Lovers 100 : Neat 1/5

Jan 01, 2008 22:34

Title: Neat, Part I of V
Summery: Nice uniform. It’d look great crumpled at the end of my bed.
Prompt: 006. Uniform
Pairing: Gillington, Sparringette
Genre: POTC
Rating: NC-17
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash, non-con…ish…like… I have no idea.
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author’s Notes: Uhhh… I don’t know. This fic sort of… wrote itself. It stared out as a scene (a Sparringette sex scene), and then… this came out.

Part I, II, III, IV, V

Part I:
Andrew turned around, hearing footsteps from behind him. He groaned, “What are you doing here?”
That smug, half-cocked grin, “I could ask the same fer ye, mate.” He sauntered forward, arms waving about as he swayed. “I at least, have an excuse- it’s Tortuga. What’s a Navyboy like yerself doin’ ‘round these parts?”
“As if I would explain myself to you, Sparrow.” Andrew rolled his eyes skyward, and started to turn back. He thought better of it, deciding not to turn his back to a pirate.
Jack chuckled, “Ye still bitter, about the Dauntless incident? I didn’t want ta hurt any o’ ye. Just needed a ship…”
“You got two, Sparrow.”
“I only kept the one. Your bloody friend Norrington would have seen to it that ye lost it, anyway. Better at the bottom o’ the sea than in the dirty hands of a pirate, eh?”
“As if you would know.” Andrew pressed his lips together, unconsciously providing a near-exact rendition of the face he had made just before said pirate had pulled the pistol on him.
Jack’s grin never tipped. “I think I know yer friend Norrington better than ye’d care to admit.”
Andrew’s eyes darkened.
“Ooh… our little Navyboy has teeth… At least somebody in the King’s bloody Navy does.” Jack laughed, much to Andrew’s annoyance. Did he truly have no boundaries at all?
“Eh, ye takin’ it too personally. I don’t mean nothin’ by it. James is a good man.” Jack shook his head, after a moment, laugh quieting and dying away.
“For once something you say makes sense.” Andrew growled back.
“If ye see him, tell ‘im ol’ Jack’s got some words ta share wif him.” Jack turned and waved his hand, starting to saunter away.
“I am not your message boy.”
“But yer his.”
Jack never did find out what it was that Andrew threw, but his aim was true, and it landed with firm precision squarely against the back of his head, knocking him forward onto the dusty ground.
Andrew snarled something under his breath that was not for polite company and stalked away.
James looked up from the yellowed paper he was reading as the door to the small cottage jerked open and slammed nosily, followed by muffled swearing and grumbling.
“What’s gotten into you?”
Andrew jumped at the voice, “Oh, James- it’s you.”
“You’ve come into the cottage we’re renting… who else did you expect to find?” James raised an eyebrow.
Andrew sighed. “Nothing… just aggravated, that’s all.” He fell down heavily into a chair next to him. He flicked off his shoes with his toes and wiggled his ankles with the newfound freedom.
“And what, pray tell, has got you aggravated, now?” James asked, looking back to his paper. “Did one of the local whores come onto you, again?”
Andrew snorted, “Worse.”
“Worse? Really?” James looked back up, interested.
Andrew didn’t speak for a moment, “That ruddy Sparrow is apparently in town.”
“Jack? Really… interesting…” James nodded, “Did he say anything?”
“I already said I’m not your bloody message boy!” Andrew yelled angrily.
“I didn’t say you were.” James quirked a dark eyebrow, “He went and ruffled your feathers again, didn’t he?”
“That stupid… I hate him. I really do. Why must he always seem to pop up wherever we go…” Andrew sighed heavily, letting his head fall back against the high chair back.
“He’s a great source of information, you know.” James said, flicking his eyes towards him before returning them to the old paper.
Andrew’s eyes narrowed, “Don’t tell me you’ve had… dealings… with him?”
“You of all people should know that the events of the past few years have greatly altered the world we live in… our own perceptions.” James said, quietly.
Andrew felt guilty. “I didn’t mean it like that, James.” He mumbled.
“I understand you don’t like him… But it has been over ten years. You could let the grudge pass, at least. I’m not saying you have to go on holiday with him, but you could at least be able to hear his name in passing without getting that awful look on your face.” James rested his chin on his curved hand.
“Why should I? It’s not just that- he’s just bloody arrogant.”
“So are you.”
“I’m not as I used to be. And you know what I mean- he’s so… ugh.” Andrew glowered, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Things change, others don’t. Like I said- he’s been a good source of information.” James shrugged.
Andrew’s brow furrowed, “What do you mean? What would he give us, that would be useful? Or truthful?”
“Surprisingly, a lot. He may be a pirate, but he’s not a cold-blooded killer, and he’s oddly humane about what he takes… and why.” James mused, aloud.
