Lovers 100 : Fantasy

Nov 21, 2007 15:35

Title: Fantasy
Summery: Everyone has a fantasy, what’s yours? Navyboys (*needs to stop listening to Portland Radio… too many commercials for Wildcat Enterprises…*)
Prompt: 091. Taut
Pairing: Navyboy Threesome
Genre: POTC
Rating: NC-17
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

Theodore slowed and came to a stop as the guiding hands on either of his arms gave more resistance, signaling. He heard whispering and turned towards the sound. The blindfold masked his vision completely. He felt lips against his own, kissing him tenderly.
“James…” He murmured when the other pulled away.
“And’s just making sure everything is ready for us.” James whispered back, pressing his lips to Theodore’s again, quickly. He took Theodore’s hand and led him again, carefully guiding him up the set of stairs.
Theodore frowned, “Where are we?”
“You’ll see, soon enough.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Shush… And’s coming back…”
Theodore felt James’s hand on his arm disappear, and footsteps lead away from him, presumably towards the approaching Andrew. He could hear muffled speaking, and tried to listen in.
“Is everything ready?”
“…You bribed Murtogg, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t bribe him… Daniel owes me a favor. The money’s really more just in case an over-interested person comes too close and needs to be persuaded to leave.”
“And if there’s no one?”
“He gets a nice bonus, right before Christmas.”
Theodore continued to frown, lines etched deeply into the curves of his mouth. He didn’t like being left in the dark.
“I almost feel like we should leave him like that. for a little while longer, at least.” Andrew cocked his head to the side.
“You can be so cruel, sometimes, And’…” James chided lightly and came to slowly un-work the knot at the back of Theodore’s head.
“So soft…” Andrew sighed, shaking his head, though he smiled.
Theodore looked around, eyes needing little time to adjust to the darkness of the night around him from that of the blindfold.
“We’re…” He started, but stopped.
“At the battlements, yes.” James nodded.
Theodore turned his eyes slowly to his lovers. “Why…?” He asked, slowly.
“Isn’t that usually what I say?” Andrew mumbled under his breath.
“Use your imagination, Teddy…” James grinned, eyebrows wiggling suggestively.
Seeing Theodore’s blank stare, Andrew continued, “What did you tell us… a long time ago… about something you’ve always wanted to do…?”
Theodore could think of many things.
“A fantasy you said you had… about us…”
“I have a lot of fantasies about us.” Theodore stated simply.
“An erotic one, Teddy.” Andrew sighed.
“I have a lot of fantasies about us.” Theodore repeated.
It was James’s turn to sigh.
“It’s not my fault!” Theodore whined, “You need to give me more of a clue, first…”
“Us, very naughty, this place… Think hard, Teddy… very hard.” Andrew explained, slowly.
“Just please don’t hurt yourself.” James asked. “We still need you.”
Theodore glared at him.
“Oh bloody hell, we don’t have that much time. It was the one about us taking you on this arch… because it’s out in the open and therefore dangerous.” Andrew groaned.
“And it’s where Elizabeth and Jack fell off…”
Andrew raised an eyebrow.
“Two threats nearly removed.”
“Threats?” James was confused.
Andrew scoffed, “As if that stupid girl was any real threat to us, Teddy… For one, we’ve got so much more than she ever will…”
A small smile darted across Theodore’s lips.
“I meant intelligence, Teddy…”
The smile faded.
“And Sparrow… for the love of… Sparrow? Sparrow?!” Andrew stared at him, shaking his head in disbelief. “Sparrow?”
Theodore took hold of James’s arm and slowly pulled him close to himself, “Mine.” He stated firmly.
“Teddy…” James murmured soothingly, “They were never threats…” He gave him a soft smile, kissing his nose. “But I must agree with Andrew- Sparrow?”
Theodore looked self-consciously down towards his feet.
James wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled him gently, “Teddy…”
Andrew’s arms came around him, enveloping Theodore between them. “Are you ready?” He whispered huskily into his ear, nipping lightly at its tip.
Theodore shivered at the touch.
James’s hands crept down the length of his torso before sliding unhurriedly inwards. They slowly curved to cup the growing bulge in his breeches.
Andrew squeezed his arse in one hand and held his chest with the other.
Together, they slowly guided him to the arch. Shirts were quickly removed and set aside, closely followed by shoes and breeches.
