Title: DEAD END part ii (previous part(s) ➝ part i) Author: strawberryclash Genre: Um..Fiction and all that jazz(I would say its prety PG for now) Pairing: Hiroto/Shou?
Title: Dearly Beloved(click!) Author:strawberryclash Pairing: Hiroto/? Genre: Um...Sorrow? Or something.. Raiting: G? Summary: “T-They’re never coming back…” Disclaimer: If I owned alice nine, i think i would wet myself..
Title: Hungover (click! to acess the fan-ficie!) Author: strawberryclash Pairing: Tora/Hiroto Rating: Probably some where around NC-17+ (Language, Adult themes, Sexual Content, ETC.) Genre: Stupid Humor, Smutt
Title: Mans best friend Author: strawberryclash Pairing: Hiroto/? (i guess you'll just have to read and see.) Genre: Fluff? (in some way, I see that fit, but not love fluff)