Lovers 100 : Accidentally In Love (Slash)

Nov 25, 2007 15:35

Title: Accidentally In Love
Summery: Watch those hands, Mister! (Or Miss…)
Prompt: 099. Writer’s Choice - Slash (zomg- and FEMSLASH!)
Pairing: Everyone/Everyone. No, seriously- there’s like twenty-three pairings in here… Cryette (Cryer/Gillette), Swannington (Gov. Swann/Norrington), Grovette, Sparette (Sparrow/Gillette), Sparroves (Sparrow/Groves), Sparbossa, Analiz (Anamaria/Elizabeth), Beckington, Moog (Pintel/Ragetti), Rozencrantz and Guildenstern M&Ms (Murtogg/Mullroy), Sparurner (Sparrow/Turner), Mercer/?, Sparrington, Murette (Murtogg/Gillette), Belloves (Beckett/Gillette/Groves), Belle (Beckett/Gillette), Sparringette (Sparrow/Norrington/Gillette), Grovington, Beckoves (Beckett/Groves), Navyboy Threesome, Gillington, Willington, Grozer (Greitzer/Groves)
Genre: POTC
Rating: G - NC-17
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

Cryette (Cryer/Gillette):
He looked up suddenly, hearing the creak of the floorboards. “Who’s there?” He demanded, pointing his pistol directly ahead, towards the offending sound.
The figure stepped out of the shadows, “It’s only me.”
Franklin lowered the pistol instantly, “Andrew… don’t bloody do that.” He slipped it back into his belt. “I could have shot you…”
Andrew walked up to him, seemingly unperturbed. “It wouldn’t be the first time.” He said, flatly.
“I didn’t mean you had. Part of being in the Navy, isn’t it? Danger, risks, injuries both friendly and not…”
“What are you doing here? Beckett has eyes everywhere… he’s watching us, all of us.”
“He’s not expecting me. He believes me to be dead.” Andrew sat on the desk in front of him.
“That doesn’t mean we should take unnecessary risks.” Franklin frowned.
Andrew conceded. “I came to see you.” He said softly.
Franklin gave a small, sad smile. “I know. You can’t seem to stay away, even when you know you should.” He slid his chair back, wooden legs scraping against the stone floor. He reached up and wrapped his arms around Andrew’s waist, pulling him closer.
Andrew slipped down onto his lap, resting his head against Franklin’s. “Have you heard any news?”
Franklin smiled slightly, “Theo is fine. And so is James.” He paused, stroking Andrew’s hair, “Fine is assuredly the wrong word choice, but they are both alive, and unhurt.”
Andrew nodded, relaxing visibly against him.
“Theo is First Lieutenant.” Franklin told him, “And you already knew James is now the Admiral.”
“I wish they weren’t. The higher they are… the closer they are to harm.” Andrew sighed, closing his eyes.
“Is it not better to be the right hand of the devil, than in his path?”
“The devil may be the controller of all evil, but there are far worse things lurking in wait.”
“I know you worry for them. They worry about you, too.”
“How can you worry for a dead man?”
“They haven’t given up hope. James only appears to have. You can see it, in his eyes, that even if he knew it was true, his heart can’t accept it. He would see your corpse and then perhaps, maybe. Theo doesn’t speak of it, in most company, but he believes you’re still out there, somewhere.” Franklin kissed his temple lightly.
“I wish I could see them, again…”
“I know.” Franklin murmured. “I wish you could, too… for all you sakes. But you mustn’t. Not now. Beckett is still looking for any gossip he can scrounge up on your trio, and anyone associated with you. He wants to send a message of bringing down the Royal Navy brick by brick, starting with you three.”
“But he already has James as an Admiral… he knows what his talents are, what good he is doing for him.” Andrew shook his head.
“He is in business. James is useful now, but at the right moment, the tables can turn. Beckett doesn’t go into business with anyone, without finding out all their dirty little secrets.”
“What dirty little secrets does he think he’s going to find? That we were overly drunk as midshipmen and decided it would be a good idea to try and break into a lieutenant’s cabin?”
“Anything. He wants anything.” Franklin shook his head, “He doesn’t care what. You three were close friends. That’s enough to spread rumor. If there were even a suspicion that James -The James Norrington- had broken, or was continuing to break, the Articles…”
Andrew snorted. “You didn’t see James attempting to propose to Elizabeth…” He rolled his eyes towards the ceiling.
“There is little but word against word. Loyalty and standing mean nothing, now, it’s all in currency. James could maybe draw out the process, but Theo would have no chance against Beckett. We must keep everything as quiet as possible. If you never turn up, then those who matter, those of the legal system and in the government, will believe you to be dead, and Beckett’s case will be lost.”
“What about Theo, and James?”
“They can take care of themselves.” Franklin said, firmly.
Andrew knew he didn’t mean it in a harsh way, only that he could not be involved, that he had to remain in a state between living and death, perhaps indefinitely. To interfere or attempt to help would only cause more problems for them all.
“I miss them.” He whispered, body curling as he leaned into the younger man.
“I know.” Franklin whispered back. He rubbed his back and held a hand against the back of his neck supportively. “They miss you, too. You will see them again…”
“We will all come face to face, once again.”
“You will see them before the judgment day.”
Andrew fell silent.
“You can stay here, tonight. It would be too suspicious for you to leave, even if you were as stealthy as you were back home, all those years ago.” Franklin told him, shifting slightly.
Andrew unfolded his legs and stood. He took Franklin’s hand in his, and they walked to the bedroom together.
“How did we come to this?” He whispered in a single, low breath as he lay down, eyes looking straight up at the ceiling. “How did we come so far, from everything?”
Franklin lay down beside him, “Time changes everything.”
“How did you end up here?”
“I’ve told you already.” Franklin laid an arm around him as he shifted on the bed.
“I know.”
“I talked with Theo, the other day. I told him we knew each other, when we were small.”
The hint of a smile brushed across Andrew’s lips.
“He asked the same question you did. Why was I here? I told him the same answer… I was transferred to the Caribbean. Only when I got here, I found out the RN was now the EITC. The rest is history.”
Andrew looked sad.
“You’re exhausted. Go to sleep.” Franklin gently stroked his hair. “Think about home… and our summers together. And of your letters, when you first met James and Theo.”
“I used to get you into all sorts of trouble…”
“You were always there to get me out, again. You never did mean for me to get hurt, or in trouble…”
“I’ll keep watch, now.”