A soft moan escaped Theodore’s slightly parted lips as James bent his head down and kissed his neck, slowly tracing the tip of his tongue across the heating flesh. He cried out as Andrew’s hand came to clamp down on his hip, James’s mirroring his action, and a single finger pressed forward.
Andrew worked his oil-slicked finger, free hand shifting to tickle Theodore’s belly. He smirked when he heard a short, slightly high-pitched giggle.
Theodore’s hand reached back, threading through Andrew’s thick hair, and clenched tightly. He was torn between the slow, steady movements of Andrew’s single, slender finger, and James’s teasing tongue, tracing wet patterns all across his chest and collarbone.
Andrew added a second finger, sliding in and out. He came close to the known spot of pleasure, but purposely missed it, instead brushing agonizingly close.
Theodore whimpered and arched his back. He pressed down against the intrusion.
Andrew ignored the quiet and silent pleas, continuing to stretch him.
James captured his mouth in a commanding kiss.
Theodore groaned into him, tongue battling with James’s. He arched up and pressed into his bare chest when Andrew twisted and scissored his fingers, before a third came inside.
“Ah-And…” His lips parted and his head tilted back as he began to breath hard.
Andrew only grinned.
Theodore’s fingers clenched around the coppery locks, while the others tightened against the toned muscle of James’s shoulder blade. Four fingers flicked and twisted, penetrating deep.
James and Andrew slowly guided him closer to the edge. Andrew brought him back against himself as he sat down, back pressing against the arch. James followed suit and straddled the edge, squeezing Theodore tight between them.
Theodore howled to the night sky as both his lovers pressed forward and entered him together, in a mixture of delicious pain and surprising pleasure.
James’s shoulders shook with a strong shutter at the taut feel of Theodore around his hard cock. He held Theodore’s hip and rocked his own.
Andrew came into the rhythm of his lovers. He slowly slid backwards, and thrust back up, sheathing his throbbing member completely once again.
Theodore clawed madly at them. His hips moved under their own accord as he straddled James and rocked back and forth into Andrew’s lap. His own cock was painfully hard and heavily filled with blood. His heart raced, thudding viciously against his ribcage.
“J-James… Oh… fuck…”
Andrew let out an unadulterated and shameless moan, thrusting hard and fast.
“AND’!” Theodore yelped. He began to pant heavily, lips curving and moving clumsily as they desperately tried to form words, to cry out his lovers’ names in chant-like steadiness and aching desire. “And’… And’… James…”
“Teddy…” The voice was slow and deep, reverberating through him as lips brushed against sweat-slicked skin, tasting the salt and unique, familiar taste.
Theodore mumbled and muttered incomprehensibly. “Can’t… oh god… god… bloody… hell… can’t, oh god please now please I can’t…”
James’s hand tightened around Theodore’s thick cock, stroking the velvety length with sea-worn hands.
Theodore’s entire body stiffened, clenching impossibly tightly around his lovers as they thrust hard and deep. His legs shook, slick with sweat and afire with heat. He fell limply back again Andrew, as he came intensely inside, James not far behind. He could hardly breathe, the bolts of liquid fire shaking him down to his very core.
James pressed a kiss to his brow, “Open your eyes, Teddy…” He commanded gently, as Andrew stroked his hair.
Theodore opened his eyes, eyelids half-closed, shielding the rich, sleepy brown.
James smiled tenderly at him and kissed him gently.
They sat together, leaning against one another for support and holding as one, for a long time.
Theodore lost all sense of time and being as he lay cradled between the warm and loving embrace of Andrew and James. Slowly, his breathing came back to a gentle and steady pace. He could feel Andrew’s chest moving against his back as he breathed. James’s neck pressed against his cheek as he leaned back to kiss Andrew.
“Ready to go home, Teddy?” Andrew murmured into his ear softly.
The slightest hint of a sated smile touched Theodore’s lips, hardly visible. Andrew and James knew it was there, as it shone for them more clearly than the brightest star, on the clearest of nights.

lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, navyboy threesome, fic

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