Lovers 100 : Hold Back

Oct 26, 2007 21:54

Title: Hold Back
Summery: He held back.
Prompt: 059. Scream
Pairing: Belle (Gillette/Beckett)
Genre: POTC
Rating: R
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

Andrew shivered as the hand came down on his shoulder, fingers curving inwards, encircling him.
“There, now…” The voice was dark and gruff. “We can’t have that kind of reaction, now, can we?”
“Don’t touch me, Mercer.” Andrew growled, pulling away roughly.
Mercer tsked mocking, “Lord Beckett has been waiting for you. He is not pleased that you have chosen to once again not be prompt…”
“I know the message you bring and I do not care to hear it!” Andrew said through clenched teeth. “Leave. I will not play these little messenger games with you.”
The other’s pocked face twitched, and his hand begun to rise.
Andrew forced himself not to grimace in anticipation.
The blow never came.
“If Lord Beckett were no so set on having you as you are, that pretty little face of yours could use a reminder to put you back in your place.” He snarled and pushed past him roughly.
Andrew shook as the door slammed behind him. His eyes slowly flicked upwards, towards the set of double doors ahead of him. There was little point it putting off the inevitable.
“I see you’ve finally decided to heed my call.” Beckett did not look up from the page in his hand for a moment.
“I’ve come, now, my Lord.” Andrew forced out. He stood tall, back rigid, hands clasped behind his back so tightly all the color drained from his skin, turning it a sickly and deathly white.
Beckett smiled humorously. “Undress.” He ordered.
Andrew squeezed his eyes shut as he did so. His fingers passed across the welts and cuts, vivid reminders of what was to come if he disobeyed his Lord. Soon, he stood naked before the other man, still clad in heavy and ornate coats and vests, symbolizing power and status. To Andrew they looked ridiculous, nothing more than a pathetic display of ego and desperate attempt to compensate for his many shortcomings.
Beckett set the page aside on his desk and strolled leisurely over to him. “I heard you’ve not been playing nice with my officers.”
Andrew’s face remained stoic as his calloused fingers slipped through his hair, brushing across his neck and shoulder.
“I won’t tell you again. You know your place, and you will keep it.” Beckett hissed. A finger probed a particularly red welt.
Andrew winced, but held back any noise.
“This is only the beginning. I will not tolerate insubordination. I trust you will not forget your place again, boy?”
“Yes, my Lord.”
“Very good. Now, against the map.”
The painted wall was cold against his bare skin. A shiver ran through his spine.
Andrew bit his lip hard, drawing blood, as hands cold as ice came down hard on his hips. He was barely able to stifle his whimper as the other entered him. He breathed hard; huffing in and out, as he pressed his cheek hard into the wall as Beckett slowly found rhythm.
“Do you know what’s happened today?”
Andrew squeezed his eyes shut. The warm metallic of his own blood swirled through his mouth, mingling with saliva and sweat that dripped down onto his lips.
“Your little playmate Groves has come crawling to my hands.”
Andrew couldn’t stop his gasp.
“Oh, yes… he’s most concerned for his ‘friend.’ Too bad he doesn’t know you’re already… well taken care of. He didn’t turn down my offer…”
Andrew’s eyes widened. No…
“He’s First Lieutenant, now. My own personal Lieutenant.” Beckett grinned wickedly against him, “But don’t worry… we’ve still so much work to do, together. He won’t be joining us, or replacing you, anytime soon… that is, if you do what you’re told.”
Andrew’s eyes watered. Teddy… No… Why? Why did you have to make a deal with the devil himself?
“But that wasn’t all. That was actually a few days ago. I wasn’t sure if you even cared to know.” The voice was mocking, teasing. Beckett’s breath was hot against his ear, “Those letters I had, earlier, those on the desk? Official pardons… signed by myself. I bet you shall never guess who showed up with them, today.”
Andrew forced himself to concentrate on breathing, to block out all else, to not suffer the further torment he was subjected to.
“Such a ruined state, he was in… That tatty uniform… vest torn and dirty… coat nearly bereft of all its lovely gold brocade…”
Andrew’s heart stopped dead in his chest.
“You know of whom I speak.”
Andrew’s breath was ragged, each time it tore at bit at his chest as it closed in on itself, constricting and squeezing his heart painfully.
“Admiral Norrington, now.”
He wanted to cry out, he wanted to yell, to sob and scream, to beg God for the tiniest piece of mercy. But he did not. He did not care what it took. He held back his screams when Beckett fucked him. He would never give him that satisfaction.

belle, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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