Writerverse: Table of Doom - The End

Aug 15, 2013 18:35

More I Prefer the Mind Control. I'm still playing around with canon. I hope you enjoy this!


“Damn, you’ve got magic powers, seriously,” I mutter at Xan as we lie in bed together.

He just grins at me. “I suppose you could think of the mind control like magic, but it’s not.”

“You’re just that fucking awesome, then,” I say. I cuddle up to him, letting my arm drape across his chest.

“As are you. Do you mind if I take the control off now?” he murmurs.

I shake my head. Xan smiles at me and looks into my eyes -- I feel a shift and the control is lifted, leaving a fuzzy kinda afterglow thing in its place. Even without the mind control, being around Xan is like being high on awesomeness.

“Thanks, man,” I murmur.

“Thanks? For what?” Xan raises an eyebrow.

“For being awesome,” I say, cuddling up even closer to him.

Everything’s just an awesome party -- if I don’t think too much about how Xan’s gonna have to go back to his fucking home planet eventually. Can’t he just stay here forever? Well, if he’s not Chosen, he can just...come back to Earth, right? I blink a bunch of times, trying to banish the fucking thoughts about the end of our relationship from my jerk of a brain.

We spend who knows how long just cuddling. I’m totally in dreamland with him, half asleep and half awake. After a while, I open my eyes to see Xan’s still sleeping. His eyes are shut, so I can’t see their metallic bronze color. He looks, well, peaceful. And beautiful, his smooth features fucking perfect. He’s even smiling -- am I making him fucking smile like that?

His phone rings, turning that peaceful sleeping smile into a still-sleepy expression of annoyance. He narrows his eyes and yawns, grumbling to himself. I roll off him, the bedsheets sliding off me, as he reaches for his phone resting on the nightstand. His narrowed eyes widen when he sees who’s calling.

“Dammit, it’s my father,” he breathes. “He never calls from this number.”

I rub my eyes -- I wasn’t exactly fucking awake, either. “Better answer it, then, huh?” I mutter.

Xan nods and answers the phone. “Hello, father? What is it?” His expression goes weirdly...professional. It’s calm and kind of fucking expressionless.

Even so, I can tell he’s nervous as fuck -- I am, too. My whole body tenses, and I have to remind myself to, you know, actually breathe. Wait, why the fuck should a call from Xan’s dad make me wanna panic so bad?

“The -- Choosing Ceremony?” Xan breathes. His eyes widen again, this time in what looks like dread.

A long pause fucking punches me in the chest, and I have to remind myself to breathe again. The Choosing Ceremony -- it can’t be happening soon...right?

“It’s -- it’s happening soon? When?” Xan says, blinking and staring into the distance.

I bite my lip hard enough to fucking hurt. My heart starts hammering. This cannot be fucking happening like this.

“As soon as I return to Zimara? And...you expect me to leave Earth immediately?” he says. He blinks, like he’s fighting back tears or something.

The world fucking spins around me, and I lie back down on the bed. I close my eyes, unable to look at Xan.

“But Ayli -- has she...come around?” he murmurs.

With my eyes still fucking closed, I can’t tell how much time passes before Xan answers. “She -- she hasn’t? So you’re saying the -- result of the Choosing Ceremony is...unknown?” His voice cracks as he speaks.

Unknown? Does that mean Xan might actually be fucking Chosen? No way -- right?

“It is unknown? I’ll -- make arrangements to return as soon as possible, Father,” he murmurs. It sounds like he’s crying, or wants to.

“Th-thank you,” he says after another pause. I hear him hang up the phone and dare to open my eyes and look at him.

Xan just stares at the phone in his hand. He looks at me, his eyes shining. Yeah, those are fucking tears. “You -- heard that, I presume?” he murmurs.

I nod. “Yeah, I kinda fucking did,” I say. Even though I wish I could have blocked most of it out. Dammit, we should have had more time than this. This is happening now, after we got serious? Of course it fucking is.

He fucking deflates, lying back down on the bed and staring at the ceiling, not looking at me. “I’m -- I’m sorry,” he whispers.

“Not your fucking fault circumstances hate us,” I mutter. Still lying down, I cross my arms over my chest.

The world titles off its fucking axis, and I grab the sheets, as if that’ll actually do anything.

“I suppose not,” Xan sighs, “but...I don’t want to leave you.” He turns to me and, out of nowhere, smothers me in a super-hug.

“Are you trying to prevent me from breathing?” I mutter.


“Then could you, um, ease up a bit?” I gasp.

Xan does ease up, kinda. He’s still got me in a hug, and I can’t exactly tell him to let go all the way. I don’t want him to let go all the way, honestly. I just need to fucking breathe.

“I can’t leave you behind,” he says, his voice cracking.

“It’s not like you can exactly take me with you,” I mutter. My chest fucking hurts, and I don’t wanna think about things, but I can’t help it.

“Why -- why not?” he whispers.

Wait, what?

“Excuse me?” I mutter.

Xan’s body weight shifts, and he lets go of me. His eyes are fucking shining again, but not with tears. With...excitement?

“Why can’t you come with me?” he breathes.

Wait, what?

I gape at him while trying to collect my fucking thoughts. “You want me to come with you? To Zimara? Are you out of your mind?”

“Why not?” he says, actually fucking smiling.

“Because I have school? And you’ve got...stuff I’m sure you don’t wanna think about,” I say. Emotions fight each other in my brain. There’s no fucking way I can just go to Zimara with Xan. I mean, they’re not exactly gonna want a random human guest while all this serious shit is going on, yeah?

So why am I even considering it?

writerverse: table of doom, character: dylan, pov: dylan, character: xan, pairing: xan/dylan, original fiction, trigger: language, rating: r, writerverse, series: i prefer the mind control

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