
Nov 17, 2008 14:40

In case anybody missed this entry over at news in news, kindly go read it and do not start whining about where LJ went tomorrow. Enough people will do so, no need to add to the pile. (Though I do wonder how large the pile will be, even given there was plenty of warning in advance...

In case of emergency, I guess I'll see some of you over at the LJ Read more... )

computer, rants

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Comments 13

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alice_montrose November 17 2008, 13:13:40 UTC
Bitching will happen - it always does. The problem will be, they cannot bitch properly until LJ comes back online... or unless they do it over at InsaneJournal. I shall be mostly asleep and/or in class for the duration, but I'll probably end up "checking" out of habit. It's like a drug - even if you don't post often, you still need to know you'll be able to read it at will. *deep sigh*

No idea what the userpics will be at this time. I guess we'll find out on Wednesday or Thursday?

*Edit. Clearly, I should not post replies without reading after French classes. Sowee?


mechante_fille November 17 2008, 14:07:43 UTC
Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten entirely over the weekend. ^_^


alice_montrose November 17 2008, 14:42:00 UTC
This kind of helps prove my point. :) You're welcome.


carmentalis November 17 2008, 14:38:14 UTC
You mean you don't trust LJ users to notice why it goes down, with warning well in advance? Oh ye of little faith!

Why, one would think they've missed other big announcements lately, like that big BETA button on the profile page for the last two months...


alice_montrose November 17 2008, 14:47:24 UTC
Yes, or the fact they have announced this downtime several times before. OR the beta button on the accounts settings page, for that matter.

But surely they don't miss anything, so I might be one of those paranoid people who have no faith in the average LJ user. My bad.


misura November 17 2008, 15:47:34 UTC
Ah - thank you, I did completely miss that, so I'd probably have spent quite some time scowling at my computer tomorrow, if it hadn't been for you.

(Mmm - a permanent lj for only $175? I'm paying $0 for my lj right now, so yeah, I can clearly see what a huge amount of money I could be saving right there. *is a little tempted anyway*)


alice_montrose November 17 2008, 16:16:54 UTC
You should not scowl - in time, it causes wrinkles. ^_~

I'm not getting a permanent account. I might still invest in my paid account (I'm having second thoughts about deciding not to), but we'll have to see.


ambers79 November 17 2008, 20:41:48 UTC
I probably wouldn't have notice, it isn't like their going to be off line that long. I usually don't read their new posts, I'm pretty bad about it.

I had to laugh at their permeant account thing. For $175 you are essentially paying for a little more than eight years on LJ at their current rate of $20 a year. I wonder how many users are really committed to LJ that they know they will be kicking around here 8 years from now to pay that amount of money.


alice_montrose November 18 2008, 05:55:32 UTC
I'll probably be at Uni and thus unable to check it anyway. But some of the US-based people might panic, since it's evening over there and all.

Me, I'd rather pay yearly. I've been here long enough, and know that things will be very different in a few years. Even if I buy yearly paid accounts and icons space, I still won;t get to more than $50/year.


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