“You’re starting to sound like Teddy.” Andrew said dryly. “You know I’m still surprised you’ve not gotten a letter of resignation, with a personal note attached, in his untidy scrawl that is hardly readable, saying he’s eloped with some pirate, and maybe he’ll catch us again, in a few years.”
James laughed, “Teddy’s not going anywhere. His obsession as you deem it, isn’t enough to make him want to leave all he has now behind.”
“He’s got his eye on someone, then? Not that scamp of a redhead? Even Teddy’s got to have higher standards than that.” Andrew raised an eyebrow.
“So full of judgment, today. So eager to deal it out…” James frowned slightly, “No, not her. She’s… one step above the local whore. I don’t think he ever actually fancied her. She just lavished attention on him every time he came into the pub, and as you know, rumors need little to kindle the flames.”
“Who, then?”
“Ask him yourself.”
“He’s at home. You obviously know; you’re here.”
“I’m not going to tell you.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not my place.”
“No one here minds.”
“I mind.”
“Since when?”
“Since Teddy told me to keep it quiet.”
“Really? Must be serious then…” Andrew let out a low whistle of surprise. He frowned, “Why hasn’t he told me, then? I’m his best mate, too…”
“Course you’re not.”
“He’s always told me…”
“It’s rather recent. Well, officially, anyway. He didn’t see you before we left. He barely caught me, on my way out.”
“Theodore Groves actually thinking of settling down, then? If he couldn’t wait three weeks to tell you, then it must be serious, this time.”
“None of us are getting any younger.”
“Theo’s the youngest of us.”
“He’s seven months younger than you are.”
“He’s still younger.”
“I suppose that’s the only real comeback you have for him, that he can’t just as easily come up with something else in retort. I shouldn’t challenge you on that.”
Andrew sighed dramatically, “Fine, then, you’re not going to tell me… I shall just have to wait until we return, then track down Theo and find out for myself…”
“You’ll survive.” James immediately winced at his choice of words.
Andrew smiled at him softly, “It’s all right, James. I daresay I’ve known you long enough to know what you meant, by it.”
“I shouldn’t say things, like that… not after…” James shook his head, trailing off.
“You of all people should know that what’s happened these past few years have had great effects on our perceptions.”
“And I thought you weren’t listening to me.” James’s mouth twitched upwards, towards a smile, but fell short. He closed his eyes as Andrew stood and came to him, gently laying his arms around his shoulders.
Andrew rested his head on James’s shoulder, silent for a time. “Do we have to go back, so soon?”
“I thought you didn’t like it here?”
“I don’t… much. It’s, tolerable, now, I suppose. This area is nice… But in a week we get back on our ship, and we head home… Back to the dreary life of duty, where we have to be so careful, of what we do, and say…” Andrew tilted his head and rubbed his forehead against James’s cheek.
James reached back and laid a hand on Andrew’s arm, squeezing lightly. “We’ve not got a free card here, either.” He murmured. “Though it is less strict.”
“I just meant that once we leave here, we’ve only a few days voyage back to Port Royal. The ship is ours… there’s no prying eyes or listening ears at sea.”
“Just your mermaid friends.” James chuckled quietly.
Andrew smiled softly against him, blinking slowly.
“It’s not as though they’re going to tell. They probably rather enjoy the performance.”
Andrew sighed.
James shifted, and realized Andrew’s position, kneeling on the hard stone floor, neck bent oddly as he rested his head against him. “And’…” He said, in a scolding voice, “Get up off the floor…”
“It’s not that uncomfortable, James.” Andrew laughed quietly. “I’m close to you, aren’t I?”
“You may not feel it now, but you will. I won’t have you stiffening up on me…” James twisted at the waist and put both his hands on Andrew’s arms, starting to guide him to stand.
“I’m not that old.”
“Did I say you were?” James smiled at him, taking his hands and bringing him close. Bony knees bumped against lean, toned legs. “I only meant that I need you in your utmost condition, if we’ve got an extended sea voyage ahead of us…”
Andrew raised a red eyebrow. He slowly came down to sit on James’s lap, wrapping his arms around his neck and nestling into him.
“We can leave here, early… if you wish.” James murmured quietly. “I was only staying because I thought you enjoyed being away from it all…”
“I do. I just… It’s not really our place here.”
“Mm.” James nodded.
“But you stayed… because of me?”
“You sound surprised.”
“Slightly… You’re not one to abuse duty…”
“Abuse is such a harsh word…”
“Teddy’s rubbed off on you.”
“Are you complaining?”

gillington, sparringette, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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