The Tomorrow Series Fanfiction: Who Will Lead Us? - Chapter 2

Dec 11, 2012 18:51

This is the second chapter in a fanfiction of The Tomorrow Series by theun4givables.

Chapter 1


Jazz knew it was coming, but that didn't make it any easier. His stomach still twisted as he waited outside of Ryin's hospital room. Ryin - he was dying, probably today. Jazz's eyes stung. His best friend couldn't die, not now, not after everything had ( Read more... )

pairing: jazz/savin, fanfiction, 500themes, trigger: death, character: savin, character: jazz, character: mitchel, fandom: the tomorrow trilogy

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Comments 5

theun4givables December 12 2012, 00:17:50 UTC
Mitchel said, “I am being perfectly serious, Savin. You, as a doctor, should understand the danger the Factor poses to society. Aren't you, perhaps, letting your friendship with Jazz influence your judgment? And what about your family? Surely you can't consider yourself unbiased.”

“My personal associations have nothing to do with my opinion on this matter, Emperor.” Savin did his best to keep his voice steady and look Mitchel in the eyes, though he could almost feel his face go pale. Just how much did the man know?

Best. Best part of this whole chapter. Right here. Savin, he KNOWS, dude. He knows your daughter is an NB. He KNOWS your boinking Jazz on the side. He just -- he just fucking KNOWS, okay? Run while still have the chance ( ... )


alien_writings December 12 2012, 02:01:04 UTC
You can't just drop GM (which I helped warp majorly in the first place!), but I understand the temptation, because honestly I wish my plot could be canon, haha. I'm sure your actual canon will be effing awesome, but it's like...mine is awesome tooooooo. Man, am I being egotistical or what? I don't even have a finished outline. It's like...there's a revolution eventually and REVOLUTIONARY STUFF HAPPENS! But I still can't help being all What Could Have Been over my premise.

It's like stupidly frustrating because I actually did wonder earlier "hey, what WOULD happen if Mitchel won?" (don't remember if that were before or after Savin became a canon NB) I remember you said even you wouldn't dare tackle Mitchel's winning and only now do I even have enough confidence to try it. I'm like "man, what could have happened if I had thought of this/dared to do this earlier?" lol

Fic!Savin is lucky the person who gives him his testing results is sympathetic and helps him run or at least doesn't tell Mitchel immediately/have him detained.


theun4givables December 12 2012, 02:37:36 UTC
Either way, I think I prefer it more as fanfic. The canon's slightly happier and makes Savin out to be less of an ass. At least, after a while, anyway. I mean, in this version he's got a wife and kid dude and he's still canoodling with Jazz. Ass. lol

I think it may have been before. Or as it was in the process of becoming canon. And I did say that, didn't I? That's because it'd get all fuckered up like it's about to do in your fic. Which is amazing. Because while I think I could handle it now I still don't wanna quite go this route. Might take a stab at it, though, later. lol

Dude, yes, he is. So lucky.


n3m3sis43 December 12 2012, 19:52:22 UTC
Hahaha... Mitchel totally knows they are more than friends. If only he used air quotes like Calla! Have Jazz and Savin been doing a lot of "research" together, too? Because I hear "research" is a popular thing to do with "friends"?

Okay, stupid question. If Mitchel's proposing to take all rights away from NBs, why does he even bother letting Jazz and Savin be in the meeting? I mean, I get that they currently have legal rights in a technical sense, but it seems like he's got the Council in his pocket anyway. Why not just have a secret meeting and do it behind their backs? Is he worried about repercussions from that? Sorry if this is dumb because I'm tired now from thinking up creepy fake!Christmas scenarios and greeting card slogans lololol.

Overall, I really liked this chapter and it feels so much like the real thing it's impressive. I am never gonna be able to write fanfic this good when it's my turn to start on my epic fics. Fuck.


alien_writings December 12 2012, 20:00:40 UTC
Aw, thanks for the compliment. <3

Also, never say never, dude. I'm sure your epic fics will be effing awesome when you do them. I worried I would suck at fanfic, but I don't suck so it's likely you'll be awesome at it, too?

As for why Jazz and Savin are at the meeting, it's mostly Rule of I Felt Like It and also the Council isn't quite in Mitchel's pockets yet. He didn't want to risk any sort of secret meeting, and I'm not sure what he could do to Savin as I don't think even Mitchel knows Savin's an NB at this point in time, as Savin himself doesn't know.



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