Lovers 100 : Splash

Nov 06, 2007 21:29

Title: Splash
Summery: Present-day AU; Hot tub lovin’.
Prompt: 078. Hot
Pairing: Grovington
Genre: POTC
Rating: NC-17
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

“I’m going to go soak in the spa for a while.”
Theodore craned his neck to look over his shoulder, “All right… I’ll join you in a moment.”
The glass door slid shut with a low clink behind him. The stones of the pathway were cold against his feet as he padded into the cold winter night.
White, transparent steam rose up as he lifted the lid and let it fall back. James sighed gratefully and slid down into the soothing hot water. He closed his eyes as he leaned his head back against the side. He heard the door open and shut again, footsteps against the stone. The water splashed and sloshed as Theodore joined him.
James moaned softly. He stretched his legs out and they brushed against Theodore’s.
“What are you moaning about?”
“Romping with the yard equipment again while I was away?”
“No, I leave those for you. You seem to have a knack for the lawnmower, anyway. I was on the roof all day… That stupid patch is leaking, again.”
Theodore groaned, “Didn’t they fix that… twice?”
“Why didn’t you call And’, or Will or something to help you out. Or just wait until I got home.” Theodore rubbed his foot against James’s calf.
“Will and Elizabeth are out of town. Jack and Lacey were stuck going to some family reunion. And’ didn’t answer his phone… The forecast said it’s supposed to start pouring for the next three days- starting tonight. We don’t need another flooding incident.”
“And’ didn’t answer his phone? Did you try his cell?”
“He turns the ringer down when Stasie is napping, he probably didn’t hear it. And if he was out, then I didn’t want to drag him back to get up on our roof with me.”
“Mm.” Theodore nodded. He slid on the seat and came up next to James. He reached up and slowly started to massage his broad shoulders.
James let out a sigh of content.
“You are stiff…” Theodore frowned. “How long were you up there?”
“The patch is fixed.”
“Once and for all, so I won’t have to be up there for that, again.”
“It took you all day, didn’t it?”
“I took breaks.”
Theodore held his hands still.
“I took a break.”
“So long as you ate something…”
“I did, don’t worry… and I was sure to stay well hydrated.”
“That is at least some relief… The last thing I want to come home to is you in hospital because you’d fallen off the roof.”
“I’ll keep doing my best not to disappoint you.” James sighed, slowly beginning to relax into him. He shifted and turned his back to him, leaning back.
“Mm… James….” Theodore pressed close to him. He drew his arms around his middle, resting his chin on his shoulder.
James smiled, reaching back with dripping fingers and running them through Theodore’s hair.
“My Teddy…” He murmured.
Theodore kissed his jaw, lips lingering, “My James.” He grinned against him.
“Yes?” Theodore murmured against his skin, nuzzling his neck. He tugged at the waistband of James’s suit, again.
“What are you…?”
“What do you think I’m doing, love?” Theodore’s hands slipped underneath the band.
James inhaled sharply, arching his back, “Theo… we can’t…”
“And why can’t we?”
“We’re at our own home, in our own backyard… we’ll not be disturbed.”
“The neighbors-”
“What about them?”
“We’re outside… what if they hear us?”
Theodore nipped at his earlobe, “Then we’ll just have to make sure to give them a bloody good show, won’t we?” He tugged hard on the suit, and it slid down James’s dense thighs.
James groaned, Theodore’s hardness rubbing against the curve of his arse. He shifted his legs and kicked off his suit.
“Teddy…” He squirmed against him. His brow furrowed, “When did you…”
Theodore chuckled darkly against him, “If you hadn’t had your eyes closed when I came out, you would have had a nice, unobstructed view of me…”
“Are you really that worried about the neighbors? It’s nearly midnight- they’re not going to be peaking over the fence, now.”
“Mrs. Wiken would.”
“She’s nearly ninety- even if she did she probably couldn’t see anything, anyway.”
“It’s never stopped her before. And she does see more than she lets on.”
“She does seem to like you.” Theodore laughed. He tickled his leg. “I suppose she could use some excitement… she’s been a widow for thirty-something years, now.”
“I’d prefer it if that excitement didn’t involve watching me get the paper in the morning.” James said dryly.
