stamped as the Mad Hatter // Disney movie theme

Mar 13, 2010 10:21

Name/Nickname: Liz
Age: 21
Previously stamped as: Mad Hatter
Apps you've voted on:
[Lol there are currently ~none.]

About you
- Competitive
- Inflexible
- Childish
- Smug
- Rash
- Irrational
- Impatient
- Judgmental
- Over-dramatic

- Extroverted
- Proud
- Strong-willed
- Bold
- Confident
- Independent
- Knowledgeable
- Enthusiastic
- Competitive

Anything else you'd think important to share about yourself? I'm lazy and just copied the positive/negatives from my initial application. Sorry. >____>;

What are you most ~passionate about? Oh, fff. How about everything, is that a good enough answer? If I know of something, I am passionate about it - even if it's something I absolutely HATE, I am passionate with that hate. I don't do things in halves, ever.

What is most important to you? JFFFJLSDJFSD THIS IS HARRRD. Probably just being true to myself~ even though that sounds horribly cliche and I'm rolling my eyes just typing this.

What do you consider to be your strongest point?
My boldness. When I was a little girl I was very bleh~ and tried so hard to hide things about myself that were different from my peers. And then I got older and realized how stupid that was of me. I am not ashamed of who I am, at all, and as such I don't keep things to myself when they are an aspect of myself.

This or that
Optimistic or Pessimistic Optimistic
Reasonable or Irrational Irrational
Idealist or Realist Realist
Tense or Calm Tense
Caring or Apathetic Caring

[X] Curious
[X] Happy
[X] Cynical
[X] Temperamental
[ ] Considerate
[ ] Nervous

Have you seen Alice in Wonderland? OF COURSE~
If not, why not?
If so, did you like it? I love all but the Mad Hatter's voice in it. It always scared me D:
Least favourite character (or whoever you don't want to be stamped as)? The Walrus. :|
Anything else?

theme:disney, !stamped:chesire, ~!stamped

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