Swannington (Gov. Swann/Norrington):
James wasn’t sure when his feelings had changed. He hated himself for it, tried to ignore the sins of his heart, wished he could.
Governor Swann had treated him with more kindness and care than perhaps anyone had before him. He saw himself a bit like a father figure to the young James, and taken him under his wing.
James traced his fingers across the elegantly carved wooden desk, feeling the smooth strokes of polish and the fine grain. His eyes trailed over the top. A few stacks of neatly organized papers, a gilded frame with a portrait of Elizabeth.

Sparette (Sparrow/Gillette):
Gillette slapped Sparrow hard across the face, sending the pirate flying backwards.
“Never insult me like that, again.” He snarled dangerously.

“Ten years ye carry that pistol, then ye waste yer shot…” Barbossa’s mouth began to curve upwards into an odd smirk.
“He didn’t waste it.”
Will’s hand opened, and the cursed gold, smeared with blood fell, landing with its glinting brothers.
Jack stared hard into Barbossa’s eyes. The dark orbs revealed nothing, as though they were empty, devoid of anything there to see at all.
“I feel… cold.”
Jack watched him fall.
For Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned.

Sparroves (Sparrow/Groves):
“Were you planning on informing me you were nearby? Or just hoping to slip away unnoticed, once again.” The voice was cold and icy behind him.
Jack spun around, arms waving in the air, “How the hell did ye get in ‘ere?” He demanded, looking around.
Theodore’s gaze didn’t relent, “I picked the lock.”
“I learned from the best.” Theodore gave a humorous smile.
Jack eyed him, inspecting thoroughly for any immediate threats to his own safety. He had seen Theodore enraged before, and it was not an experience he cared to repeat.
“Just happened to sail into these waters, did you, Jack?” Theodore drawled, “Just thought you’d take the notorious Pearl down through the Caribbean… so close to Port Royal, where James Norrington has his base of command?”
“As it were.” Jack tilted his head slightly to the side and gave him an impish smile.
“Don’t try and toy with me, Jack. Why the hell are you here?” Theodore’s eyes flashed and darkened. His arms hung stiffly at his sides, hands balling into tight fists.
“Do ye really want ta know, mate?” Jack shook his head slightly, unafraid of the subtle warning gestures.
“Stop it, Jack. Your odd mind games and word play may get you out of situations with others, but they won’t fool me.” Theodore growled, quickly loosing his patience.
“Came by to see if ye maybe wanted to join me crew, finally. Abandon all that brocade and navy for somethin’ made of freedom.” Jack said, finally.
“You’re lying.”
“So are ye.”
Theodore didn’t respond. He lowered his gaze, for a moment.
“Why did ye come here, mate?” Jack asked, quietly.
Again, Theodore didn’t respond. He didn’t know why he was there. It had been years ago. Their paths had led them in entirely different directions, rarely brushing past each other until that faithful night nearly ten years ago.
They stared at each other, both needing something from the other, though what, they did not know.

Andrew coughed. His shoulders shook and his spine curled as he hunched over, the deep, rattling hacking sending violent and painful tremors through his body. He groaned when the fit finally ended, falling limply back onto the bed in his curled, fetal position.
Theodore pushed the bedroom door open with his foot and shuffled quickly inside. He set the teapot on the table and poured a steaming cup, carrying it to the bed.
Andrew moaned and attempted to draw the covers over his head. “No.” He said, with the tone and air of a toddler who had just been told to eat his vegetables.
Theodore sat down on the bed next to him and scooted closer, “You need it, And’.”
“…Don’t care.”
“You can’t keep coughing like this…”
Andrew mumbled something under his breath.
“You nearly lost a lung yesterday… you’re going to bring one up for sure, if you keep this up.” Theodore frowned deeply. He laid his hand on Andrew’s back and rubbed firmly.
Andrew let out a strained sigh, eyes slipping closed.
“Please, And’?”
Andrew sighed again, turning his head to look up at him.
Theodore gave him a weak smile, the concern and tenderness nearly causing Andrew to melt into the sheets before him.
Andrew did his best to smile back. “For you, Teddy.”

Analiz (Anamaria/Elizabeth):
The fire in Anamaria’s eyes was like nothing Elizabeth had ever seen before. From a world where so many things were considered improper, with such limitations of her place and sex, this deeply tanned woman was the antithesis of any other woman she had ever known.
The pale creamy skin and blonde-streaked hair was not something unknown, but certainly rare and entrancing. She was the well-kept nature of a woman of class, with a proper dress and corset sitting atop a strictly uncharacteristic nature.
With a grin, she calmed her unspoken fears. It was nightfall, the men, the crew, were off on their own, searching for their own brands of pleasure. There would be no one to disturb them, now.

James’s mouth twitched, before curving into a full out grin and sputtering laugh.
Cutler continued to glare.
“I didn’t think… but it actually…”
“Are you quite finished, James?” Cutler asked, in a biting tone.
James continued to laugh, “It was only a joke! I didn’t think I’d actually stop you…” His arm remained held rigid in front of him, hand firmly against Cutler’s shoulder, holding him at arm’s length.
Despite his efforts and struggles, Cutler fell short of reaching James, hands waving in the air in front of him, still some six or more inches from James’s mid-torso.

Moog (Pintel/Ragetti):
“Ye still tryin’ ta read that?”
Ragetti looked up. This time the Bible was facing the right direction. “But ye get credit for tryin’, don’ ye?”
Pintel rolled his eyes skyward, “If pretendin’ ta read it ain’t a lie, then I guess.”
Ragetti frowned. The worn book slipped slightly in his hands.
“’Ere… I know a bit…”
Ragetti moved over on the bench to make room. He held the open Bible over, to where Pintel could see.
Pintel pointed at a word near the middle of the page, “That’s ‘darkness’…”

