I Prefer the Mind Control Rewrite - Chapter 5

Jan 07, 2013 22:07

Here's the fifth chapter in my I Prefer the Mind Control universe. It's NSFW.

previous chapter


“Your hair looks like you lost a fight with an electric socket,” Preston said.

I glared at him. “Hey, my hair isn’t that bad.”

“Yeah, it is. You really look like you got on electricity’s bad side,” he muttered.

I grumbled, “We can’t all be you, Mr. Perfect Hair.”

Preston’s stupid hair was fucking perfect, not a short sandy blonde strand out of place. It was kind of ridiculous. Did he use sorcery-powered hair gel or something? I knew as much about hair products as I knew about the French language and making it to important tests on time.

He said, “It’s lucky you’re so naturally gorgeous because you have no sense of style. Are you really going to wear that shirt?”

It was the Friday we were going to meet Xan, and we were trying to look our best. We hadn’t talked much about the offer during the week. It wasn’t the sort of thing that was exactly easy to discuss, was it?

My roommate didn’t look particularly nervous; he wasn’t shaking or anything like that. He seemed more together than I did, damn my apparent lack of of style and stupid electric-socket-fighting chocolate brown hair. You know, you could have given me hair in a shade that isn’t best described as “chocolate brown” because “chocolate” is such an obnoxious word when it’s describing hair. It sounds like something a teen girl writing a Mary Sue would use if the Sue wasn’t going to have magical sparkling purple hair or something.

“What’s wrong with this shirt?” I asked.

Preston said, “It looks shabby, Dylan.”

I grumbled, “Would you quit insulting my clothes before I smother you to death with an avalanche of coffee beans?”

He raised an eyebrow. “What?”

Dammit, Preston probably was right about my t-shirt. I didn’t exactly have anything cuter, though. And, come to fucking think of it, “wear something cute” wasn’t exactly a useful instruction. How formal did Xan want us to be, anyway?

I asked, “So how formal do you think we’re even supposed to be? Xan didn’t specify.” Maybe Preston had a better idea than I did?

He muttered, “I don’t know. I’m just wearing this.”

Preston wore a pair of slightly faded jeans, plus a fancy t-shirt with words on it and a brown tweed blazer thing with fucking elbow patches that somehow worked on him yet would look stupid and pretentious on me.

My fucking outfit consisted of regular dark blue jeans and a green t-shirt that was, fine, slightly shabby. Grumbling, I dug around in my drawer for a better shirt. Nothing was particularly inspiring me. I didn’t think any joke t-shirts would be quite appropriate. Finally, I grabbed a random black t-shirt. It wasn’t shabby, right?

Ignoring how Preston might check me out, I changed shirts.

“That’s way better,” Preston said. “You actually look like you didn’t get dressed in the dark.”

“Seriously, enough with the insults. Don’t make me stab you with a broken lightbulb,” I muttered. Yeah, I had threatened coffee beans before, but I decided a broken lightbulb was even better nonsense.

Look, my brain comes up with weird threats sometimes, okay? Don’t give me that look.

I glanced at the clock by my bed. The glowing green numbers said 7:45PM, so I figured we should get going. I put on my windbreaker.

“Really? An orange windbreaker?” Preston shook his head.

I huffed, “I lost my other light jacket, and this was the only one in my size they had at the campus store. It’s not my fucking fault the school colors are orange and blue.”

“I suppose not,” he muttered.

We headed out. I was half-afraid Bonnie would show up somehow, like a demonic apparition. She seemed like she might be possessed. That would explain her irrationally evil behavior, yeah? Luckily, we didn’t run into anybody as we headed to Parking Lot C.

Preston grabbed my hand. Now he started to shake. I let him hold my hand because I would be nervous, too.

“You sure about this?” I murmured.

“Yeah, I am.” He sounded surprisingly assured.

Finally, we reached the parking lot, with five minutes to spare. No demonic Bonnies showed up. That didn’t stop me from twisting my head side to side, just to make sure Preston’s scary ex wouldn’t appear.

Xan’s car pulled into the parking lot, followed by two other cars, which I presumed carried his bodyguards. I guessed they didn’t go for invisible cars, or just weren’t bothering at the moment.

“Oh my god, that car,” Preston breathed.

He let go of my hand. His jaw dropped, and his eyes bugged out. Xan’s car was extremely impressive.

“It’s -- wow,” he said.

“Don’t let your brain short-circuit too much,” I muttered.

Xan got out of the car. He spotted us and waved. Even from this fucking distance, his eyes sparkled. Hey, if Zimaran eyes are shiny like metal, how do they sparkle like that? You won’t tell me? Do you even know?

I waved back, but Preston just stood there, a starstruck expression on his face. His eyes got even wider somehow. Briefly, I was tempted to shake him in order to revive him from his trance.

When Xan reached us, I realized I should maybe do introductions or something. What were the social protocols for something like this, anyway?

I muttered, “You’re here. In 3-D, which makes sense as it’s not like Zimarans are a two-dimensional species.”

Xan laughed. I felt my cheeks heat up; I was probably fucking blushing, which would make sense because what I said was enormously stupid. Thanks, brain. I loved you, too. Fucker.

