
Sep 07, 2013 16:47

Had 2 seizures this afternoon so will be in hospital until tomorrow at least.

The first was an absence type. Then as I was waking up from a nap had a tonic-clonic.

So here I will stay, and I think it shows we by it was a good idea to keep me in over night for what was just say surgery.

Feeling completely drained and joined up thinking is giving me ( Read more... )

via ljapp

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Comments 4

howlin_wolf_66 September 7 2013, 15:50:55 UTC
*hugs* and best wishes.


meathiel September 7 2013, 16:44:53 UTC
Ugh ... doesn't sound good.


ladyvox September 7 2013, 18:57:31 UTC
:( Hope you feel better soon!


nightshade1972 September 8 2013, 01:39:21 UTC
The second-to-last time I needed brain surgery, I had the surgery on Tues and they kicked me out on Wed, over my and my father's objections. I was back in the hospital by Fri, but had to wait until the following Tues for more surgery "because your NSG only operates on Tuesdays". At least the second time, they learned their lesson and kept me in the hospital for nearly a week.

Hope you feel better soon!


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