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern M&Ms (Murtogg/Mullroy):
“Why do we always have to guard the ship?” Murtogg sighed heavily, leaning against a dock tie.
“Because there’s always a ship to guard, and someone has to guard the ship.” Mullroy replied, in a bored tone.
“But must it be so boring?” Murtogg asked again.
“Did anyone ever tell you being a Marine was exciting? That’s the Navy.” Mullroy corrected.
“The Navy doesn’t always get to have all the fun…” Murtogg frowned. He was good friends with a lot of navy men, a few of them even lieutenants. Andrew seemed to always be shut up in his office doing paperwork, and it seemed like the Commodore did even more. “Well…” He thought again, “Maybe the do have more excitement than us.”
“Of course they do. It’s part of being in the Navy.”
“But why’s that?”
“Why’s what?”
“Why’s being part of the Navy mean excitement, but being a Marine doesn’t? That’s not in the job description.” Murtogg continued to frown.
“A lot of things aren’t in the job description.” Mullroy replied dryly.
“Like standing around guarding ships all day.” Murtogg nodded, mouth pulling to one side.
“Honestly- no one’s going to bother to come up to us, anyway.” Mullroy agreed.
Murtogg suddenly jumped to attention, Mullroy close behind. “Oi! This dock is off-limits to civilians.”
“I’m terribly sorry, I didn't know. If I see one, I shall inform you immediately.”
Sparurner (Sparrow/Turner):
“What?” Will asked, feeling Jack’s chest jump with silent laughter beneath him.
“Just wonderin’ what yer bony lass Elizabeth would think if she saw us now…” Jack continued to chuckle, toying with Will’s hair.
Will snorted.
“I thought originally she’d be the type ta get all up in a huff an’ storm off… but that’s not quite ‘er, is it?” Jack grinned, “She’d be the type ta ask ta join in…”
“Shut up, Jack.”

The dispatches and odd pieces of parchment slipped from his hand, falling to the floor and scattering with the slow crinkling of fluttering paper. His eyes could hardly adjust to the sudden darkness he was pulled into.
“What have we here?”
“Just a little poppet, eh? You watch your step, boy… You trespass on the Lord again, and you’ll have me to answer to…”
When he turned around to confront his assailant, he found him gone. All that was left in the hallway beside him were the scattered papers, which he slowly knelt down to collect.

One day, Admiral James L. Norrington disappeared from Port Royal. Well, it wasn’t as though he completely disappeared. The news of his retirement from his high-ranking position in the British Royal Navy had been received some time before. Though many of the men and population were sad to see him go, they knew that he had served many years of faithful and hard-working service, and, if anyone deserved retirement to live out the rest of his days as he so choose, it was James Norrington.
He made it a point to announce that he planned to travel. To where, he wasn’t sure, but it would be far-reaching, wherever it was.
His two best mates and brothers-in-arms and Blue were at the docks to see him off.
Andrew smiled softly, “How long do you think he’ll be able to stay away?” He asked, turning towards his remaining friend.
Theodore merely grinned a half-cocked grin, “I think he’ll find something to… occupy… himself with, out there.”
Andrew laughed, “To put it mildly.”
They watched until James’s little boat had disappeared into the horizon before they turned their backs to the sea, and headed for home.
As darkness fell, James waited in the sheltered cove, emerald eyes carefully scanning as he watched for the ship he waited for. She loomed up with the air of a queen, and indeed, she was. He signaled with his lantern quickly before dousing the light. A rope fell over the side and he hoisted himself up, landing heavily on the deck, boots clicking against the dark wood.
Jack grinned, flashing a mouthful of gold, “I knew ye’d come to yer senses, love.”

