
Jul 13, 2012 10:38

This morning Her Majesty Jennifer Felis cattus gave me a couple of photo opportunities and for once I had a camera to hand.

Pics behind cut )

piccies, animals:kittehs, animals:jenny cat, photography

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Comments 5

dreamsrundeep July 13 2012, 11:42:10 UTC
Eee! What an adorable cat!


kirylyn July 13 2012, 19:34:15 UTC
when I was owned by Sweetheart and Logan, they too liked the high spots (I'd frequently find either of them ontop of the fridge)

so I had to hunt for like a month to find a computer desk with a tall hutch just for their majesties :D


alicephilippa July 14 2012, 21:12:23 UTC
Jenny Cat tends to sleep on top of the bookcase containing the Pratchetts during the day. At night she sleeps on the floor next to my bed, or on it. Tabbi Kat sleeps on my bed at night, during the day she can often be found asleep on the coffee table.


fenwench July 14 2012, 16:54:35 UTC
Oh blimey! Judging by the box size, she's roughly 1/4 of the size of my boys who are small dog sized! So cuuuuuute. I forgot some cats can stay so miniature!

Murphy is an expert at catching moths, killing them and then dropping them in my bed. Can't really catch anything else, but I think I prefer the insects to Eddie's choice of dead voles....


alicephilippa July 14 2012, 21:06:05 UTC
It's the box for a 48 pack of Whiskers gooshy fud pouches. JC always seems to me to be average sized, but TK is definitely a small cat. TK was the runt of her litter and her mum was also quite small.

I don't think they've managed to catch a moth, but they have caught a wasp (and eaten it) so far this year.


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