Note to Cat

Aug 13, 2012 10:15

Dear Tabbi Kat,

You do know how to use the litter tray. Yes? So why was it this morning that you managed to pee on the floor whilst actually squatting inside it. You are aware that it delayed me giving you your breakfast you poor starving moggie. Even Jenny Cat was less than impressed with you.

Your, scary mop wielding,


animals:tabbi kat, animals:kittehs, note_to_cat

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Comments 3

roobarb August 13 2012, 10:09:11 UTC
Wedgwood likes to sit outside his cage and poop on the floor. His cage never needs much cleaning but the floor is awful


asphodeline August 13 2012, 17:13:00 UTC
I once watched one of ours carefully digging a hole in the garden then standing IN the hole to have a poo outside of it!


ladyhelen August 13 2012, 19:22:49 UTC
Holly does this - she basically walks into the tray, doesn't bother turning round, squats and it goes straight out of the door. Good job she's cute!


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