Murette (Murtogg/Gillette):
“Sir! Sir, wait!”
James turned around wearily, hearing the frantic voice behind him. He couldn’t bear to tell another man that he would do best to find his companions if he looked in the make-shift morgue, or perhaps still on deck.
“Mr. Murtogg…” His gaze softened.
“Sir…” Daniel came up to him, clearly out of breath, face flush with exertion and worry.
“What is it?” James asked, “Mr. Mullroy is up on deck… just a few scrapes.”
“It’s not him, Sir…” Daniel shook his head, “Lieutenant Gillette, Sir… have you… Is he…?”
James looked around quickly, “I’ll take you to him, Daniel.” He said quietly and beckoned him to follow. He walked swiftly to his cabin and looked around again cautiously before opening the door and sweeping inside.
“Thank you, Sir…” Daniel breathed, eyes falling from his commander to the still figure on the bed.
“Of course, Daniel…” James smiled softly, “You can call me James, if you wish, in private.”
Daniel nodded distractedly.
“I’ll leave you two. I’ll see to it that no one disturbs you. Theo is to report back to keep watch, later. But if you so wish then it can also be your charge.” James stepped back and closed the door behind him.
“And’…” Daniel breathed, rushing to the bedside and dropping to his knees.
Andrew opened his eyes slowly. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”
Daniel’s throat closed. He reached out took Andrew’s hand in both of his, rubbing and squeezing with desperate need.
“I… I heard… so much… They said, said you’d gotten shot… in the h-head… They said you hat got shot off… They… they…”
Andrew raised his free hand and laid a finger gently across his lips, silencing him. “Hush…” He whispered. “It’s all right. I’m all right.”
Daniel closed his eyes, sighing heavily. He didn’t relinquish his grip on Andrew’s hand.
Andrew gently stroked his hair, where it had pulled loose in the fray. “Come lie with me, Daniel…” He blinked sleepily.
“Theo is-”
“Teddy doesn’t care, love.” Andrew patted his cheek.
Daniel slowly climbed onto the bed with him.
Andrew rolled onto his side and curled up against him, resting his head on his chest.
Daniel wrapped his arms around him, holding him close, protectively.
Andrew smiled softly at the still-present hesitation, “It would be… a bit hypocritical, to say the least, for Teddy or James to object to us.” He assured him.
Daniel nodded into him.
Andrew grinned and raised his head, looking him in the eye, “Do you still think the Navy has all the fun?”
Daniel kissed him hard.

Belloves (Beckett/Gillette/Groves):
(and implied Grovette, Belle, implied future Beckoves)
“You called for me, my Lord?”
Andrew looked up suddenly. “Teddy…” He breathed.
Beckett smiled, a dark and sinister smile. “Yes, Lieutenant Groves… Please, come in.”
Theodore stepped into the room as ordered.
Andrew shook his head. His eyes darted between Beckett and Theodore.
“Sir… My Lord… Why have you called me?” Theodore resisted the urge to demand to know why Andrew was there, too, sitting in a chair looking pale and frightened.
“I have business with you, Groves.” Beckett said simply, in a cold tone. “Stand where you are, and do not move.” He ordered.
Andrew bit his tongue, forcing himself not to cry out, not to scream and beg Theodore to be sent away.