“Well there’s something she and I have in common…” Theodore purred, “…It is sort of your own fault that you go out in your robe.” He covered his mouth with his own, before he could respond. “You’re getting yourself distracted…”
James’s hands clenched around Theodore’s knees.
Theodore maneuvered himself with fluid ease, swooping forward and pressing James’s back hard into the side as he kissed him passionately. He held his arms around James’s back and pulled him back towards himself.
James slid onto his lap, legs spread wide, resting on either side of him. He bucked his hips and ground their arousals together.
Water sloshed up on the sides and splashed over, falling down to cold brick, disturbed by their movements.
Theodore pressed kisses down his cheek and neck, following the defined line of his collarbone to his chest. He grazed his teeth lightly across wet, flushed skin.
James moaned and arched into him. He thrust his hips again, aching member begging for more attention. He let Theodore take his hand and guide it down, tracing a teasing trail down his own chest. His fingers curled around his hard cock, and he shuttered as he stroked the rigid length.
Theodore let go of James’s hand and slipped both of his own behind him, one snaking up to tease his puckered entrance, the other curving to cup the soft sack.
James groaned, breathing hard. His hand began to pump faster and he grasped Theodore’s throbbing cock, squeezing as a single fingertip pushed past the tight ring of muscle.
Theodore gasped and tensed. His legs loosened, spreading beneath James. He slid the length of his finger deep inside his lover’s body. He grinned at his lover’s response, moaning and writhing, pressing himself down.
“Teddy!” James whined, “Ohh…” He rocked his hips, “There…” His body shuttered and convulsed as Theodore brushed the dense bundle of nerves.
Theodore’s wicked grin only strengthened and gathered intensity as James rocked his hips, pushing his body downward against the loving intrusion.
“Easy love…” He whispered in a deep and husky voice, dangerously quiet against his skin, slicked with sweat and water, “there’s so much more to come…”
James’s eyes rolled back into his head as it fell back, neck bending savagely so that his adam’s apple jutted out, as Theodore added a second and a third finger in quick succession. He worked and stretched him, teasing all the way. He couldn’t help but whimper when the source of pleasure was taken away, though he knew what was to follow.
Theodore continued to massage his soft sack, guiding James up slightly onto his knees. He had barely aligned their bodies when James dropped back down again, impaling himself on Theodore’s hard and eager cock. He groaned, hips bucking upwards under their own accord.
James swooped down to kiss him, capturing his entire mouth in a hot, wet kiss. His tongue pushed past Theodore’s lips with urging impatience, battling with his.
Theodore’s hands clamped down on James’s lean hips, rising and following him as he rose and fell, riding him hard. His back pressed against the side of the spa, strong shoulders at the top curve. Water splashed over the sides, falling to the cold pavement, steam rising around them and the heavy waves.
“Teddy… Christ…”
Theodore breathed heavily, grazing his teeth along the line of James’s neck, to his shoulder and chest.
Their skin was hot and flushed, from passion and steaming water. Tension ebbed away like the tide, muscles smooth and bodies moving with fluid grace against one another and in time.
“Let it out.” James growled, biting down. He panted against the wet skin. “Teddy!” He yelled.
Theodore could hardly form the words. He stammered and groaned, finally moaning James’s name.
“Oh… fucking, bloody hell… James… James…”
James came down hard and tensed, entire body clenching as he gripped the sides.
“JAMES!” Theodore cried to the night sky.
James fell limply against him, eyes sliding closed.
Theodore laughed once. He slowly drew his arms up, loosely and feeling like jelly, laying them around the lean body. He held James close.
“If we’re going to give Mrs. Wiken a free show, it might as well be a damn good one.”
“I think the entire neighborhood could hear you, love.”
“A damn good show.”

grovington, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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