If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there

Apr 16, 2011 18:10

Player Information:

Method of Contact:
[aim] pwner of pansies
[email] Saikobiri[at]gmail[dot]com
Previous characters:
Tweedle Dee = thebluebrat

Character Information:
Full Name:
Are you Alice?
Canon point:

Chapter 17: 'Fraidy Cat - right before Caterpillar sends them into "The Wimpy Story"

Appearance upon arrival:
Nothing out of the ordinary.

Character History:
Located here.

When the series begins we are introduced to a young man seemingly without any name of his own, past, or present. He just seems to wander into Wonderland of his own will. Once he gets to talking to other characters we learn He’s curious and confident in himself and holds no regard to holding his tongue about most things. If he’s got a question he’s bound to ask it no matter how odd sounding it is or the fact no one really seems to answer any questions flat out to him. This boy is given a name, “Alice”. Surprisingly enough being called this name at first doesn’t cause him to reject such a girly sounding name- though he does state it is ‘probably his name’ which raises another curious point about “Alice”. Whenever he is asked of something the majority of the time he himself does not answer ‘flat out’, he too keeps his answers ambiguous generally. He seems to react suspiciously to strangers for only a short period of time before he lowers his guard generally into a relaxed posture. He’s also rather up front about things but overall is generally a ‘nice guy’ give or take.

Alice also has a thing for the ladies. Using his natural confidence in himself, he holds no uneasiness when it comes to interaction with the opposite gender, unless that opposite gender is attempting to kill him of course. He flirts lightly with various girls but is by no means girl crazy, just rather typical boy next door sort of deal with it comes to them. However when a girl is attempting to, for example, throttle him which does indeed happen-he doesn’t seem to hold any honor about not hitting a girl (or in the ‘example’s’ case, kicking them). His demeanor with guys however is a bit rockier. He’s often feeling as if he’s not being taken very seriously and this causes him to generally snap and yell and throw small fits when he feels he’s being made fun of.

The 89th Alice is very devoted to his cause, throughout the chapters he is constantly reminding himself (or it’s the original Alice goading him on within his mind) that he will become Alice. That all he wants is this name, to be acknowledged by others, to have a purpose, a home, a place to belong. Many times this goal of his can be shaken by the costs, the Duchess’ life, the lives of the children who knew her, his very sanity, the memories that were seemingly washed from him, and also- his pride. At one point where he failed to keep the Dormouse’s attention long enough for Hatter to meet up with him, the 89th Alice is forced to go to another option. Hatter states Alice has to show his ‘loyalty’ to the queen in order to enter Caterpillar lane. This somehow translates to Alice having to dress in drag, which he in fact does while complaining. But it goes to show that he will sacrifice his pride for this name.

As confident and curious as he is, the seemingly level headed blond does have a darker side that we only get brief hints of. From what we know in the series later on, this 89th Alice isn’t without a past as we first thought. In the chapter “Bad End” number 8, after Alice is absorbed into ‘The Duke’ we are put into another ‘world’ or perhaps better fitting, a dream. Alice? Awakens in a garden and is greeted by a girl whom he calls Big Sis and seemingly knows. We watch him and his sister chat over cake, he teases her lightly-however this all takes a sudden turn when the girl tells him he is not Alice. This sudden turn is only met with a strange unstable sense of mind when it comes to Alice? Himself. He gives a shaky, almost desperate smile stating of course he’s Alice. But the girl across from him doesn’t back down, so neither does her. Alice? Speaks now-but it seems there’s two subconscious as we hear Alice? In his head trying to tell himself to stop. It becomes apparent we are watching a dream, or maybe a distorted memory play out.

“I've had enough of no one calling my name...no one acknowledging my existence...I don't want to live like a piece of scrap paper anymore...”

He goes further to state that Big Sis promised to give him a name; he’s standing as he draws his gun stating Big Sis has lived happily long enough and that it’s his turn to become Alice. He shoots his Big Sister while inside his head, the Alice ‘we’ know is screaming at himself to stop, to no avail. The reason I bring this up is because we are faced with two different 89th Alice’s, one who has no memory that we know of, and this one we watched in a dream, which killed the original Alice. It goes to show that 89th Alice has hidden demons that he, along with us, have no acknowledgment of until this moment.

Beyond those tucked away homicidal tendencies, once the Duchess is beheaded for becoming ‘useless’ when she cannot lure the Duke away from “Alice” and there for putting “Alice” in danger. When the 89th Alice learns of this his world is seemingly wrecked. Not only does he blame himself for her death but so did the children who often played with the Duchess, that is before they too met a grisly death by the Queen’s scythe. He is so broken by the news that he walks alone outside in the rain without any protection and of course that is simply a recipe for trouble as he is haunted by the regrets of his actions that cost a little girl’s life. But even as he is haunted by the thought, he clings mentally to the words Duchess left with him and even repeated to him the last time he saw her, to become Alice-he must sacrifice many things-he must always move forward no matter what happens.

Even as the 88th Alice, now a Regret bothers him on the street and even goes as far as kissing him while telling him to give the name up-he doesn’t seem bothered or even receptive to it at all. Something curious happens in this moment too as she kisses him-she begins to deteriorate, bits of her form falling off to splash into ink on the ground she screams and lets go, questioning what in the world he is. He still doesn’t seem bothered by what’s happened; in fact he doesn’t even seem to notice, only quoting the words, to keep moving forward. But this dull broken spell is lifted when Hatter shows up and shortly after this it’s assumed in his mind he has come to that decision in his head, to move forward and not become bogged down with regret. He’s back to yelling at Hatter and vice versa in no time.

Character Abilities:
Nothing worth mentioning, he's a typical human and not even that great with the gun he was given.
A single revolver and the clothes on his back.

Action/Communication thread/post sample:
[ x ]


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