His gaze fell on Preston. “Dylan said you were hot, but he didn’t say just how hot.”

If I were blushing, it was nothing in comparison to Preston now. His slightly tan face turned bright fucking red.

“Be careful, Xan, you might short circuit his brain before you even put any mind control on him,” I said.

He looked at me. “I hope you won’t be too jealous that I’m going to enjoy your pretty friend tonight.”

“What? I’m not gonna be jealous,” I said.

Xan wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. He kissed me before I could figure out what was going on. As usual, he was a fucking good kisser. But weren’t we here for Preston? Xan let me go.

“I just want you to remember that you’re still mine even if I take your friend tonight,” he murmured.

He turned his gaze back towards Preston. “Are you okay with this?”

Preston nodded, not being capable of speech.

“I’m going to put the mind control on you now,” Xan said. He gave Preston a particularly intense look.

“Wow,” Preston breathed. “That’s amazing.”

Xan reached out and brushed Preston’s cheek. He murmured, “You...have an interesting mind, Preston. It feels rather Zimaran, for one who is human. A different, hmm, texture than Dylan’s though no less enticing for being so unusual. I’ll have fun playing with you.”

He pulled Preston’s face towards his own. The two locked lips. Xan quickly embraced Preston, who, more hesitantly, hugged Xan in return. They pressed themselves close together, and I thought I could even hear Preston moan against Xan’s lips.

Maybe I should have been ragingly jealous, or possibly morally outraged that Xan was requiring this of Preston in order to give him the money. I wasn’t either of those things; I was seriously turned on already.

Xan stopped kissing Preston. He pulled away, taking one of Preston’s hands in his own. He said, “You’ll sit in the front seat next to me. After all, you’re tonight’s prize and I want you close by. Dylan, will you be alright in the back?”

“I’ll be fine.”

We got into the car, which really did look like a fucking spaceship.

“Your car,” Preston breathed.

Xan squeezed Preston’s shoulder as we pulled out of the parking lot. He then ran his hand down Preston’s arm. I could swear my roommate visibly shivered. My body tensed in anticipation, even though it wasn’t me who was going to do anything. Probably.

“Do I get to watch?” I asked.

Xan murmured, “I was going to make you watch, if the jealousy wouldn’t be too much of an issue. The mind control makes it so it’s not such a problem, but you two are humans, odd mind aside, so I just wanted to be sure.”

“No need to worry,” I said.

There wasn’t any need to worry, not as I watched Xan gently run his fingers up and down Preston’s arm. Yeah, my roommate was definitely shivering now. I even heard him let out the tiniest moan. This was going to be fun.

* * *

We arrived at Xan’s fancy building, and it wowed Preston as much as Xan’s car had. Sure, it was technically an Earth building, but it was in a Zimaran area and so obviously fancy that it had some kind of anti-commoner forcefield. I wondered if Zimaran tech were advanced enough that anti-commoner forcefields were an actual thing.

Hey, do Zimarans have actual anti-commoner forcefields? You won’t tell me? Damn, you never tell me anything. Do you even know? How much of this shit are you making up as you go along?

Xan grabbed Preston’s ass while he was captivated by the rainbow lights and crystalline nature of the building. He squeaked in surprise but didn’t push Xan’s hand away.

Turning his head to look at me, Xan said, “Let’s go in, shall we? You have good taste in roommates, by the way.”

He walked with his hand still on Preston’s ass. I enjoyed the view from back here. They both had nice asses. That doesn’t mean I’m crushing on Preston, okay? I can want to watch someone fuck my maybe-boyfriend without secretly wishing he were my boyfriend.

Like before, the doormen bowed to Xan, which was still fucking weird. Preston made an odd squeaking noise; he must have thought the whole bowing deal was weird, too. I worried his brain might yet short-circuit. He was so fucking starstruck.

Not that I wasn’t starstruck. Even though I had fucking been here before, I goggled at the inside of the lobby, with its very Zimaran black and silver furniture.

“Wow, everything’s so...wow,” Preston breathed.

How many times had he said “wow” by now?

Xan said, “It’s rather overwhelming, isn’t it?”

He was right about that much.

“Wow,” Preston breathed again.

If I had a penny for every time he said “wow,” I would have an annoyingly large collection of pennies.

We arrived at the elevator. When it opened, Preston squealed, “It has a couch!”

Xan didn’t so much as remove his hand from my roommate ass as he guided him into the huge elevator.

“There are cameras in the elevator, but, Preston, do you mind if I start undressing you now?” Xan said.

“Fine by me.”

I watched as Xan pulled off Preston’s jacket and shirt. Damn, did my roommate have a nice chest. Xan slammed Preston against the wall of the elevator and kissed his neck. Preston threw his head back, moaning. Xan, not being a time-waster, seconds later started kissing down Preston’s chest. My roommate tried to grab onto the wall. Xan was totally unbalancing him.

He was totally unbalancing me.

The elevator reached the fucking penthouse. Xan grinned at Preston, taking his hand.

“Time to have some real fun,” he said.