“You, stand.” Beckett ordered.
Andrew stood obediently.
Theodore’s brow furrowed, “And’…” His voice betrayed him.
Beckett only gave a smoldering smile, “I know what you’re wondering…” He stepped closer to Andrew, who had started to tremble.
“What’s going on? My Lord… I demand to know.” Theodore said forcefully.
“Teddy…” Andrew bowed his head, closing his eyes, “Teddy, don’t…”
“What is the meaning of this?” Theodore demanded again. He watched in horror as Beckett went over to Andrew and laid a hand on his shoulder.
Beckett whispered something in Andrew’s ear that Theodore couldn’t hear. He saw Andrew bite his lip so hard crimson slid from the open wound, dribbling down his chin.
“And’!” Theodore yelled, starting to jump forward.
“Stay where you are!” Beckett snapped, reaching into his waistcoat and withdrawing a pistol. He held it firmly and sharply in Theodore’s face. “You would do well to stay where you were told, Groves.” He snarled.
“What are you doing to him?” Theodore begged, eyes wide as he shook his head in disbelief.
“Teddy…” Andrew shook his head sadly, “Please… don’t.” He cast his eyes away, as his fingers unbuckled his belt.
“The question, Groves, is not what am I doing to him,” Beckett put the pistol on his desk, “but rather, what will I be doing to him.”
Theodore’s entire body was numb with terror and utter horror as Andrew’s breeches fell to his ankles.
“Over the desk.”
Andrew leaned over the ornately carved desk, cheek pressing into the cold, polished wood. He tried desperately to control his breathing.
Theodore twitched violently, desperately wanting to jump forward.
Beckett tsked him, as he unbuckled his own belt, and set his coat aside over a chair back. “The next time, Groves, it won’t be your skull with the bullet in it.” He brushed his fingers across the butt of the pistol, then tapped Andrew’s temple.
“And’…” Theodore breathed.
“You will watch, Groves.”
Andrew squeezed his eyes shut, feeling Beckett step up behind him, leaning and pressing close. He made a coughing cry when he was slapped.
“Open your eyes. I want you to look at him…”
Andrew forced his eyes open. He couldn’t look at Theodore.
“Look at him. The both of you. You will look each other in the eye, for the entire time.”
“No…” Theodore shook his head wildly, “God, no… Please! A-anything… Anything you want! Please, stop this!”
“What could you possibly have that I want?” Beckett asked, in a snide, condescending tone. “No… there’s nothing you have that you can give me… except the look in your eyes when you see what I’ve been doing with your little friend.”
Theodore’s eyes widened.
Andrew’s eyes watered. Teddy… Teddy I’m so sorry… He silently whispered.
And’… Anything… I would do anything for you.
Andrew screamed when Beckett entered him in one stroke. He breathed hard, but his eyes never closed. They watered and tears begun to leak out, rolling down his cheeks.
Theodore wanted to tear his eyes away, to bash Beckett’s skull in with one of his gaudy paperweights, to take Andrew and disappear, away from all this. But he stayed in his place, feet cemented to the floor. He dared not move, knowing Beckett would do well on his promise.
Beckett’s cruel laugh rang in their ears. “This is only the beginning, Groves… Perhaps if you behave well enough- you’ll be next.”

