it's almost that time of year...

Sep 04, 2011 13:18

autumn. you can feel it coming in the coolness of the early morning air.

and children are back in school.

that also means that i'm down to only one gradbrat, because little miss sunshine started kindergarden! i have no pictures yet. as she was being prepared to go (being taken to the school, finding her classroom, checking out the playground, etc.), ( Read more... )

cupcake, school, little miss sunshine

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Comments 15

moondropz September 4 2011, 20:47:36 UTC
This is sooo cute! I still remember my firt day at K, I was the same way! It was all good and fine until I realized no one was staying with me! Ha!!!


alienmom September 7 2011, 14:42:28 UTC
awww, hugs your inner little moonie.


moondropz September 7 2011, 18:00:18 UTC
It sticks with ya? Heh, thanks!!!


jolietjones September 4 2011, 22:33:57 UTC
Oh yeah, it's all in her expression :]

She's growing up so fast!! Also, she has the cutest feet.


alienmom September 7 2011, 14:44:09 UTC
i know!! seems like it was only a blink of an eye, when she first darkened my doorstep.

notice how her toes clutch her flip flops! makes me LOL every time!


bluedelft September 4 2011, 23:53:47 UTC
She's a cutie with trouble written all over her face! Kids are great :-)


alienmom September 7 2011, 14:44:51 UTC
and she is trouble! cut the cuteness gets me every time!


rosie_spleen September 5 2011, 01:51:31 UTC
Welcome back, bb. Missed you. Thanks for sharing the pic too. Too cheeky, but maybe she takes after someone she's related to?



alienmom September 7 2011, 15:09:42 UTC
maybe she takes after someone she's related to?

i have no idea who you mean....


spoiled_andrea September 5 2011, 04:38:54 UTC


alienmom September 7 2011, 16:20:44 UTC
me too!


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