Tabbi Kat

Feb 04, 2014 14:16

The postie told me about a cat matching her description mooching around the school.

Today I saw her over the lane from the back yard.

I called, she didn't come. She did meow though. I hope she chooses to come home soon.

I think I'll need to leaflet a couple of streets I didn't originally do.

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animals:tabbikat, animals:missing

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Comments 9

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alicephilippa February 4 2014, 16:35:23 UTC
She's been wandering for the last 2 weeks. A particularly nasty couple of weeks too.

It is heartening that she's still okay. If she doesn't want to come home then I can't force her and maybe she'll find her own furever home.

I'd love for her to come home though. It's not the same without her here.


cmcmck February 4 2014, 14:39:35 UTC

At least this sounds hopeful.


ladyvox February 4 2014, 15:03:48 UTC
Aww what a shame she didn't come at your calling. But great news to know she's roaming about.


choptliver February 4 2014, 15:26:52 UTC
I'm glad she's alive, and that you know it. I've had three cats go missing over the years, and the not knowing is the hardest.


alicephilippa February 4 2014, 16:37:44 UTC
The not knowing was hard.

Knowing she seems okay is good but I'd rather she came home.


meathiel February 4 2014, 17:38:18 UTC
Hope she decided to come home yet ...


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