Belle (Beckett/Gillette):
“Must you be such a bastard, Cutler?” Andrew asked irritably, sorting through the paperwork on Cutler’s desk, organizing and filing as he went.
“If you’ve a better way of dealing with imbeciles, then please share.” Cutler responded in a snappy tone.
Andrew’s eyes flicked up, “They’re not all completely worthless. Of course there are a few, there always are… but most of them are good men… Good sailors.” He slowed, and stopped.
Cutler looked at him silently for a moment, “Most of them? Or just two of them?”
“Theodore and James have been my best mates for over twenty years. You know my loyalties to them… but I do speak the truth, about what used to be Navy men.” Andrew responded curtly, eyes narrowing.
Cutler sighed, “I know… I should have learned by now never to question your loyalties… especially when it comes to Theodore, and James.”
“Or you.”
Cutler looked up.
Andrew set the paperwork down. He stood and came over to him. “You can trust me.” He murmured. “If you can trust anyone, anymore.”
“I do… trust you.”
“Do you?”
“Say it without hesitation.”
Cutler opened his mouth, inhaling as he started, but stopped. He closed it again.
Andrew gave him a half-smile with a little humor, “I’ve long ago gotten past it, Cutler.” He shook his head.

Sparringette (Sparrow/Norrington/Gillette):
“What’s this?” James asked distractedly as Andrew tossed a piece of parchment onto his desk.
“My resignation.” Andrew said simply. “And yours, too, actually.”
James looked up, “What?”
“It got your attention, at least.” Andrew scoffed, “Honestly, though, James. It’s far past time we both were out of the office and the fort or the docks for more than a handful of hours to hopefully sleep… or get up to mischief. And the door is closed, James, I locked it when I came in. Theo’s the only one besides you and I with the key. And he’s probably outside with his ear to the door, anyway.”
James sighed. “There is some business to be taken care of…”
“Actual, or some you’ve suddenly had your attention called to?”
“Actually, though very little. But it could easily turn into a situation requiring both myself and my most trusted Lieutenant to check out, personally.”
“Fancy seducing a Sparrow again, do you?”
“It worked the last time.”
“I wasn’t complaining, James.”

James breathed slowly, feeling Theodore’s warm breath against his lips, as they stood huddled together beneath the small overlap of thatched roof behind the tavern.
Theodore gazed, eyes unblinking, deeply into James’s green eyes. He leaned forward, and gently pressed a soft, shy kiss against James’s lips. His eyes slid closed as skin met skin.

