Lovers 100 : Watch Your Step 1/3

Oct 09, 2007 21:32

Title: Watch Your Step (Part I of III)
Summery: Rain makes things slippery.
Prompt: 074. Slick
Pairing: Gillington
Genre: POTC
Rating: G
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

Part I:
“I thank you for escorting me home, but honestly it wasn’t-” James was never able to finish his sentence of thanks, as soon as the toe of his polished black shoe, which was actually a little scuffed from the afternoon’s previous events, touched the first step before his doorway, the rain-slicked surface failed to give him any grip and he pitched forward.
Andrew’s arms flew to his aid, and he caught him, just in time, before he plowed face-first into the still closed door. He stood, shaking from the sudden shock of pumping adrenaline, arms still holding tight around the Commodore.
James breathed hard, mind scrambled from the slip. He wasn’t quite sure what happened, at first, and it took him a moment to regain his senses. When he realized he his position relative to his lieutenant, he felt a furious and unforgiving blush flooding through his cheeks and face.
But Andrew only grinned, “Well if you wanted me to hold you, James, you could have just asked.” He helped him back to his feet, on stable ground. He kept a hand on his shoulder, steadying him. “Are you all right?”
“Y-yes… I’m fine.” James stammered, nodding. There was an awkward pause. “Um, well… shall we… go inside, then?”
Andrew nodded. “Yes, that would be nice… Just watch your step.” He smiled again, good-naturedly.
James nodded again. He opened the door and held tightly to the doorframe, watching and stepping slowly and deliberately.
Once safely inside, James showed him to the sitting room and then slipped away to bring them some tea.
He carried the tray with shaking hands, though he desperately tried to steady himself. Flashes of their moments of closeness came like lightning bolts in his head. He resisted the urge to snort. Moments of closeness, indeed. His own clumsy self had fallen and Andrew had been attentive and quick enough to catch him before he really made a fool of himself.
And yet Andrew’s arms seemed to comforting as they held onto him, protecting him from harm. It almost felt…
No. He stopped himself with a shake of his head. No, he could not allow such thoughts to continue. He drew in a deep breath and re-entered the sitting room.
Andrew smiled kindly up at him, and thanked him for the tea. He seemed to always have a slight smile, at least, for James, and Theodore of course. The three had been close friends for years now; James had almost lost count of how many it had been. Since they were boys, anyhow, midshipmen still new to the sea.
“Are you sure you’ll be all right?”
“What? Oh, yes, yes of course- it was only a little slip…” James assured him.
Andrew’s smile never tipped, “That’s not what I mean, James. But I’m glad you didn’t further injure yourself.”
“O-oh.” James said again, realizing.
“You did hit your head pretty hard…”
“There’s not even a bump, and it didn’t bleed. I’ll be fine… a headache, at most.”
Andrew nodded. “You’ve never been the clumsy one. Is there something on your mind, perhaps?”
You. James started, praying he hadn’t just said that aloud. “N-no… well, yes, but… nothing important.” He lied.
Andrew narrowed his eyes slightly, clearly unconvinced. James could see the calculating look, gears turning, deciding whether to press the issue, or leave it be. A part of him asked for Andrew to leave it, to go on and pretend it never happened. The rest of him ached for more.
James tried to focus on something else, but found his eyes would not obey him, he was constantly drawn back to Andrew.
The other man sat quietly in his seat on the couch. Andrew always sat on the couch, if there was one. Theodore always went for a chair and would sprawl out in it, legs dangling over the armrests. James never noticed a personal preference.
Andrew would always sit, quietly, to the side, usually the right, but occasionally the left. Now that he thought about it, James had never seen him sit in the middle, unless it was the only spot left, or invited there by someone already seated.
Andrew drew the teacup up to his lips and took a small sip, as though testing its heat, before taking a larger mouthful. He didn’t add sugar. Sometimes he added crème.
“A-Andrew…” James licked his lip, nervously.
“Yes, James?”
Oh, the simple speaking of his own name!
“I was wondering if… you’d like to join me, for dinner?”
Andrew nodded, “Of course, James.”
“I would say tonight, but, I’m sure you’ve already plans. Perhaps, tomorrow?”
“Sounds lovely.” Andrew had no plans. No official or meaningful ones, anyway. He would go home, after duty, most likely with Theodore, as they shared lodgings, and they would find something to eat. Theodore would probably enlighten him on whatever girl had currently entrapped his fancies, and he would interject at random, never knowing truly what to say, grateful as always that Theodore didn’t try and press him for what girl he was interested in. And then they would retire, to begin essentially the same routine the following day.
James smiled.

