Crossover - Cliffton/Meeting of Breccan & Finbar: Not So Divine: Chapter 8

Dec 03, 2012 11:43

This is a crossover fanfiction of my The Meeting of Breccan & Finbar and n3m3sis43's Cliffton universes. For context, it might help to read n3m3sis43's piece, Everything You Touch.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7


Egan's dead. He can't be, but he is. No pulse, nothing. Fucking nothing. Gone.

I can't fucking take it. Wes still stands there. Doesn't say anything. What can he fucking say? After what I did?

“He's dead,” I whisper. Don't want to confirm it. Have to. I say it, and it's too fucking real. I collapse again.

I'm never getting up. Just going to stay right fucking here. There's no point in moving. I destroyed everything. How could I? The fuck is wrong with me? I can't ever be myself again can I? Egan - he was supposed to take his powers back. And now he fucking can't. Because he's dead.

It's all my fucking fault.

“What are we gonna do?” Wes cries.

Egan's fucking body. We can't just leave it here.

“You can't go to jail!” he whimpers.

Fuck. If someone finds out about this, we're fucked. All of us. If I'm arrested, I won't only bring Wes down with me. I'll bring down everybody.

I get up. Fucking tremble as I stand. Not idea what to do. Fucking none.

Wes looks like he might cry. “I won't let you be arrested. Not you, Devin. We don't have enough money to bribe the police. They'll take you if they find out, and they just can't! You know what the police are like on our side, and I doubt they're any better over here.”

Yeah, I fucking know what the police are like. The ones here will find out in a nanosecond how I'm a terrorist. Find us all out and show no fucking mercy. Can't let that happen. Not to Wes, who did nothing wrong besides knowing me.

But how do you get rid of a fucking body? That's not something I ever thought I would need to know. Not something I would ever want to know. But I fucking have to figure it out now, if I want to protect everyone. I can do that much, at least. Make up a tiny bit for all my huge fucking mistakes. Not that it will be enough.

I keep thinking and coming up with nothing. Everything's wrong. It all started going wrong when Egan arrived in my attic lab. That place was a fucking sanctuary. Until he came. That's it - my fucking lab. I can use the equipment to burn Egan's body. No fucking traces.

“My lab,” I murmur.

“You lab?” Wes echoes.

“We can use the laser incinerator to burn Egan's body,” I say.

Wes nods. “O-okay. I'll do it. You don't have to help, Devin.”

No, that's not fucking happening. Can't let him take all the responsibility for this. Besides, there's no way Wes can carry Egan's body on his own. I'll have to help him. Don't want to do this. Would rather do this than leave it all to Wes.

I sigh. “Yeah, I do.”

He shakes his head. “It's okay. I'll do it. I'll take care of things.”

That's Wes. Always taking care of me. Even when I don't fucking deserve it. Not that I ever deserve it.

“No,” I insist, “you're not doing this on your own. I'm helping you.” I glare at him. This is not fucking negotiable.

Wes' eyes fucking shine. “You've been through enough.” He walks over to where Egan's body lies on the couch. Tries to pick it up. Can't manage it.

I go over to help him. Hope he doesn't protest. Don't wanna fucking argue about this anymore. Let's just get this over with before I lose my fucking nerve. Wes seems to understand he can't lift the body. He doesn't object to my help, but his eyes still shine. Together, we get it off the couch.

It's fucking hard to carry Egan's body upstairs, but we manage. Wes is totally fucking winded, though. Makes me feel even worse. All I do is make things worse for him. I press the remote to open the lab. We enter.

Once inside, we drop the body onto the floor. I need to activate the laser incinerator now. Almost never use the fucking thing. Never thought I would use it for this. I turn on the incinerator. Takes several minutes to warm up. The wait's fucking unbearable. Wes looks so fucking sad. All because of me.

