Lovers 100 : The Lady in the Water

Oct 23, 2007 21:53

Title: The Lady in the Water
Summery: What do you do with a drunken sailor? (Not really, but it sounded cool. What do you do with a man overboard?)
Prompt: 051. Suck
Pairing: Gillmaid (Gillette/Mermaid)
Genre: POTC
Rating: PG
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

Andrew shivered, through the water around him was warm. The wind bit at his storm-beaten skin, and he wondered how long he had been floating.
His head drooped, cheek resting against the splintered wood. He rose and fell with the swells, the water lapping at the plank, making soft sucking sounds. His eyes slid closed, slowly succumbing to fatigue and the gradual fading sense of being.
He felt something brush against his leg. His eyes shot open, but quickly began to close again.
So soft and quiet a voice…
“I said hello… Can you not hear me?”
Andrew forced his eyes open wide.
She smiled at him.
His mouth fell open, but only starts and gurgling noises came out.
“It’s another of you.” She said again, cheerfully. Her hair was long and gold, colored with green from the sea. It hung down over her shoulders, covering her bare breasts and forming pooled waves where it came into the water.
I’m hallucinating…
“The other’s weren’t talkative, either.” She said, sadly, shaking her head. “But at least you’ve got your eyes open.”
I’m dying.
She tilted her head to the side. She swam around him, circling once. Her pale colored eyes brightened, “Oh! You’re human! You have legs!” She ducked under the surface and Andrew caught the glimpse of a shimmering green and blue tail.
This is the end. I never though the last thing I’d see would be a mer-
He screamed.
Two thin and delicate, but unmistakably firm, hands clamped around his leg, skirting upwards with fluttery curiosity, before moving to the other. They traveled experimentally, pressing and feeling the muscles of his inner thigh.
What little color was left in his face drained completely, as he felt a cupping hand followed by an over-friendly and sharp squeeze.
She reemerged, giggling. “You’re like the others… how do you call it? A man.” She thought for a moment. “I wonder…”
He let out a shriek and tried to pull away frantically as tugging hands suddenly loosed the laces of his breeches. He groaned and his head fell against the board, eyes lolling back.
“Oh, all right then. I was only curious.” She sighed. She nudged him. “Unconscious, then… like the others. Oh well.” She circled around him again.
Andrew shivered. His head ached and his body throbbed. He felt a hand across his forehead.
“Stop it!” He croaked. “Ohhh…” He moaned, the sound of his own voice ringing painfully in his ears.
“And’… And’…”
Andrew’s eyes flickered. His vision was blurred, the world spinning around him.
Shaking. Someone was shaking him.
“And’… it’s me. It’s Teddy.”
Andrew blinked.
“It’s Teddy.”
Theodore smoothed his hair back, away from the fever-warmed skin.
Andrew’s vision slowly cleared enough for him to see the man who hovered directly above him. He licked his dry lips. “Teddy…?”
“I’m right here.” Theodore smiled softly.
Andrew relaxed slightly against the bed. “You’re… alive.” He murmured.
Theodore nodded. “So are you.”
“She said there were others.” Andrew murmured dreamily.
“She?” Theodore’s brow furrowed.
“The lady… in the water.” Andrew coughed.
“Hush, And’.” Theodore squeezed his shoulder. He frowned inwardly, as Andrew relaxed again. The fever must have kept its hold, after all…

gillmaid, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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