* * *

“James make it home all right?” Theodore asked as Andrew as he returned to their shared office.
“Yes.” Andrew said, “You act as though we would have gotten lost.”
“I was beginning to wonder- you two were gone for quite a while.” Theodore grinned. “No… just making sure he didn’t have some other grievous injury he’d failed to mention that had led to his lovely head-thwack.”
“No… nothing physical, anyway.”
“Nothing physical? What ails our dear friend and Commodore, then?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t say.”
“You didn’t press it?”
“That would have been you, dear.”
“You’re as stubborn as they come, especially when it comes to James, or me. I’m surprised you’re still not cornering him like some unruly child, demanding an answer.”
“I’m not that bad, Teddy.”
“But you can be, when you’re really worried.”
“Yes… I suppose so.”
“And you know something is going on, inside his head.”
“I don’t know, either… I wish I did. It’s starting to worry even me. He’s begun acting strange. Though I don’t suppose I need to tell you that.”
“What do you mean?”
“You two are just so in-tune with each other. Whenever one is out of sorts the other is always coming to me and asking if they’ve said anything as to why.”
One of Andrew’s reddish eyebrows raised.
Theodore grinned, “Did you think you were the only one to confide in me? Even you and James are not the only ones.”
“You’ve other friends? I’m shocked. And imaginary ones don’t count, remember.”
“Oh ha ha. I could say the same for you. I do have other friends. Daniel, for one.”
“Murtogg, you mean, right?”
“Yes, him. He’s quite nice, once you get him past the first awkward stumbling. Not much of a conversation started, but he’s fine once you’ve started.”
“He seems your type… a little… if you tilt your head to the side.”
“He’s not the ladies’ man I’ve apparently earned a reputation as, though how I’m not entirely sure.”
Andrew snorted.
“Most of that is all rumor. I’ve only been chasing a few skirts, ‘round here. And even then- harmless fun in a conversation at a party. Though that Mina is quite intriguing.”
“Mina? I thought you were still on about Sarah.”
“Sarah? Oh, right. No… She found out I was ‘only a lieutenant’ and wasn’t interested anymore.”
“Oh… I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”
Theodore shrugged, “I suggested if that was what she was after, she might take a fancy at the Admiral.”
Andrew grimaced, “I don’t suppose that went over well.”
“Not the first slap I’ve taken. It probably won’t be the last, either. The look on her face was worth it, in any case.”
“Who is Mina, anyway? I don’t think I’ve heard that name, before.”
“Her name is Jasmine, but… she likes Mina.”
Andrew gave him a knowing smile.
“You’d like her. She’s very… astute. And I think the debates you two could get into would be fests of unparalleled snark and quick tongues.”
“She sounds perfect for you.”
“She’s quite wonderful…” Theodore said, with a little sigh. “But I’m glad James made it home, at least. He deserves an early day, after all these things that have been happening, lately.”
“That incident with the hurricane was close, too close.”
“I don’t think he’s quite… recovered from that, yet. I’m surprised you seem to have. I was still a mess until recently… and wasn’t even the one who ended up overboard. I just thought I’d lost you, for sure.”
Andrew felt touched. Even after all these years, Theodore still cared for him, deeply, and knew when to express it. “For a moment there I thought I’d been lost, too.”
“Well… what do you say we head home? If we leave now, we can swing by Mina’s… her mother keeps insisting the Navy doesn’t feed us well enough, we could snag some dinner.”
“Is her mother the baker?”
“No… I think that was Sarah. Mina’s mother’s a midwife.”
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think you’d really be needing to know any.”
“You know me so well.”
“I try.”
“Oh… is her father the apothecary? The one who came in just recently?”
“Yes, that’s him. Mr. Culley. Quite an interesting character… I thought perhaps he wasn’t quite all there in the mind, anymore, but Mina said he’s always been like that.”
“You sure know how to pick them.”
“I’m not courting them.”
Andrew laughed.
The next hours found them paying a visit to the Culley’s. Mrs. Culley was indeed an excellent cook and only stopped going on about how skinny they both were when Jasmine reminded her that Mr. Culley wasn’t much different (she promptly went off to make sure she had enough food for him, for later).
Jasmine was a strikingly beautiful woman; Andrew would later on come to say. She was tall, nearly as tall as he and Theodore, with a bright and kind smile in a slender face framed with long, dark curls. She had been thrilled to meet him at last, saying Theodore had told her many stories of them, and of James.
Andrew felt a blush and she quickly assured him it none of them were any worse than anything she’d done before.
It wasn’t a surprise Theodore was completely smitten with her, though even he perhaps didn’t quite realize it, yet.
Their lodgings were quiet when they returned, as the sun went down late that evening, the warmth of the day still hanging in the air.
Andrew leaned back in his chair, staring absentmindedly out the window. He didn’t read, this night, as he found he couldn’t concentrate. When he finally went to bed, he lay awake for a while, before he blew out the candle, letting darkness engulf the room.

gillington, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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