It beeps to indicate it's ready. I open it and nod to Wes. Together, we grab Egan's body. Fucking heave it into the laser incinerator. I shut the door on the thing, activating the cycle. In a matter of nanoseconds, Egan's body is gone. Fucking destroyed.

That's what I do. Destroy things.

* * *

I don't sleep at all that night. Dread the fucking morning worse than anything. Everyone's gonna realize something's wrong when they don't see Egan on the couch.

Soon enough, I give up on pretending to sleep. Wish I could drink some fucking SynthBrew. Wes follows me to the kitchen. Wish he wouldn't fucking do that.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

Takes all my willpower not to burst into laughter. Don't wanna laugh at him. Not after last fucking night.

“You serious, Wes? How can I be fucking okay?” I say.

“I know,” he whispers. Tries to look me in the eye. I won't fucking let him.

Some time later, everyone else wakes up and wanders in. Except for Egan. Of fucking course.

“Time for me to make breakfast!” Wes chirps, but it's strained. I can tell.

He's about to start making breakfast when Maris glares at me. Like she fucking knows something. She can't know, right?

“Devin? I need to talk to you right fucking now,” she hisses. With that look? My stomach drops. I could almost swear she knows.

Wes follows us into the living room. He must be fucking worried about the way Maris is looking at me.

“Where's Egan?” she demands.

In the laser incinerator.

“Why are you asking me?” I stall. Fucking pathetic.

Her glare would probably kill me if I weren't fucking immortal. “Because my tracker said he returned here before something destroyed it. Egan's not here, and there's not much that can destroy one of my trackers. Divine power would do it, though. And you're the only one who has any.”

I'm fucking screwed.

“Did you use your power on Egan?” Her eyes bore into me.

I try not to flinch. But my whole body's shaking, so it doesn't even matter.

Maris says, “You used your power, didn't you? You killed him.”

The look on my face answers for me. Maris pushes me against the wall. Hands around my fucking neck. My heart that doesn't need to beat hammers in my chest. I would find the pain grounding, but this doesn't even fucking hurt.

“It was my job to bring him back,” she hisses.

Something large crashes into both of us. It's Wes.

“Let him go!” he shrieks.

I'm released, but Maris has Wes on the ground, a fucking knife to his throat. “I'll kill you if you try that again,” she growls. “Don't interfere with matters you don't understand. I'm taking your friend back with me.”

Wes eyes are huge, and he's whimpering. Can't do fucking anything for him. Too afraid of my powers and who I might hurt. Won't risk releasing them. Never again.

The others come into the living room. Guess all the noise must have alerted them. Maris gets off Wes. He stays on the ground, fucking shaking.

She strides over to me. Grabs my fucking arm. “Time to go,” she says.

I don't fight her off. Not fucking worth it. Better I go with her, anyway. It's not like I can get my mortality back, and I'm a fucking danger to everyone here.

Maris mutters something under her breath. She must have lost it.

“Dammit!” she hisses. Yeah, she fucking lost it. “The portal won't open.”

Portal? The fuck?

She lets me go. “I guess I'm not taking you back yet. The pathway home is blocked. Egan did that, so I'll be staying here a while.”

I want to ask her how the fuck she expects to stay here after what she did to Wes. I don't, because I fucking need her. She's the only one who can get me away from here. I suppose as a god I could make my own fucking portal. Don't know how, though, and I would rather not use my power at all.

“You expect to stay here?” Brendan looks like he might blow. We do not need a fucking display of temper right now.

I sigh. “She's staying here. No fucking arguments.”

I won't look at Wes as I talk. Feel awful letting Maris stay after what she did to him. But I need her if I'm going to avoid causing worse hurt. I need her to get me to where I can keep everyone safe. Even if that means I have to leave this world entirely. I'll do that to protect the others. They don't deserve to have me around, ruining their fucking lives.


written for the hc_bingo prompt "Assault"

fanfiction, hc_bingo, character: brendan, character: maris, pov: devin, fandom: meeting of b&f, character: wes, fandom: cliffton, character: devin

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