Preston smiled back at him. “I was already having fun.”

I followed them out of the elevator. Xan had to, again, tell the fucking door he had guests over.

“Fancy,” Preston murmured.

“You’re telling me,” I said.

Nobody heard me as we entered the apartment. That was when I realized something; Preston’s shirt had been left in the elevator.

I called out, “Hey, um, Preston? Your -- your shirt was kind of left in the elevator.”

Again, nobody heard me. I wanted to go back for his jacket and shirt because those were not the sorts of clothing items Preston would want to lose. They looked sexy on him. The platonic kind of sexy where it didn’t mean I wanted to sleep with him. Stop looking at me like that. It’s not like I had a sexy dream about Preston last night. That totally didn’t happen. I said stop looking at me like that.

In no time at all, Xan smashed Preston against a wall. He kissed the back of my roommate’s neck and purred, “Why don’t you take off your pants for me? I can’t wait much longer for someone as pretty as you.”

The oddest thing occurred to me as Xan and Preston took off their pants. Xan had said he was going to “make” me watch, but nothing was preventing me from wandering away and not watching if I didn’t want to.

Then an even odder thing occurred to me. I yelled, “Hey, Preston is a virgin!”

Xan growled, “He won’t be for much longer.”

“Aren’t you forgetting that foreplay and lube are kind of important if you’ve never fucked anyone before?” I said.

“You’re killing the mood; I can handle the pain,” Preston muttered.

“You say that now,” I grumbled.

Xan said, “Perhaps you are right.”

After he was completely naked from the waist down, Xan walked over to a nearby shelf cabinet thing, opened it and grabbed lube. Fancy fucking lube, that probably cost as much as some people’s monthly rents. Preston, now totally naked, remained by the wall, his hands pressed against it. Even from here, I could see him quiver in anticipation.

Xan lubed himself up. “Are you ready, Preston?” he purred.

“Very much,” Preston gasped.

“Why don’t you spread your legs for me?” he purred.

Preston did so, and Xan positioned himself behind him. He wrapped his arms around his waist. Xan thrust inside inside him. Preston cried out.

Xan murmured, “Are you okay? I’ll go slow for someone as special as you, though I just want to take you as hard as I can.”

Preston’s breathing had become ragged. I wasn’t sure he would be able to fucking talk.

“I’m -- great. Keep -- going,” he managed.

Xan hugged Preston tighter as he thrust. Preston made these little gasps and moans that almost made me gasp and moan.

“Go -- faster,” Preston gasped.

“Only if you say please,” he purred.

Preston said, “You said you wanted -- to take me as hard - as you could.”

Xan growled, “I never said I wouldn’t make you beg.”

“Please, Xan. Please,” he whined.

Was it just me or was Xan being a totally different person than he was with me?

“Since you asked so nicely,” Xan purred.

He held Preston tighter and thrust harder. Preston cried out again, this time in obvious pleasure. I watched as Xan pounded him. They both had these ridiculous expressions of bliss on their faces. The two of them made noises that sounded downright unearthly while their muscles flexed with the exertion. Damn, did they have nice muscles, unlike, say, me, who was skinny as fuck.

I felt a slight ache between my legs as I watched them, but a -- something kept it from being as hot as it should have been. A strange feeling bothered me as Xan pounded Preston, who was now stroking his own cock, clearly near climax.

Moments later, Preston came, crying out with the most satisfied fucking sound I had heard in forever. Xan thrust a couple more times before coming himself, also with a ridiculously satisfied fucking sound.

Xan slipped out of Preston, but he didn’t move away from him. They kind of fucking cuddled against the wall, bodies smashed against each other.

“That was the most fun I’ve had in months,” Xan murmured.

Wait, what?

I must have misheard him because he fucked me like a week ago, and I was right fucking here. And he was supposed to be my maybe-boyfriend. Why the fuck would he say Preston was the “most fun I’ve had in months” when I was within fucking earshot? Therefore, I had to have misheard that.

“You’re something special, Preston,” Xan said.

He -- what? I was the something special!

Any ache I felt? Fucking gone. What the hell was Xan even saying? I had no problem with Xan fucking whomever he wanted, but wasn’t he supposed to save the endearments for me? Preston -- he was a favor to me. Why -- just why?

Instead of shivering with sexual desire, I shook with anger. I never felt fucking angry, but this scene was wrong. I felt the wrongness in the air, could fucking breathe it in like toxic gas.

“Hey, remember me?” I yelled.

Xan slowly turned to look at me. “Is there a problem?”

“Yeah, why did you say Preston was the ‘most fun’ when you had just fucked me like last week?” I demanded.

“It was just something that slipped out,” he muttered.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “So you didn’t mean it?”

“Well, I meant it, but...” Xan’s face froze in horror as he realized what he’d said.

Something snapped. Xan’s eyes widened.

I had broken the mind control.


written for writerverse Challenge #16: A Little Help From the 90s

next chapter

character: dylan, pov: dylan, nsfw (actual sexual content - really!), character: xan, pairing: xan/dylan, character: preston, writerverse, pairing: xan/preston, series: i prefer the mind control

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