Beckoves (Beckett/Groves):
Theodore stared in horror as Beckett did nothing.
“Your orders, sir?!” He yelled again, over the deafening roar of the cannons’ fire from all sides and directions. “Your orders?!”
“It’s just good business…”
“Abandon ship! Abandon ship!” Theodore screamed to the few men still left alive. They had little chance, no matter what they did. Give them orders, give them the slightest hint of hope; perhaps all was not lost, for them.

Navyboy Threesome:
James chuckled quietly, “You’ll have to excuse Teddy… he’ll never admit it, but he cuddles when he sleeps.”
Andrew smiled softly as the man in question curled against his back. “I don’t mind, so much.” He murmured, reaching to his side and pulling Theodore’s arm around his waist.
“I like it.” James said, meekly.
Andrew chuckled quietly. He brought Theodore’s hand to his lips, gently kissing the back of his fingers.
Theodore mumbled and shifted in his sleep.
“To be honest I never really considered… other men, before.” Andrew shrugged slightly.
“There have been others, besides us? Women, I suppose, then?” James asked, quietly.
Andrew smiled softly, “I’m thirty four, James.”
James smiled sheepishly, “You and I are rather of the shy sort.”
He massaged Theodore’s fingers with his own. He studied James’s face, “Teddy was your first, wasn’t he?”
James nodded.
“How long ago?”
James blushed slightly. “We’ve been… well, we’ve been lovers, in all senses other than physically sharing a bed for years, now. But it was only recently, before we made love for the first time.”
“Teddy would wait forever, for you. He loves you.”
“He loves you, too.”
“I know.” Andrew sighed, absentmindedly stroking Theodore’s hand as he held it against his chest. “I love him… and you.”
James smiled brightly. “Shall I complete the profession of our feelings?”
“I already know you love the both of us, James… more than anything. You’ve always said it, even if you never spoke the words.” Andrew took the tip of Theodore’s finger into his mouth, gently wrapping his lips around it. He felt Theodore smile loosely into his back.
James watched quietly.
Andrew blew lightly on the wetted tip, “Does he always sleep this soundly?”
“Only after sex.”
“I see.”

Andrew smiled softly in his sleep. The light breeze tickled the bare skin of his back, as it drifted through the opened window, fluttering the linen curtains as it passed.
“James…” He murmured sleepily, reaching a hand out to his side. His eyes opened when he felt only emptiness.

It was beyond a miracle that either of us survived, to any extent. I was left for dead, and he was dead, at least, for a time, and in some sense of the word. Before now, I never though there could be different senses of death, of being dead, of dying.
I suppose our natural bond was Elizabeth. She had hurt us both, deeply, and to the heart. Perhaps that was just how she was. The kiss of death, at least. Andrew would be happy to know her ends. He never did like her. It was probably just his loyalty to me, looking out for his friend whom he always said couldn’t take care of himself if he tried. Someday, I will tell him, when I see him and Theodore again. I hope that it won’t be too long; a man is not much of a man, without his best mates.
I admit I couldn’t hide my surprise or shock when I woke up to find the young Will Turner lying next to me, in my arms. I knew what had happened the night before, and did not try and escape it. It was fact, it was done.
He was so young. I felt sick inside, nearly. Somehow, I never felt like this, for Elizabeth. I courted her, but it was merely out of convenience, and because I had nowhere else to turn. Or so I thought.
He’s still sleeping, content and quiet, head resting against my chest and his arms around me.
As I gaze down at him, I couldn’t help but wonder: when did I fall in love with him?

Grozer (Greitzer/Groves):
“Oh… god…” Theodore’s eyes rolled back into his head as his hands frantically grasped at the wood before him. They were in the hull of the ship, of the bloody Endeavor. This shouldn’t be as good as it was, it shouldn’t have been so grasping, the danger, the foolishness, any of it.
Adrian grunted behind him, thrusting hard into the younger man. He growled darkly into his ear, though his lips bore a grin.
Theodore moaned, reaching behind him and grabbing a handful of Adrian’s powder wig. He laughed. His head fell back, neck bent at an odd angle, seemingly painful, though he felt none of it. He laughed until he came, when he howled.

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