Crossover - Cliffton/Meeting of Breccan & Finbar: Not So Divine: Chapter 2

Nov 28, 2012 12:09

This is a crossover fanfiction of my The Meeting of Breccan & Finbar and n3m3sis43's Cliffton universes.

Chapter 1


Fuck, where am I? I think. Last thing I remember was getting blasted backwards after fucking Egan. But that can't have fucking happened. Can it? I feel weird. Squeeze my eyes tight. Don't want to open them for some reason. Skin's ( Read more... )

character: egan, fanfiction, 500themes, pov: devin, fandom: meeting of b&f, character: wes, fandom: cliffton, crossover: cliffton/meeting of b&f, character: calla, character: devin

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Comments 10

lilycobalt November 28 2012, 17:22:57 UTC
Oh, Devin. I thought I'd seem denial before, but this really cranks denial up to eleven. Or maybe it's just the lighting!


alien_writings November 28 2012, 17:30:21 UTC
Lighting causes ALL THE PROBLEMS! ;)


n3m3sis43 November 28 2012, 17:33:35 UTC
This fanfic is actually making me wonder if actual book!Devin's actual book!denial is not denial-y enough. Although I'm pretty sure the answer is "yes, it is."

I think we really need to have a meeting about the lighting.


lilycobalt November 28 2012, 23:20:11 UTC
If there's lighting that will turn my eyes purple, I kind of want to get my hands on it.


n3m3sis43 November 28 2012, 17:31:52 UTC
I love this. I'm so torn between feeling sorry for Devin and laughing at his suffering. Which is usually how I feel in my canon, except for a few of the absolute darkest plotlines. It's just... he's such a drama queen and the epic denial and you captured it perfectly omg.


Also, I just realized that by god!Devin is like the most epic Mary Sue ever. Violet eyes, shiny, beautiful, has sex with everyone, magical powers and a tragic past. This is only going to make me laugh at his suffering more, isn't it?

In conclusion, I love this.


alien_writings November 28 2012, 17:39:40 UTC
You know? I just realized I tend to write ridiculous Sue characters, at least if you're talking about god!Devin and Dylan of I Prefer the Mind Control.

This is likely going to be a pretty Mood Dissonant fic because that seems to be what my writing does a lot of the time. Like with Addie's and Dylan's stories.

Aw, and I'm glad you're enjoying this so much. <3


n3m3sis43 November 28 2012, 17:43:51 UTC
Is it Mood Dissonant or Mood Whiplash? Is it going to change in the middle of the scene? Somehow mine is always whiplashy. canon!Devin is pretty whiplashy too, but the wonky lighting might affect that. :D

Devin is sort of a wannabe-Sue anyway. Sort of. Well, he was in the original stories and then he decided to be himself instead. But underneath, I still know he started out as a Sue and watching you re-Suifying him just amuses me to no end.


alien_writings November 29 2012, 15:16:06 UTC
I'm not sure if it's Dissonance or Whiplash, but the overall mood in this fic is gonna be pretty wonky. The whole thing was supposed to be a goofy diversion, and then it's like "lolnope." That doesn't mean there won't be random bits of goof in it, though.

Devin here is going to be Mary Sue, Destroyer of Everything.


theun4givables November 28 2012, 18:48:00 UTC
Oh, Devin. The levels of denial here, buddy. They're insane. Almost worse than Savin's lolololol

But seriously, this is amusing as all hell and I love it. xD


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