Lovers 100 : Always

Sep 28, 2007 21:32

Title: Always
Summery: Did the course of love ever run smooth?
Prompt: 034. Cuddle
Pairing: Grovette
Genre: POTC
Rating: PG
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

They had been friends for over ten years before they kissed for the first time. It was another three years before they made love. In all their years of sharing quarters, and had few secrets from one another, they discovered they actually knew very little about many of the more personal quirks they had, mainly those to with sleeping habits and positions.
Theodore stole the covers. And he snored. Which, in truth, Andrew had already known this, however, he failed to realize the effect it would have from right beside him, verses across the room. He still wasn’t as bad as James, which was another point that made him incredibly glad.
If he was having a vivid enough dream (which he had been at a near-nightly rate in the recent weeks), Andrew could kick like a mule. This earned Theodore many a strange and unexplained tender spots and the occasional bruise, before he realized what was happening.
“You’re doing it again.”
“Huhh… what?”
“Stop it.”
“You stop it.”
“I didn’t do anything!”
Theodore groaned and opened his eyes, turning over to face Andrew, who stared back at him groggily. “Yes, your highness?” His sleep-clouded brain didn’t react fast enough to dodge before Andrew’s fist connected with his arm. “Ow! Wha’ was that for?”
“You were stealing the covers again.”
“So steal them back.”
“You were snoring, again, too.”
“I’ve never heard myself snore.”
“That doesn’t mean that you don’t.”
“Go back to sleep, And’.” Theodore started to roll back over.
“I can’t sleep with you attempting to wake the dead next to me.”
Theodore sighed. “If it’s so horrible, then go sleep in your own bunk. It’s a whole five feet away.” He closed his eyes, regretting it the moment he said it, hearing the unintended harshness in his voice. “And’… And’ I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it like that…” He turned to face him again.
“I suppose I’m not exactly the easiest person to share a bed with, either.”
Theodore snorted. “All I have to say is that I pity your parents whenever you had a nightmare and crawled into bed with them. At least then you wouldn’t have the force of a goddamn jackass… just a baby one, perhaps.”
“My brothers would probably beg to differ.”
“Give them bruises, too?”
“I don’t think they’ll ever let me live it down.”
Theodore laughed quietly. He yawned.
“Was I keeping you awake?”
Theodore’s brow crinkled for a moment, “Oh,” He shook his head, “no, not tonight. And I usually go back to sleep pretty quickly, anyway.”
Andrew nodded.
Theodore sighed tiredly. “What would help you sleep better?” He asked, giving him a smile.
“Oh… I…” Andrew started, as Theodore raised his hand and gently brushed against his cheek, sliding to the back of his neck, folding the loose tie holding his hair back. “I don’t know.” He admitted.
“Other than me not snoring. Because I’ve done that for about twenty six odd years now, so that’s really not going to change.”
Andrew laughed.
Theodore sighed again, continuing to stroke Andrew’s fiery hair, amazed once again at how soft it was.
“Is that soothing for you?”
“Streaking my hair… or running your fingers though it. You do it a lot, you know.”
Theodore smiled, “Do I? I hadn’t noticed.”
“I love being close to you.” Andrew murmured.
“I do, too. And I can’t get enough of touching you… Even if it’s just your hand, when you hand me more boring paperwork.” Theodore kissed him chastely.
Andrew wordlessly shifted closer and wrapped his long, lean arms around him, drawing him into his embrace.
Theodore shifted. It felt awkward at first. It was not that they had not held each other before; it was just that they had never remained as such for long. Time, or James due to return, or dawn approaching had always made it difficult.
Andrew let him adjust until he was comfortable, and had settled in against him. He rested his head on top of Theodore’s, closing his eyes.
“Goodnight, Teddy.” He murmured.
A grin spread across Theodore’s face, “Goodnight, And’. Sleep tight.”

grovette, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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