had a visitor this week

Apr 22, 2012 00:49

a couple of days this week i babysat for an old family friend, who is temporally fostering a family friend/ employee co-workers' children. complicated much? youbetcha!! LOL

hessy, age 4, kept cupcake enthralled! at times you didn't even know 2 girlies were here! other times, not so much....the high pitched squealing/ screaming for joy nearly busted ( Read more... )

cupcake, babysitting, hessy

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Comments 12

tuesdaeschild April 22 2012, 09:28:08 UTC
Way to brighten my Sunday morning, mom!! Those girlies could be future stars of their very own sit-com in twenty years!! And bless cupcake for wanting to keep sweet little hessy!

Thanks for sharing the fun.


alienmom April 23 2012, 05:04:01 UTC
sometimes if feels like my life is a sit-com!! lol


tuesdaeschild April 23 2012, 16:56:07 UTC
Lol! Poor mom. *hugs*


bluedelft April 22 2012, 13:35:59 UTC
They are so adorable!

Just in case you didn't know you're a girl ;-)

Loved the way Cupcake kept touching Hessy's face that was so cute!


alienmom April 23 2012, 05:07:11 UTC
when hessy saw the video, she asked cupcake, 'why are you touching me so much?' of course cupcake didn't answer! kinda hard to explain she thinks you are a pet lol


moondropz April 22 2012, 14:29:15 UTC
Aww! It's truly amazing to see them transform into young adults, but to see them as little girls squealing, giggling little girls, they grow up so fast! So cherish these moments because they change so fast! I think as a preschool teacher I loved them at this age the best? They are so sweet and adorable! Ahh innocence! :) Thanks for sharing them with us!


alienmom April 23 2012, 05:24:27 UTC
4-6 are some of the best years! it's fascinating to watch their little brains work things out....and hysterical!


moondropz December 20 2012, 18:53:42 UTC
That they are! :)))))


jolietjones April 22 2012, 18:20:21 UTC
Golden Movie Moments! Just gorgeous. And you can see that Cupcake LOVES Hessy. *G* See, I don't believe those girls ever give you a moments trouble ;)

Did I see it was your birthday? Or did I dream it? I hope you had a lovely day anyway, whenever it was :D


alienmom April 23 2012, 05:31:57 UTC
it's hysterical to see them departing, calling out to each other, bye, bye *blowing kisses* i love you! i bust out laughing every time! they are soooooooo serious!

yes, my b-day came & went. i stayed reasonably unscathed. i got calls from my brats and other family and was basically left alone. i call that win-win!! '-P


iwouldbegood April 23 2012, 07:04:32 UTC
hessy, age 4, kept cupcake enthralled! at times you didn't even know 2 girlies were here! other times, not so much...
This sounds like me occasionally considering adopting another dog. It's so very hard to keep my hyper, easily bored puppy entertained, but with my luck, the other dog would pick up all her bad habits and I'd have twice as much work and would long for the days when I still lived with just one dog *g*

Glad to hear you had a few interesting, fun days! The girls are really adorable :) And that's a great icon!


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