifeisafantasy2, genre: smut, author: alifeofourown, rating: nc-17, band: multiple

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