The Year in Fic

Jan 02, 2012 19:32

Totally unsure on the lengths, also FFN links. I'm bad at LJ/DW archiving. Gnaked from 
 Long Fic
Old Truths, New Confessions  (NCIS)

Shorts, Novelettes and Novella  (NCIS unless otherwise stated)
Friday Night Lights (T/Z friendship, religion)
Nightmare (T/Z friendship bordering on relationship, post Somalia)

Comparisons (Ziva's Daddy issues)
Could It Be Any Harder  (Ziva and Rachel Cranston's dead siblings)

Questions (Ziva's missed citizenship ceremony)
Dark Disscussions (David family, dark)
Ulterior Motives (Abby)
In The Know (Gibbs/Holly Snow)
Back to the Start (Tony/Ziva bordering)
Before I Fall to Pieces (McGee/Abby bordering)
Mission Possible (Tony/Ziva)
A Friend In Need (Ducky and Gibbs friendship, Jimmy and Tony friendship) 
Peace and Goodbye (Ziva, pre-series)
Eid Mubarak (Team, feat: Leyla)
Nothing's Changed (future fic, Tony/Ziva, McGee/Abby)
As You Wish (Tony/Ziva)
Army Dreamers (Ziva and Gibbs, military)
Movie Madness (Tony, total fluff)
United (Ziva)
Scars Inside and Out (Ziva and Abby)
Someone Else's (Ziva/Ray)
Second Chances (Ducky/Jordan Hampton) 
IllFated Son (Ziva, pre-series, very dark)
It Takes A Village (CSI:NY Stella/Mac, Danny/Lindsay)
Going, Going, Gone (CSI:NY Stella/Mac)

His Lies (Ziva/Ray)
For Today (Ducky)
Perfection May Come (McGee/Abby)
Friendly Embrace (Ziva and Abby) 
Overthinking It (Ziva/Ray)
Propaganda and Passports (Ziva based on RL, when some crackpot accused the Israeli that died in the ChCh earthquake of being Mossad)
Closet Geek (Onesided McGee/Ziva)
Full of Surprises (Tony/Ziva)
Page 57 (Tony/Ziva)
Wrong Kind of Perfect (Gibbs/Ducky)
Little Known Fact (Ziva and Abby, total fluff)
Home Is Where the Heart Is (Criminal Minds, Hotch and JJ)
Scotland the Great (Ducky)
Negotiations (Tony/Ziva)
Crossing the Channel (Pam Am Dean/Colette)
Little Ball of Fur (Tony/Ziva, pure fluff)
Deal Breaker (Jenny/Gibbs)
Tis the Season (team)
 Naughty or Nice  (Tony/Ziva)
Sign of the Times (Ziva and Abby)
Dinner Date (Ducky/Jordan)
Called A Kate (Kate/Ari)
Start of Something New (Tony/Ziva)
This is Goodbye (Jenny/Ziva)
Lights Will Guide You Home (Ziva, Hanukkah)
Not Dead (Ziva, post Somalia)
Grumpy Old Men and Bourbon (Gibbs/Fornell)
Wonderful Life (Tony and Abby friendship bodering)
Merry Christmas, Leroy (Gibbs and Jack)
Perfect Person (McGee/Ziva)
Soul Mates (McGee/Abby)
Grief (CSI:NY Stella/Mac)
Addiction (Paula Cassidy)
Need You Now (Tony/Ziva)

Total: 60 
Relationships (not all are realtionship) 
Total Het stories:  32
Total M/M: 2
Total F/F: 1
Total three/moresome: 0
Total Gen: 25

Total Fandoms: 4 (NCIS, Criminal Minds, Pan Am, CSI:NY)
Wordcount: I'm not even gonna try and work out that stat.

My favorite story this year : Hmm ... Eid Mubarak. I dunno I just like it at the moment. Runner up is Dark Discussions. 
My best story this year:   Hmm ... As You Wish, Back to the Start, and A Friend In Need. I don't know how we're measuring bests.  
My sexiest story:   I do not write smut, probably because of lack of experience. The only one that made Soph, my beta, blush was This is Goodbye (Jenny/Ziva) 
Most surprising story: Propaganda and Passports because it's based on something that happened in real life and Ill-Fated Son, because I don't know how I got it from 'Bait' 
Most disappointing story:   I'm disappointed with a few of them. United and Someone Else's did not turn out how I wanted them too. Nor did Overthinking It.  
Story most under appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:  I'm not sure how to judge this. I guess A Friend In Need and Overthinking It.  
Most depressing story of the year:  Well I like angst but don't write much of it of late so top ones include Ill-Fated Son, Peace and Goodbye and Dark Discussions. Also Called A Kate.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:   Little Known Fact feels dreadfully OCC and Ill-Fated Son is probably wrong even for me and I wrote one of the only pro-choice fics in the fandom 
Favorite opening lines: Ari Hazwari was not a man to lust over things he could not have. Nor was he a man that women tended to reject. He had a motorcycle, a foreign accent, and a tortured look in his eyes. All of which provided a charm that the ladies seemed to swoon over. (Called A Kate)  It was a quiet Sunday afternoon in suburbia and all the houses in the modest street were quiet except for one owned by a Fijian Indian couple in their forties. The small kitchen table was full. The people around the dining table represented the United Nations  (United)
Favorite closing lines:  A smile crossed Ziva's face. No words were going to change what was happening. But one last action might just leave memory. They would always have Cairo. (This is Goodbye) There was one thing Ziva wasn't. Dead. (Not Dead)
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year? No. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Maybe, write some more masterpieces and originals. 
Evaluate how you did with last year's goals: I didn't have any. I just did what I did. It has been a very productive year including three new fandoms. My muse is overactive, so I write a lot. I only love a handful of fics (the angst). I'm proud I got a multichap done. 
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stories, ncis, meme

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