Lovers 100 : Slanted 2/8

Dec 02, 2007 22:26

Title: Slanted, Part II of VIII
Summery: Inspired by a conversation with pirate4evrnavy2. James and Theodore magically switch bodies. Though strange, the situation doesn’t become truly awkward until James discovers that Andrew and Theodore are lovers…
Prompt: 042. Kink
Pairing: Grovette, Grovington, Gillington, Navyboy Threesome
Genre: POTC
Rating: PG-13
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

Part II:
“All we’ve managed to do so far is establish some sudden request that has forced us to all remain away from active duty and peruse it from our own homes. We still don’t know what happened. Or how to get back.” Theodore folded his arms on the table and rested his chin on them.
“That’s still something.” Andrew mumbled. He tossed his head back and finished his glass, setting it down harder than was necessary on the table, with a resounding clink.
“Even if we knew what happened, who are we to tell? No one would believe us. We’d be locked up and shut away for sure.” Theodore shook his head.
“There’s no one here, to help us…” James toyed with his glass, dark liquid swirling from side to side.
“We’ve got to do something. We can’t have you two stay like this.” Andrew shook his head. “Someone will suspect something.”
“Not to mention I do not fancy remaining in a body that’s not my own.” Theodore turned to James, though he looked at himself, “No offence.”
“None taken.” His own voice answered. “I could say the same for you… or myself…”
“At least you’re both male.” Andrew grumbled under his breath. “That could be very awkward.”
Theodore’s face blanched in a very James-like way.
James paled. “I don’t think I want to think about that.”
Andrew sighed heavily. He tensed when he felt the unfamiliar hand on his shoulder. He looked up, “Sorry… Teddy.” He murmured. It felt so strange to be saying it to James.
He pulled his hand away, anyway, “I’m the one to be apologizing… it’s sort of automatic. I keep forgetting I’m not… me.”
James shifted in his seat. The uniform was not his own, though it fit his current body well. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt the sudden intense desire to bathe…
“You all right?” Andrew asked, noticing his squirming.
“Yes… I’m fine.” James nodded. “I just… suddenly feel the urge to go and bathe…”
“Go for it. You know where the washroom is.” Theodore shrugged. It was more than odd to hear Theodore-speak in James’s voice.
“Teddy does that. When the times get dire or the pressure is too much, he disappears suddenly and returns several hours later with wet hair.” Andrew smiled.
James nodded slightly. Apparently some of their personalities had stuck with their own bodies. He idly wondered what mischief Theodore would get up to, or if his body’s imprint wouldn’t allow him to.
“It seems a little… strange.”
“This whole situation is more than a little strange. Bathing is at least normal.” Theodore said, simply.
“Yes, well… that’s not what I meant.”
Andrew raised an eyebrow.
James’s face flushed slightly.
“We’ve all seen each other naked before, James. Just because you’re in my body doesn’t mean anything. Unless you’ve been hiding something from us, you’ve not got anything I don’t.”
“Yes… I suppose that’s true…” James conceded. They had shared rooms for many years, though it had been quite a while ago, now. They were boys, young men. Andrew and Theodore had shared quarters for longer, into their adult lives.
“Apparently you two have seen more of that than I realized.” He heard himself utter, before he realized what he had done.
“Ted-” Andrew started to scold him, but stopped. His eyes widened slightly with surprise, “James?”
“It just slipped out.” James said quickly, “I’m sorry… I am… it was an accident… I didn’t mean that…”
Theodore threw his head back, howling with laughter. It was nice to hear James’s honest laugh, so loud and merry, even though it wasn’t exactly him.
“I-It’s… all right.” Andrew said, finally.
“Apparently more of our traits elected to stay behind than we realized.” Theodore wiggled his eyebrows.
James flushed again. It had been a rare occurrence, to see Theodore blush, but it looked as though that were about to change.

grovington, grovette, pirates of the caribbean, navyboy threesome, fic, gillington, slash, lovers 100

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