Lovers 100 : Sin

Nov 27, 2007 15:36

Title: Sin
Summery: It was wrong; it was sinful. It was bliss… Until…
Prompt: 031. Sin
Pairing: Willington
Genre: POTC
Rating: PG
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

James stared at him, eyes filled with hurt and betrayal.
“James…” Will started, reaching his hand out.
James pulled away violently, “No.” He shook his head, “No… you don’t get… you don’t get to talk to me. You don’t get to try and comfort me.”
“James, please.” Will tried again.
“Stay away, William. Don’t ever come near what you broke, again.” James stormed out of the room, the door slamming hard in his wake.

* * *

Will stood firm and tall next to Elizabeth. His face was stoic, and hard to read, as it often was.
James stuttered, unable to speak, even if he could have spoken all that he felt at that moment.
Andrew’s eyes shifted to his friend and commander, looking with gentle softness that James would never see. They turned cold and dark when he turned back to the pirate, the stupid girl and that wretched Turner.
Theodore swallowed back his own objections. Everyone around thought it was Elizabeth on the block, thought that James had the pirate cornered. Perhaps it was, and perhaps he did. But that wasn’t why his heart went out to one of his oldest and dearest friends, that moment.
James swallowed. Flashes of nights spent together, moments stolen, all so precious and tender, raced through his mind. He had taught him all that he knew. Thought him how to fence, found him an apprenticeship, led him to become friends with Elizabeth. Given his love to him, lost his heart.
The look in Will’s eyes answered louder than his voice ever could have.
James’s heart was ripped from his chest, as he collected all his memories and threw them into the smoldering fire. Flames jumped up and licked the air as all he had cared about burned to cinders and ashes.
The fires that had once been rich in lust and passion turned their desperate, grasping fingers on love that turned out to be nothing more than flimsy scraps of parchment, which burned quickly and left nothing behind.
“This… is where your heart, truly lies, then?” He asked, finally, voice quavering.
“It is.”
She answered a question that was never addressed to her.

willington, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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